My Review:
This book is hard to review only because I originally decided it would be a DNF but I was at 57% and since I was reading it with a friend and she told me it got better I should try again, I did. However my view wasn’t any different when I continued. Let me explain, I LOVED the first book so much that I got a picture of the last illustration that is in the book hanging on my wall. The author is a wonderful illustrator as well as telling an interesting story but somehow I just wasn’t feeling this book, I was totally heartbroken. The characters just weren’t evolving like I wanted and at times I was so frustrated with how the story was going that it was a bit predictable. Everyone was just so mean to each other and I just wasn’t understand the flow of the story by the time I did finish it I still had questions and it had a bit of a cliff hanger. It was very slow in the beginning and at one point I just kind of gave up on it all. The last 20% was interesting and the illustrations were phenomenal but it didn’t save the story for me.
The story leaves off about were the last one ended but it threw in a bunch of stuff that I wasn’t sure needed to be in the book because once I got closer to the end I realized most of it didn’t really matter at least to me and most was unresolved. I was hoping for more of progress and I felt we are still in the same place the 1st left off. I really do love the characters but the frustration of them was overwhelming and I just didn’t understand why I still have as many questions as I did after the first book.
Since this was almost a DNF I gave it 3 stars. They are characters I was familiar with but the story is what really hurt the story for me. I am hoping the next book wraps up all the ends in this book and finally pulls the story together. I just felt like this book was a set up for the next one and for some reason those kind of book, for me, never seem to work like I hope they would.

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review
Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!
I’m sorry this was a letdown, Michelle. I hate it when book #1 is so awesome and #2 just fizzles. I understand wanting more character development and for the story to move along…at least there were amazing illustrations. 🙂 Are you going to hold this over Berls’ head?!? *haha*
Lol no I plan to read the next one, I really think if I was able to read these all at one time my view would be different but I’m also starting to realize I’m not a fan of books about Fae!
Thank you for the review, and I’m sorry you didn’t like this one like you did the first one. I completely understand “middle book syndrome” and tried to avoid it, but I did find this book much harder to write because I was putting the characters through such hard times.
I hope you will still continue on and try the third book. Email me if you’d like a copy for review! The story in the third book brings the characters out of their hard-times-slump and takes them toward the heroes they are meant to be, and (I hope!) wraps up any ends from the previous two books. I’d love your honest opinion!
P.S. The third book begins directly after the second book ends so it’s great to read straight through.
I am glad they are not in slumps in the next book, I think I was the most frustrated with how they all were so connected in the first book and it seemed they were losing connection but the end just brought it back together. I am going to read the next book for sure and I already bought it when I got the second book. I honestly need to find out what happens next and I do love all the characters. My friend (berls)is reading the next one now (borrowed from me) so as soon as she is done I will read it. She told me it is similar to the progress of the first one. . Your illustrations are just amazing and had a hard time picking my favorite! I was bummed it didn’t work for me but I honestly loved the first one so I can’t bail out on a series especially how it ended I really want to see what happens next.
Its funny how differently we saw this book – I just hope you end up liking the conclusion as much as I am so far 🙂
That’s what I love so much about doing this, we both have different tastes but the same and our views are always different (totally not sure if that makes sense)
Ah that sucks that the second book was such a dud. 🙁
I will most likely read the last one but if I DNF it I’m going to not return. Because of the end I want to see what happens next.
Oh no! I hate when the follow up to a book I loved is just kind of meh. This sounds like it has the 2nd book curse as well with the unfinished storyline. Hope the next book is fantastic!
Me too. This is the second time I didn’t like the second book. It’s a bummer when you love the first so much. I plan to read the next one anyway so fingers crossed it ties up the lose ends
That’s so sad when you love a first book in the series and then the second book is disapointing. I hate it when that happens, disapointing books are the worst. It sounds like the plot doesn’t really get any further in this book and it seems this book has a bit of middle book syndrome. But it does sound fun that there are drawings/ artwork in this book. Great review and I hope the third book makes up for this one a bit!
The art work is GORGEOUS!!! I read this with Berls and she liked it better than me but I just couldn’t get passed the feeling this was a set up book for book 3