Welcome to Task It Tuesday! hosted by the Awesome The Geeky Blogger
What is Task It Tuesday? It is where every week I list a task or tasks that I would like to accomplish on my blog or in Real Life before next Tuesday. It can be big or small but the goal is to get something done that will make my blog/reading life/challenges run smoother, faster, or more efficient and/or get those simple or complex tasks done in my real life.
Soooo I haven’t been doing very good with the Blog Ahead because I am forever in October Posts. I thought I would be done but I can happily say that after this week I will be! YAY! I am hoping by the end of the week I will be tackling the blog ahead and getting those posts done for November but also drafting some posts for November and December. I am feeling very productive, now if my family would just stop asking me questions I can actually get some shit done. 😉 So my long list is still long but I am working on it 🙂
My Task(s) this week:
- October Posts ~ These will be done first.
Template for A Monster and A BookSet Up Review books 4Set Up App ReviewsFinish One (add pictures)Monthly RewindBookish Resolutions Update Post2015HW Progress Report.- Finish Monster and Book feature (pop in text, logos)
- Dewey 24hr Read-a-thon Template
Blog Ahead ~ Getting ready to spend the entire month of October getting posts done.- Spreadsheets ~ I need to update and finish this off completely so from now on it will be only updates.
- Goodreads ~ I need to update my books.
- Book Calendar ~ This is for ARCs but will be to keep track for next year
- Posts ~ I have a lot to get done for the end of the year. (these are also under the blog ahead because they are the things I want to get done this month)
- 8 Month of Giving Thanks posts
- Out with the Old in with the New Posts ~ 12 Posts ~ 9 Post to complete, 3 Posts to draft
- Fun Facts Books
- Before the blog
- My TBR list posts.
- Set up Hallmark Christmas Movie Review Post template
- Bookish Resolutions Sign Up Post
- COYER Sign Up Post
- 2016 Reading Assignment Sign Up Post
- Bookish Resolutions end of year post
- 2015 Reading Assignment end of year post
- APP Reviews ~ I have a few I need to start writing.
Reviews ~ Need to write 1- HTML/CSS/Design ~ I want to build the structure of the site this weekend and maybe start on the design of the header
Blog Ahead Update
I haven’t been able to do anything yet with this but I am hoping I will by the end of the week.
- Month of Giving Thanks Posts ~ 8 Posts
- Out with the Old in with the New Posts ~ 12 Posts ~ 9 Post to complete, 3 Posts to draft
- 5 App Reviews
- 9 random posts
- Fun Facts
- Books before the blog
- My TBR list posts.

Do you have tasks you want to complete? Head on over to The Geeky Blogger and jump on the linky
LOL I’m forever in October posts for Blog Ahead too. I think the great thing about the challenge though is motivation for the future. Even if you don’t get the 31 posts for Nov and on done hopefully you still get the motivation to keep working in that direction even after the event is over, ya know? 🙂
Love your Blog Ahead ideas. Good luck Michelle
Thanks Kim 🙂
Your list scares me….lol. Looks like your doing really good though! 🙂
Anything related or organizing scares you lol I am doing ok but I have so much more to get to.
Whew, that’s an ambitious list but you’re making progress. I’m working on October and Blog Ahead; I’m in better shape for Blog Ahead than I am for October. 😀 We got this!
I was exhausted after I typed it all out 🙂
I am ALMOST done with October, Friday will be it and FINALLY move on to November.
I have one review left to write for October and I’m working on my NetGalley books for November. Whew! Real life and family sure get in the way of blogging. lol Just kidding. 😉
They really do! lol They really need to spend more time with Daddy because mommy has blogging things to do 😉
Looks like you are making progress! Funny how much time blogging takes, huh? LOL. A Monster and a Book sounds interesting…and Christmas movie reviews? I’ve been doing more TV reviews and they are kinda fun.
have a great Tuesday!
Way to go, Michelle! You are so effing organized! I’m doing very well with the blog ahead challenge, I have 18 posts scheduled right now, and a few of those are reviews, while others are meme posts 🙂
I need to send you an e-mail about the monster post.. will get to that this evening after my classes are over 🙂
Thanks! I’m really trying to get ahead just need to get through October first 🙂