This is a discussion post, your opinion is important to me but arguing is not allowed.
I am trying out something new, I am not big on discussion posts but I figured I would love to share my thoughts with people, however, like I said above, I am not about arguing so if you have something negative to say, just move along, it is not welcome here.
This post topic is books I couldn’t get into. Recently I changed my shelf on Goodreads from DNF to Not for Me. I realized that I might have DNF a book but in reality it just wasn’t a book for me but it might be a book for someone else. Sometimes when I see a book getting DNF I tend to skip it but just because one person didn’t like it doesn’t mean I might not like it. Everyone has a different taste in books and what they like or don’t like. So I thought I would tell you about the books that didn’t work for me, BUT might have worked for you. Some of these books I might be willing to try again…maybe 🙂
I tried this book two different ways and I still couldn’t get into it. I know a lot of people loved this book and the entire series but for me, I just didn’t care about the characters and it was just taking too long to get to the point. This was a highly recommended book and I know it was me and not the book.
I wanted to love this book so much and I just didn’t, I ended up putting it aside because I just wasn’t understanding and it was moving so slow. The characters were getting on my nerves and I just didn’t like it. I was so bummed since I heard it was a good read…again just not for me.
I tried 6 times to read this book and I think it was the writing I was having a hard time with. I am not even sure I was loving the story. I actually knew after the 3rd chapter that this book was going to be a struggle for me. So I put it aside, honestly didn’t like the movies either. This was a me for sure and maybe the book too but so many people loved it, probably just me.
I am not going to lie but I have wanted to try this book again. The first time I read a good portion before I stopped, I just wasn’t liking the characters and the story was a touch confusing. So I bailed on it but I wonder if in a different format I would like it better. While I am in no rush to find this out, I think this one was another me and not the book.
I will never even attempt to read this book again. The girl in the story I liked but Pestilence, I did not, he had no redeemable qualities. I couldn’t even see how after everything he did and the torture he put her through, I could even think it was ok for them to be together. He was awful, abusive and just down right evil. I hated him and no amount of words could have made me change my mind. However I do know a lot of people that loved this book, I just didn’t. It was probably me and not the book
I have more books that I wanted to list but I think I will save that for a part 2
Come see Michelle's list of books she just couldn't get into. Share on XWhat are some books that didn’t work for you? How do you feel about the books on my list?
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!
Michelle xx
You tried 6 times?! That’s more than I would ever give. haha Honestly, I don’t know if I would like The Hunger Games now. The movies were okay. I think it’s just a book/movie series that the whole family can enjoy so that’s why it’s so popular!
I read The Hunger Games and liked it but have really never had any desire to continue with the story. I like the switch from DNF to Not For Me. Books are so subjective and just because I want to throw a book at the wall doesn’t mean someone else might not love it!
I have both a DNF and an on pause shelf. I really enjoyed the whole Scythe series but have not read the others.
I like this as a topic for discussion. Sometimes a book is a not for me OR a not for me at the moment, ya know? Thanks for sharing some of what doesn’t work for you.
I wish I DNFed The Hunger Games…lol. I never continued after the first one so you didn’t miss much in my opinion. 🙂
I like what you did with your GR shelf. My shelf is DNF-maybe later for the same reasons. Sometimes I do fine with a book after I let it set for a bit.
And, yes, sometimes a book or writing style is just not for me. I do love seeing what you set aside and why.