Podcasts ~ Parcast Networks…The Dark Side of…

Posted March 12, 2021 by Michelle in discussion posts / 5 Comments


images/text taken from website

The Dark Side Of…
With Kate Leonard & Richard Rossner

Most people have no idea what’s hiding behind their favorite things. Every Monday, we dig deep into everything from charities to the Founding Fathers to the Bible, and turn up disturbing stories and salacious details. From the Space Race to the Wizard of Oz, there might just be a dark side to everything. The Dark Side Of is a production of Cutler Media and part of the Parcast Network.

This is the first Podcast I listened to for the Parcast network, in October last year I shared another podcast from the Parcast Network called Serial Killers. They have a lot of different true crime and supernatural podcasts that are really awesome and it’s one of my favorite go to podcasts when I am in the mood to listen to something true crime.

The Dark Side of… tells about the Dark side of a certain topic, I want to tell you about my favorite seasons (I think they are called). They don’t have a ton of topics but I have two that I honestly love and one that I haven’t listened to yet but plan on it soon.

The Dark Side of….Hollywood

I knew Hollywood had a dark side but I don’t think I have ever been so engrossed in something as I was with this. It starts with how Hollywood started and then told a bunch of stories each episode about people, places and things that happened. The Wizard of Oz section and the one about child start..BLEW ME AWAY! I can’t even imagine being a star back in those days. I actually wanted to read books set in this era just to experience more of the time.

There is even a story of Murder, Suicide and an unsolved mystery. This one might have been my favorite, I have already listened to it twice since finding it because each time I listen I realize something new!

The Dark Side of…Music

I know Music always had a dark side but I never thought it would go this dark. The K-Pop episode was also another mind blowing one because wow, I just din’t even realize what they put those kids through. The full story of Elvis and did you know Jazz and the Mafia was a thing? The 27 club was really sad, we lost a lot of great people at such a young age. This is another one I could easily listen to again and discover new things I didn’t hear the first time around.

The Dark Side of…Horror

This one I haven’t listened to yet. I do plan on it, they only have three episodes. Haunted Houses, Hollywood Movie Mayhem and Edgar Allen Poe. I have heard a podcast about him and I am not sure if it is the same one but I never realized his death was sort of unconfirmed. Like something happened to him a few days before he died and it’s still an unsolved mystery. Hollywood Mayhem sounds exciting.

I love learning about the Darker Side of History, it’s interesting to me to listen to how not so awesome stuff. Plus I am always shocked or surprised but all the stuff you find out behind the scenes!

You can find this podcast on Spotify or on Their Website

Is this a podcast you would be interested in listening too?

I hope you have an awesome day and Thanks for stopping by

Michelle xx

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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5 responses to “Podcasts ~ Parcast Networks…The Dark Side of…

  1. I adore podcasts, and I am always searching for new ones to listen to. I will have to add this one to my listening list. I love learning about the unseen things of some of my favorite things, there are always things hiding behind the curtains that I find fascinating. Thank you for highlighting it!