I have SOOOOOOOOO many books on my TBR list
I decided that instead keeping it to myself
I will randomly pick one book each week from my TBR List to share with you 🙂
I will randomly pick one book each week from my TBR List to share with you 🙂
maybe it’s a book you read and HATED
or a book you LOVED
or a book you never heard of.
I LOVE the colors in this cover. It looks so creepy and I love the synopsis…
The Brown House
(The Visitor’s Series #1)
by Christy Sloat
Paperback, 324 pages
Published June 2012 by Anchor Group Publishing
Some secrets should never be revealed… Brylee Branson begrudgingly made the excruciating move with her family from the warm sandy beaches of California to small town living in New Jersey. As if she wasn’t miserable enough, they’ve moved into a creepy old house that everyone in the area claims is haunted. Brylee dismisses the idea of ghosts and hauntings, until she begins to see and hear things that can’t be explained… Brylee has no choice but to seek the help of new friends to unlock the secrets of this place she now calls home. But some secrets should never be revealed. Can the teens find a way to release the spirits imprisoned within the walls? Or will the curse claim them, too?
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I think this will have to go on my list of scary reads for October. I want to do something that month that includes only scary books the entire month from my TBR list. This one will be on it for sure. Unless you think I should read it sooner 😉
Have you heard of this book?
Have you read it?
If so, is it something I should read soon or not read at all?
Lets Chat 🙂
Thanks for stopping by for this weeks My To Be Read List
Check back Saturday for a new featured book!!
OMG you're going to have to stop sharing, my TBR can't take much more! Seriously – you have so many great sounding books.