Welcome to Task It Tuesday! hosted by the Awesome The Geeky Blogger
What is Task It Tuesday? It is where every week I list a task or tasks that I would like to accomplish on my blog or in Real Life before next Tuesday. It can be big or small but the goal is to get something done that will make my blog/reading life/challenges run smoother, faster, or more efficient and/or get those simple or complex tasks done in my real life.
Tuesday comes very quickly, now that I know I need to manage my time a little better. So I will continue on with what I had tasked for last week since I realize this is a bigger job than I thought. I also came to a standstill trying to figure out how I wanted to really organize my books/reading month to month.
The menu was the easier part and I was able to get a good grocery list made for next week. If I can stay a couple weeks ahead I will be very happy. I plan to make more menus and have a bunch of recipes that I have been wanting to try from Pinterest. If I can plan the menus ahead I will be able to make sure I have the stuff needed to make them. I tried this last year and it worked pretty good but I sort of stopped, so getting back into it will introduce my family to new meals since we tend to do the same thing every week.
My Task(s) this week:
- Organize my books Taking this slow so this week, I would like to update my spreadsheet and goodreads with my kindle freebies and any books that I recently received. If I am able to get that done then I will move on to figuring out a reading schedule (sort of) nothing set in stone, more of an outline.
- Groceries: Going to do more menus with recipes from Pinterest this time, so I plan to find at least one or two recipes to attempt a week and this might help me get my feature My Pinterest Cookbook set up since I have wanted to do this for a while but just haven’t found the time to get the recipes made.
Tasks completed this week:
I was able to get a few menus done for the next couple of weeks. Didn’t really do anything with the spreadsheet 🙁
Do you have tasks you want to complete? Head on over to The Geeky Blogger and jump on the linky
Menus are the devil. 🙂 I try really hard to do menus and then when it comes time to cook it I don’t want too…lol. I have to try better and plan better cause I want to lose weight and really to do that you got to stick to the healthy menu you set up..doesn’t work if you don’t..lol. 🙂
I finally found a way to keep track and I think it will work since I am mushing it with my grocery list. Want to see what happens when I only by enough food for the meals I will be making so it will force me NOT to get lazy 🙂 Lets see how long it lasts, I too need to lose weight also. A very good amount of weight after I quit smoking I just got too heavy!
My week last week didn’t get as much done as I wanted…
Personal list: I did deep clean the bathrooms and get part of the menu plan done for the week. I didn’t finish putting it all together but I did get the plan.
Blog List: I lost my work so starting over *sigh* on 2013 to 2015 (the rest were in google docs)
Oh no 🙁 well once I started the spreadsheet it was great but now I sort of don’t know were to go with it.
Menu planning is fun 🙂 I spend a lot of time on Pinterest lol