Week in READ-View Oct 7

Posted October 6, 2013 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 1 Comment

Sorry I didn’t have a post last week I was so crazy.  

This week on the blog was quiet the first couple of days 
but the end of the week finished with two great reviews of two great books.

My blog is also all decorated for Halloween,
 I love decorating my house so I had to decorate the blog.
I am already working on my Xmas Design!!!
The last three months of the year are my favorite.
Hoping to have some fun Holiday themed giveaways to do during these months. 

I have started to realize that I am a Book Blitz lover. I love doing them, I love signing up for them, as a blogger I’m not sure if thats a good think or not and for the most part I really believe I am doing this blogging thing all wrong but I almost want to say I don’t care. I love promoting books, I love finding new ones and the best way for me to find them is in a Blitz or Blast. I also like doing Blog Tours but you don’t always get picked for them at least with a blitz or blast you are guaranteed a spot most of the time. Only one time I missed a blast for a book I really wanted to do and I either never signed up even thought I though I did or the email got sent to spam and I never saw it. Didn’t realize until after the blast was over that I missed it, I was kind of bummed but the good thing was I already read the book and reviewed it so I wasn’t to bummed but I love the author and wanted to help her out anyway I could. So I do hope you are enjoying the Blast and Blitz posts I don’t use them as filler I actually enjoy doing them.

That was the main reason I started doing the Author’s Spotlight. I love featuring books even if I haven’t read them. It’s so much fun to help out and all of the authors that I have met are AWESOME and super nice. Love working with them. If you want to be featured just send me an email, I have a few spots open and would love to feature you and your book on my blog.

Speaking of loving something….

My Friend Berls from Fantasy is more fun and myself has come up with a great idea. We LOVE challenges so we came up with an idea to host a few throughout the year, it will be so much fun and we are hoping to have a Goodread group up soon to share with you all the details. It will even give you a chance to host your own challenge. This is a great way to make friends and network in the book blog community 🙂

I also have a Christmas Giveaway Blog Hop in the works you. I will have all the details for it soon in the next couple of weeks. Still working out some of the details but I think it will be fun. It will be a great way to promote your blog and even give a gift doing Xmas. I will let you know more soon!

Also my 1 year Blogaversary is coming up and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in donating something for the HUGE giveaway I want to host. I will be happy to add your link to my rafflecopter too, you can use FB, Twitter or whichever you wish for people to follow you at. Just send me an email with the subject Giveaway Donation to limabean74@aol.com. Anything type of SWAG you can donate is great. You can even mail me stuff just let me know in the email what you want to donate. I am so excited about this 🙂
With all that being said (that was a lot) this is what I read this week I

it was kind of a slow week I have been so busy I have had limited amount of time to read but this is what I did read.
Through Glass 
by Rebecca Ethington

Well I tried with this book and I have heard a lot of other people say it was a great book but for some reason I just couldn’t get into it so for now I put it aside
by Amanda Gray

I was also able to finish this book and WOW it’s amazing

I will be doing a blog tour for October 8th, it really is a fantastic read

At the moment I am read

The Megalith Union 
by Bread LaMar


should be finished soon. and of course this book does not disappoint just as fabulous as the first one but I might be enjoying this one more. So much action and the characters have really been growing throughout the books. LOVING it!!!

I have four books I will be reading next.

I have no idea in what order and Of course the books might change

1. Death of the Mad Hatter by Sarah J. Pepper
2. Ground Zero: A Zombie Apocalypse by Nicholas Ryan
3. Fractured Legacy (Darkness Bound #1) by Skye Callahan
4. The Devil’s Tattoo by Nicole Taylor

I am trying to get through all my read/reviews before the Challenge starts
What Challenge you ask? 😉

Have you signed up for the challenge yet? This should be fun I have so many book on my Kindle from Netgalley that I have been wanting to read and I plan on getting through a few of them during the challenge. I can’t enter but the best part is the giveaway at the end. All you have to do it read/review and link your review so simple. You can find all the details HERE

Other then that I have had a great week, it was a little crazy but not to bad, I celebrated my 11 year Anniversary on Saturday October 5th with my husband and was able to spend a nice night out on Saturday just the two of us, which is a very rare thing with two little ones. We had a great night and it was wonderful to be able to spend sometime together.
Today we went Apple picking and picked up a couple of other things. I love apples eat about two or three a day so this was so much fun and got lots of apples to make pies, applesauce and just to eat.

Now I am off to relax with the family and watch WWE Battleground. The kids watch it for entertainment, I watch it for the hot guys with no shirts in what appears to be their underwear 😉 YAY!!!

Hope you all had a great week!!!

Until next time….
Happy Reading


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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One response to “Week in READ-View Oct 7

  1. As for doing the blog thing wrong – I think as long as you're happy, you're doing it right. Your blog is for your first and foremost afterall!

    Reading this I started to think about all the work we have still to do! I can't believe it's already October 7th. I know Friday is your blog work day, so maybe we can chat Thursday evening and come up with a plan of attack? The