#FitReaders ~ 1 Big Success, Lots of Little Failures

Posted April 15, 2019 by Berls in FitReaders / 3 Comments


Fit Readers is a group/challenge run by Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog and Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About, designed to support and encourage each other on our health and fitness goals. In years past I’ve participated but just done quick updates on my Sunday Post. This year, I want my goals to be a top priority, so I’m going to share my updates in a separate, more detailed weekly post. The day it appears will probably fluctuate, though, so just keep your eyes out for it 🙂

1 Big Success, Lots of Little Failures

Let’s start with the positive, shall we? Yesterday I taught my first spin class! It was a mock class and the conclusion of my spin instructor training and it was GREAT. I’m sure I made mistakes and I will ask for feedback on them tonight (I work front desk at my gym tonight), but I felt good, the energy in the room was great and overall I think it went really well. For the girl who couldn’t even stand for more than like 30 seconds when she took spin back in September 2017, being able to teach a 45 minute class – working hard and talking the entire time – it’s a big accomplishment… so there’s the big success for the week.

But man, oh man, the failures are numerous. I ate like SHIT last week. I went to Dunkin’ Donuts almost EVERY MORNING! I didn’t get donuts, but I did get a hot chocolate, a kolache, and a cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese. And that was just how I started my day. I don’t even know what I ate through much of the rest of the days last week. I know I had pizza in there somewhere. I had some good meals, too. But I was so incredibly unfocused. And yesterday, I was so damn tired that I went to bed without prepping for my week at all. Which means I have already set myself up for failure this week. I’m going to try really hard to fix it because OMG I’m sure the scale is looking bad. I guess that’s the other success… I stayed off the scale. But I can’t help but think I wouldn’t have let myself eat so badly if I was getting on it daily. Slippery slope :/

Emotional Health Goals

My emotional health goals for April and how I did last week:

  • Do my miracle morning in some form everyday – even if it’s modified on the weekendI did Monday – Wednesday & then Friday. Much better than I would have expected honestly.
  • Do my miracle night every night, again, modifying Friday and Saturday nights I sucked at Miracle Nights this week. I was tired and not feeling well most nights, so I just didn’t do it, pretty much every night :/
  • Take two, two minute 4-square breathing breaks every day. I remember to do this one time. Just one is better than last week when I didn’t do it once. Will try again
  • Practice re-framing my attitude to myself and learn to say “I forgive myself for judging myself for _______” to prevent downward spirals. No. So I’m going to try to say this to myself over and over again today, to get past last weeks failures and get back on track.

This week, emotionally, I think I need to focus on the self-forgiveness, so I can pull myself out of my clear spiral.

Fitness Goals

My Fitness Goals for April and how I did last week:

  • Take 1 spin and 1 Turbo Kick class each week to get better at form and class structure I didn’t take any classes this week – just focused on practicing and that was more my goal this past week anyway, so I’m good with that.
  • Practice teaching at least 2 times a week for 1 hour each time. I practiced 3 times this week.
  • Get in at least 2 classes per week for enjoyment/fitness, not instruction. I didn’t do any extra classes this week, 100% focused on that mock class.
  • Study for AFAA exam 30 minutes each night before Miracle Night. I did this Monday and Wednesday only – so tired at night!

So this week I don’t really plan on hitting the gym until the weekend because I’m taking my AFAA exam on Friday and as of now, I am not ready. So everyday I’ll be focused on studying for the exam this week. I’ll worry about taking classes starting on the weekend.

Eating Goals

My April eating goals and how I did last week:

  • Fill in daily health log every night before bed I did this Monday – Thursday
  • Get in a minimum of 64 oz of water daily I did really good at water this week actually!
  • Drink a veggie smoothie or eat a salad every day to fill veggie needs Monday & Tuesday only
  • Pair protein with healthy fat at every meal Eating was pretty haphazard this week
  • Plan and prep food for the week on Sunday Nope

My main goal last week was water and veggie smoothies… and I got half of it. I’m going to continue focusing on the water and I think my other goal this week will just be to recover from not having a plan. Get some healthy lunches put together and maybe some veggie smoothie breakfasts if I can manage.

For those that don’t know already, I try to check in each morning and each night on Instagram so be sure to follow me there. I’m @berlssc.

What are your fitness goals for April? How are you doing? Happy Health and Fitness!

Berls is sharing her health and fitness goal progress for April 2019 #FitReaders Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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3 responses to “#FitReaders ~ 1 Big Success, Lots of Little Failures

  1. Jen

    Well I am SUPER proud of your successes this week – teaching a class is no small feat! Great job!! The eating thing is tough, and I am struggling with that as well. (I’m literally sitting here eating chips and dip as I check blogs!). I think it’s the time of year for me. We are very busy, I”m always tired and just want comfort food. Then it starts to spiral. I have to remind myself – one meal at a time and work on my goals. *HUGS*

  2. Glad that your slip didn’t defeat you and you’re rarin’ to get back on track. My personal goal is water intact and extend my exercise stretches and walk times each day. I got out of routine and out of my better times with a few rounds of infection and flu this past winter.

    Have a fit week, Berls! 🙂