hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
Off the Blog, Blogging News and Updates:
The kittens are doing awesome, however, on Monday I was told they have roundworm, so they are currently getting treated for that and we are trying to keep our hands clean and washed. They were treated once for it already but I think they still must have a minor case, so we will treat them for a couple weeks and then be checked again. During the day we have them closed in my sons room so they don’t get into any trouble, they did very good, except on Thursday, when I got home, Calliope was in the living room and I can’t figure out how she did that. We will continue to put them in there until I feel comfortable that they wont get into trouble or pee on anything but if they escape, well good for them. lol
On Tuesday we found out my Uncle passed away. He was the last of my grandmothers (who passed in May) siblings. It’s so sad to think they are all gone now. My Uncle was my son’s favorite and he adored him. My son was heart broken but handled it very well. He was a wonderful man and we enjoyed spending time with him. He was good to the kids and a great Uncle. He will be greatly missed. We have the memorial service today so please excuse my absence, I plan to visit most of you but anyone I miss I will try to get to after the service and repass.
Friday the weather just vomited everything it can think of on our heads. Rain, 60mph Winds, snow, ice and hail. It was like the sky didn’t know what to do, so it just did everything. This week coming up we are in the mid 40’s and at night mid 30’s. I’m just going to spend the rest of…forever, inside if anyone is looking for me because it’s getting weird out there.
Still slowly blogging and think I will be about a week ahead for a little while until I can write some reviews and posts. I really just need about 5 more hours in a day! 🙂
The March My TBR list is up, if you could stop by and vote for what book I will be this month, that would be greatly appreciated! 🙂
Around the blogosphere….
Ready to get some stuff done on the blog? The next bloggiesta starts March 19 to March 25th. Are you an expert at something, know a little bit about organizing or blogging tips, Feel free to sign up to do a mini challenge for bloggiesta or maybe you can do a twitter party? Bloggiesta is such a fun event and Berls and I plan to get it back to what it used to be so don’t wait…. Sign up TODAY!
Last Week on the Blog:
- [28 Feb] #bingewatchersclub ~ Riverdale and Bates Motel
- [1 Mar] Monthly Book Report ~ February 2018
- [2 Mar] Book Ratings…Do they matter?
- [3 Mar] My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~
- [4 Mar] Sunday Post with Berls | Too Much
- [4 Mar] Kittens, a passing and weather vomit ~ WIR & SP
What you might see this week:
- Posts..I am hoping you will see posts. 😉 (still currently working on them)
Bookish News:
So things have been still going very slow on the reading, however with Reign of Magic being released I had to stop Sea Witch to start reading Reign of Magic. I am enjoying Sea Witch but like I thought we hit a bit of a slow spot and I am a little worried, it had so much going on in the beginning sort of wanted the pace to stay like that. Hoping once I pick it up again today it will pick up in pace.
I think with COYER almost over, I am just calling it a fail because this is the first time I didn’t do good at all bring on Summer COYER, I plan to KICK ASS!!! 🙂
(Read, Currently Reading & Next)
What I grabbed

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
That’s great the kittens are doing well. I hope the roundworm will be cured soon. I do wonder how they got out of your son’s room one day.
I am sorry to hear about your uncle passing.
We had some cold weather the past few weeks, but now it’s warming up again a bit.
I agree that some more hours in a day would be nice. I hope Reign of Magic is a good one as I remember you enjoyed the first book in that series.
Cats are escape artists and keeping them contained is so smart plus it’ll be entertaining to see the different ways they come up with to escape! I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle. It’s so hard to lose someone and even more poignant when it’s the last of a generation. Hope this week is going great!
So Calliope is an escape artist, huh? Those two are sooo adorable! I hope they get over roundworm soon!
I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. Just do what you can to keep his memory alive. <3 {{{hugs}}}
You are experiencing some weird weather. We are too…warm and dry! Our fire danger is extreme and that's scary since it's barely March. :/ I'll do a rain dance or something to try to draw some of your moisture over here. 😉
I think I might participate in Bloggiesta…have to check out all that's involved. Sounds fun though.
Have a great week, Michelle!! {{{big hugs}}}
Sorry to hear about your uncle. (((((((HUGS)))))) 💜
I love kittens! My sister has three fosters right no and they are at the house wrecking stage, too. Ha ha. 🐱
Have a wonderful new week, and I hope the weather gets better. ☺
Ugh the weather sounds horrible! Not that we have any room to talk, we had some snow last week and below zero temps so…but losing power then too? Ugh.
Nice haul! Enjoy your new books!
So sorry to hear about your uncle. I like the look of the books you featured this week, but I’m not familiar with them. Have a better week.
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
I’m LMAO at Calliope being in the living room. So typical cat – but was Auggie still in the bedroom? LOL! He’s like, I’m not party to this mom. I’m a good boy 🙂
I’m so sorry about your uncle again 🙁 I hope the service was nice today and gave you all some peace (especially his daughter).
Hugs! (I actually have some posts for the blog this week! yay!
Sorry to hear about your uncle! All my condolences. And kittens ha ha- yeah sometimes it’s like how did they DO that? Escaping rooms and all that. Hopefully the roundworms are gone soon.
Reign of Magic looks amazing!!
Yeah going outside is overrated until Mother Nature gets her shit together!!!
I totally agree with you about the weather. It is seriously being bipolar – and in your case, perhaps has multiple personalities. I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle. Spend your time today enjoying your family and remembering that great man. I guess Mini Blog Ahead isn’t happening – I went digging at both websites and there was nothing. I sent an email and haven’t heard back, either. I am totally down for Bloggiesta. I didn’t know what it was before and now I am onboard. I already did a tentative goals post, but things may change after spring break. I don’t think I’m going to meet my COYER goal, either, but I hope to add at least two more books to my list. Have a great week!
How she did that – well, cats randomly teleport, it seems. There was one time when my friend’s cat disappeared in a condo and was found in the neighbour’s kitchen. God knows 😀
Sorry about your Uncle 🙁
Oh, and the weather has been nasty here too. -22C! Very, very cold. Meh!
Your new grabs look amazing, though 🙂
Lol, that is really good. I am sure she squeezed out some how but it was so funny that here I thought it was all good. Auggie was the good boy and stayed in the room.
Thank you, it was very sad today.
I can’t wait for the weather to just go back to normal! lol
Uh oh, I hope Sea Witch gets better for you! That cover really reeled me in so I’ve been looking forward to its release. And I hope your kitties get better soon! There are few things less fun than a sick pet 🙁 Hope you have a lovely week!
I loved the beginning and I love the characters it’s the pace, I am sure I hit that spot that always seems to slow down but I am hoping it picks up soon.
Thank you, we are almost finished with the med so we just have to wait after to make sure they are all gone. Fingers crossed.
LOVE your current reads.
Thanks! 🙂
Glad the cats are doing well but that sucks about the roundworm! Hopefully with another treatment they will be fine! I love seeing the pictures on IG! Sorry to hear about your uncle. That is a sad loss for your family.
Hope the weather calms down next week fo you!
It’s very hard to give kittens medicine but we have extra to go over if needed. I am hoping this is the last treatment. I HATE having to give them medicine when I am trying to make them like me. lol
Thank you, he was a wonderful man, it will be very sad to say goodbye today.
I totally want to read Sea Witch! Have a good week of reading! I am riding out the storm that took out our power at a friends. So surreal looking at all the downed trees and power lines cut in half. Have a good Sunday!
Mary #SundayRoundup #8
Sorry you lost power but glad your friend was able to help. We had lots of downed trees also but it didn’t affect us.
Sea Witch is ok, I am hoping it picks up pace again soon.