Welcome to Task it Tuesday, created by the fabulous Geeky Blogger and adopted by Because Reading
What is Task it Tuesday? Task it Tuesday is a weekly meme dedicated to the list makers of the blogging world 🙂 It’s all about being productive and organized – on your blog and in real life (if you so chose). By sharing our lists we get instant accountability partners and also get ideas of things to add to our lists (or sometimes ways to tackle tasks more efficiently). We hope you’ll join us!
I worked on a few tasks in the last few weeks but not as many as I would have liked but that is ok, the new year is around the corner and I am hoping all the plans I have will last the entire year. Task It Tuesday will be back regularly in 2020. It will be the second Tuesday in the month. If you do it once a week that is great feel free to link up all your posts. Task it Tuesday will also be associated with Bookish Resolutions so it can help keep those goals on target if you picked any reading or blogging goals. You can find the sign up for that HERE.
Now lets get to my tasks for the month…wish me luck! 😉
Blogging Tasks
- Reorganize Shelves on Goodreads
- Make new shelves to better organize my books
- Create Challenge shelves for books I read
- Combine my Amazon Shelves with Goodreads.
- Go through READ books and make sure I read all those books.
- Clean shelves for have shelf and have ebooks (add and delete)
- Organize books I read this year in my book tracker book, I made.
- Draft a few posts
- Get holiday posts drafted/typed/scheduled
- Get out with old in with new posts drafted.
(fix logo) - Brainstorm some new ideas
Make Halloween and Christmas Header for blog- Make a few new images for new posts.
Do you have some tasks to take care of?
Join us the second Tuesday of the month to sign up. Are you doing it once a week? Now problem you can add your links here!
November? Was there such a thing? lol hope you have a good week!
I think I’m still trying to get through April. Lol
I don’t make lists because I never stick to them. I can’t even stick to a TBR.
I love lists, I feel like I can never get anything done unless I have a good list lol