We sit for hours looking through our TBR lists wondering when we will ever get to that one book we were dying to read when we added it 3 months ago or maybe even a year. As our piles get bigger we realize there is just not enough time in a day to read all the books that we wanted to read. So I had a great idea, pick 3 books from my TBR Pile and have you all pick which one I should read next. This is a monthly MEME and you are more than welcome to join me. Just create a blog post with your three books and link the post below. Need the full rules? No problem, you can find them all right HERE. Don’t forget to stop by the blogs on the linky below to help the other bloggers by voting on their next read!

So this month I picked
It has been a miss for the last two books, no fault to any one just think maybe the author isn’t really my things so lets change things up a little bit and get a mix of different books. Looking to forward to see which one wins! 🙂
Opium and Absinthe
by Lydia Kang
New York City, 1899. Tillie Pembroke’s sister lies dead, her body drained of blood and with two puncture wounds on her neck. Bram Stoker’s new novel, Dracula, has just been published, and Tillie’s imagination leaps to the impossible: the murderer is a vampire. But it can’t be—can it?
A ravenous reader and researcher, Tillie has something of an addiction to truth, and she won’t rest until she unravels the mystery of her sister’s death. Unfortunately, Tillie’s addicted to more than just truth; to ease the pain from a recent injury, she’s taking more and more laudanum…and some in her immediate circle are happy to keep her well supplied.
Tillie can’t bring herself to believe vampires exist. But with the hysteria surrounding her sister’s death, the continued vampiric slayings, and the opium swirling through her body, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for a girl who relies on facts and figures to know what’s real—or whether she can trust those closest to her.
Once & Future
(Once & Future #1)
by Amy Rose Capetta, Cori McCarthy
I’ve been chased my whole life. As a fugitive refugee in the territory controlled by the tyrannical Mercer corporation, I’ve always had to hide who I am. Until I found Excalibur.
Now I’m done hiding.
My name is Ari Helix. I have a magic sword, a cranky wizard, and a revolution to start.
When Ari crash-lands on Old Earth and pulls a magic sword from its ancient resting place, she is revealed to be the newest reincarnation of King Arthur. Then she meets Merlin, who has aged backward over the centuries into a teenager, and together they must break the curse that keeps Arthur coming back. Their quest? Defeat the cruel, oppressive government and bring peace and equality to all humankind.
No pressure.
American Royals
(American Royals #1)
by Katharine McGee
What if America had a royal family?
When America won the Revolutionary War, its people offered General George Washington a crown. Two and a half centuries later, the House of Washington still sits on the throne.
As Princess Beatrice gets closer to becoming America’s first queen regnant, the duty she has embraced her entire life suddenly feels stifling.
Nobody cares about the spare except when she’s breaking the rules, so Princess Samantha doesn’t care much about anything, either . . . except the one boy who is distinctly off-limits to her.
And then there’s Samantha’s twin, Prince Jefferson. If he’d been born a generation earlier, he would have stood first in line for the throne, but the new laws of succession make him third. Most of America adores their devastatingly handsome prince . . . but two very different girls are vying to capture his heart.
Let’s Vote….
Pick one of the three books in the survey to help me find what book I will read this month

Thank you so much for stopping by to vote 🙂
Check back next week to see which one I will be reading!
Have a great day and Happy Reading!
I went wtih Opium and Absinthe because I love Lydia Kang. I really want to read it as well. I hope you enjoy whichever wins, Michelle. Have a great week. Stay safe and well.
I have a cat theme for this month’s poll: https://www.literaryfeline.com/2020/07/weekly-mews-07032020.html
I voted for Once and Future because of the pretty cover and it sounds like an exciting read. I hope this month’s pick will be a good one for you 🙂
I’m excited for all of these. The cover is really nice 🙂 thank for voting Lola!
I picked American Royals because I’ve read it and LOVED it. 🙂
I keep hearing that it’s a good read and the next one is out this year. Thanks for voting Brandee!!