Two years ago I told this story about a ghost in my house. I thought I would share it again to celebrate Halloween.
My Ghost Story:
It was about 15 years ago and I just moved into my grandparents old house which is on the second floor of a two family house. Well, it just so happens to be the house my dad grew up in, My grandparents passed away and the house was empty for a year so we cleaned it out and I moved in. I love this place and it was perfect for me. It was my first time being alone, I had just gotten a dog so I had someone to keep me company. My boyfriend at the time (now my husband) used to come over later in the evening so we can hang out and he would sleep over on the weekends since we spent the weekends together anyway. One day he come over early, we decided we would go out for dinner so he left to go home and get changed (if he was staying why would he leave? I have no idea), while he was home getting ready I thought, why not take a nap, when he comes back he can wake me and we can go.
My house has 4 rooms plus the bathroom. You can run around the house in a circle because off the kitchen is a small room and the living room. In the small room there is a doorway to go into the bedroom and you can go through the door into the living room. If you lay on the bed you can see through the doorway of the small room into the doorway of the kitchen. So if you wanted to you could run around the house into all 4 rooms in a circle…OK back to the story.
I laid down in the bed and the dog laid next to me, I was facing the window not the doorway looking into the kitchen, I must have fallen asleep for a while because when I got up it was dark in the house, the only light was the street light coming in through the windows. I sat up in the bed and slowly turned my head to look at the kitchen doorway, a figure took up the entire doorway, it looked like it wore a long trench coat and one of those old mafia looking rimmed hats. I looked at it turned my head back to the window and quickly turned my head back to the door as it slowly turned and disappeared. I jumped out of bed (seriously I investigate? I have seen scary movies this is never a good idea) and ran into the kitchen. As I round the corner into the kitchen I flip the light on over the stove and I am completely alone. The door isn’t open the bathroom door is open but it always is. No one is in the house, it’s just me. From that moment on I always slept with the light on over the stove because I was so scared I would see him again.
I did see him again…
The house makes weird noises and I have seen him (whoever he is) three times. Once while sitting on the couch, alone in the house again. (he likes to come by when no one is here) the corner of my eye I saw something walking by the door of the kitchen. When I turned my head I only so the end of it walk past the door but the way he was going there is just a wall. Just as I focused my eyes the cat jumped up on the couch, scared me half to death. I also thought I saw him another time in the hallway but it was from the corner of my eye and I never bothered to actually look because he was starting to get on my nerves. Stop lurking dude and just come out already.
One another occasion I saw a woman in the hallway…my husband I thought it was my mom looking out the window in the back of the house and it happened so fast, it was like she leaned to look out the window but when I looked again she was gone, but when we got inside I realized my mom was in the front of the house not the back. That was the only time and last time I saw whoever that was. It sort of looked like my grandmother.
Only one time was I ever sort of scared was when my son was little, the small room is now his room and it was late at night, I was walking past his room and noticed it looked darker than normal in there. The light from the street usually shines into his room. I stepped back and started to walk into the doorway only for the room to be so dark, like pitch black, I couldn’t even see my son’s bed, even with the light on over the stove. It was really strange. Calmly I said out loud, “We will have none of that in this house” and walked out of the room to the bathroom to get something for my hair (took like a minute). When I came back it was normal again in his room and never happened again.
To this day, I still hear the noises in the kitchen a lot but no sightings, sometimes the people downstairs say they here walking around when we are not home or sleeping, it could be the cat but you never know.
OH! I almost forgot…the mystery of the door downstairs that kept unlocking and the people downstairs thought we were doing it and we thought they were. It would happen so often that we all stood in the hallway and I said out loud “Can you please just leave the door alone” It didn’t happen again. Maybe it was us or maybe it was that nice man, would have been nicer if he locked the door not unlocked it.
I almost felt like whoever he was, was never here to hurt me, maybe watch over me cause I was alone? To this day my husband doesn’t believe me, he never experienced anything but the door and he still thinks we all forgot to lock the doors, maybe we did…but I know what I saw and I know what I hear.
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Thanks for stopping by
Have a very happy and safe Halloween!
Fascinating! It’d be interesting to have a history of the house or something so you could see everyone who had lived there. They definitely don’t sound like they’re there to harm you and you don’t sound frightened at all though I will have to say the incident with your son’s room would have scared me half to death. I worked in an old building that was haunted but I imagine living in one is a whole other experience!
Creepy!!!! You’ve told me these stories before but they still give me chills. I’m surprised Scott doesn’t try to scare you, instead of not believing. Maybe it’s not funny when it’s where you live? I don’t think I could stay!
Oh creeeeeeepy!! But at least it sounds like a friendly ghost! And a helpful one too! But omg, as you were saying when you walked by your son’s room when he was just a baby and it was super dark, my mind immediately went to the Supernatural pilot and gave me all sorts of chills!
I’ve never had a ghostly encounter myself. Which is odd since it seems both my mom and sister have. And I feel like I am one of the bigger believers. After my grandpa died, my sister who had been taking care of him at his house stayed there to live on her own until we sold it, started to find dimes all over the house. Not all at once, and it was always in odd places. And never pennies, nickels or quarters. Just dimes. She talked to our cousin and she had done some googling and apparently it’s like the Pennies from Heaven scenario except it’s Dimes from Heaven. Basically, we think it was our grandpa popping in for a hello or some comfort since it seemed my sister was finding dimes in most trying times. It took me over a year to finally find my first dime. I had been going through some of my own struggles and I kept thinking back on my sister’s story, but sadly it seemed a dime was never in sight. Ironically the first dime I found was my first day on my new job that took nearly 7 months to find after knowing my old job was capute.
But no other ghostly encounters for me really. I sometimes think it’s probably for the best, but at the same time, I think it would be kind of cool! You know…pending I survive the likely heart attack I will get! LOL!