Life off the Blog ~ Games I play when not reading and blogging

Posted April 23, 2021 by Michelle in discussion posts, Life off the Blog / 12 Comments

If you know me you know I love playing games. I have played since I was young. Gaming is a way to relax for me when I am not reading. I love that some of the games that I play are more long term so they are played over time in a bit of a relaxed setting.

I picked two games to chat about today. These are my go to games when I need some time to unwind. One of them is very new but I can see myself really play for a long time as long as they keep updating it.

(I do have another game but I’ll save that one for another time.

The Sims 4

If you are someone that has been on my blog for a while you know I love the Sims. I have a few ways I like to play.

  1. Sometimes, I will play a family and play through until they are married with children, I am currently working on trying to make a legacy family which means you play with them for a bunch of generations picking one member of the family to continue after the original sims die.
  2. I love to build, I am talking from Houses, to restaurants, night clubs and anything in between. I tend to spend at least a few days building something and I love to decorate. Clutter is the best. I usually listen to my music or binge watch something while I plan.
  3. the last way I play is making people for the town. I usually save a world and delete everyone in it. I then create Sims to fill the world making the world a template to use. I add houses and restaurants and other stuff to the town and make it my own. I currently have one world like this and want to create another. It’s like having different worlds and different people. If you are a sims fan you will understand why having multi worlds makes for better game play and not having the same world every time.

The sims have made some fun updates recently with new packs, allowing you to make rental lots so your sims can go on vacation and we should be getting an update soon on a few new add ons they plan to put in the base game. I am a fan of CC (custom content), I love to find hair and clothes for the sims. While the game has great build items, I always think the clothing and hair is lacking and a lot of people that make CC are amazing. I am a member of a few of their patrons. This is my top go to game when I need to unwind or just need a day to be a little creative and have some fun.

Cozy Grove

Cozy Grove is super new and the way the game is made, you don’t have to play all day to get what you need. Every day you have tasks to do, some need to be done over a few days and some can be done within a certain time frame. Each task comes with a rewards. I love the the game developers actually said they made the game with the fact that people have lives and important stuff to do so the game gives you that quick break.

You are a little girl scout or spirit scout. You are helping little bear type ghosts remember who they are, the more spirit logs you get and feed to the fire the more bear ghosts show up for you to help. Some have tasks for you to do and others might have them once in a while. You can fish and gather supplies, craft stuff and have one bear ghost craft you food to feed to your bird and deer type friends that you purchase. The time that is on the image above is real time so when it is dark outside, it is dark in the game. You can see it get progressively darker as the day goes on and when it becomes night your little scout has a lamp. You can dress them up in different clothes and even give them new hair styles. I just love this game. This game is on some consoles but also in the Apple Arcade.

The music is soothing and the game play is fun, since the game is so new it has plenty of time to grow and add new and exciting things. I am looking forward to the holidays and even having more room to add to my camp. At this time there is no multiplayer. I honestly just love spending an hour in the morning drinking my coffee and helping out my bear friends or doing it at night to unwind.

What do you play or do if you are not reading or blogging?

Thanks for stopping by and Have a great day!

Michelle xx

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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12 responses to “Life off the Blog ~ Games I play when not reading and blogging

  1. I got the Sims 4 at christmas but haven’t started playing it yet… Mostly because it was the same time I got Stardew Valley and I started playing that and have become obsessed. It was the thing that got me through 3 months of complete lockdown!

    Cozy Grove looks like one I could get behind too but I hadn’t heard of it before. I’ll look into it now! 🙂

  2. Ohh love me some sims 4! I falled back in it, actually, though I basically just play with my family for generations.. until I get bored and create another one (or you know.. another pack is out xd). I usually try to get the maximum of all the careers & “special items”, I also quite love to collect the collections and try to finish a few; so far only got the minerals, but not with the new additions.

    Cozy Grove makes me think of Animal Crossing in a way! especially the pocket camp mobile app.

    • YES! I usually start a single mom with a teen girl and work on building the teen up to adulthood. Finishing school, going to university and finding a love interest. It’s my favorite way to play.

      I never played animal crossing on console but have played the mobile version. The art style reminds me of Don’t Starve game and has a little of those qualities too.

    • I have been playing since if first came out. I only grabbed it again about 2 years ago when my daughter wanted to play and the base game was free. I remembers how much I loved it and have no plans to stop playing 🙂