I’m joining Anne @ Books of My Heart in listing some of my Top 10’s of 2020. It’s not too late to join in if you want! It’s fun to see everyone’s top 10 lists. Here’s the schedule:
- Today: Top 10 Characters of 2020
- Tomorrow: Top 10 Your Choice of 2020
- Saturday: Top 10 Books you want to read in 2021
Top 10 Characters of 2020
I am a very character driven reader.If I fall in love with characters, I can forgive quite a bit in the plot. You’ll see that quite a few of my characters are from series that are long and ongoing. A few are ones I hope to read more of. Only one is a one book wonder.
- Halvard from Sky in the Deep. Let’s start with the one book wonder. I fell in love with Halvard – but as a kid. When I picked up the next book, I was so excited to see him in it. And yet, his presence wasn’t the same as a grown up and not enough to keep me from DNFing the book. But I did love him, so he makes the list.
- Suzy Spitfire from Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody and Suzy Spitfire and the Snake Eyes of Venus. This is a definite I hope to read more of character. As of now, the series (it’s not categorized as a series in Goodreads, but I think it should be) isn’t showing more books, but it ended in a way that definitely should lead to more. And I look forward to the chance to see more of Suzy Spitfire (her name describes her well).
- Oberon from Hounded. Dogs that have full personalities and can talk are always a favorite of mine. I enjoyed the first book in this series and Oberon was a big part of that. I look forward to more of him as I continue the series… though it may not be for a while since I’ll probably wait to read it as part of Anne’s read-a-long in 2023. I know that seems like a long time from now, but I’ve waited this long, so why not?
- Lila Bard from the Shades of Magic trilogy. She’s the number one reason I got hooked on this series – in fact, without Lila I might have DNF’d a series I ended up loving. She’s spunky with a soft underbelly and I loved watching her grow through the series. There are some spin off books that I may read, but I don’t think Lila will be in them, so I’m not as excited.
- Shelby Nichols from the Shelby Nichols series. This is one of the few series that I’m always current on and 14 books in, I still get excited for another adventure with Shelby.
- Anna Cornick from the Alpha & Omega series and
- Mercedes Thompson from the Mercedes Thompson series. These two leading ladies keep me excitedly coming back for more action and excitement. Combined we’re at like book 17 and I’m still eagerly waiting for the next book. I love all the characters, but I’m simplifying and going with the leading ladies that steal the show.
- Eve Dallas and
- Roarke and
- Delia Peabody from the In Death series. These last 3, like Anna and Mercedes, are only a sample of the hosts of characters I’ve come to adore in this 50+ book series. But I feel like these 3 are the heart… with Mavis, and Somerset, and Mira… you get the point. I love them all and could easily make a top 10 with just the In Death characters. At 50+ books, they’ve become like good friends or even family lol!
Oberon was one of my favorites too! You’ve got a great list and found a few characters to love during a really hard year.
I think we must love very similar books because seven of your characters I’ve read the books and loved them, too. Suzy Spitfire and Mercy Thompson made a couple of my other lists. 🙂 But also loved Oberon, Anna, Eve, Roarke, and Peabody.
Great choices, though only read a few of these books/series.
Yes all great choices. I knew about your Lila love. I am a huge fan of strong women which of course includes Mercy and Anna, and Eve. I’m a fan of Ian McNabb too. Thanks for going on this journey of honoring our favorites.