Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Real Life & Blog News:
This has been a week of revelations thanks to Michelle @ Book Briefs I have been feeling very unorganized and very non bloggy. I thought doing a laid back schedule would be good for me but NOPE that is not working. I realized as a designer/artist the more I do the more creative I am. So finding Michelle’s posts has been exactly what I need to get this blog back to the way it was. I am not looking for a million followers (that would be nice) but I would like to at least let those that do come to visit know they are getting a constant flow with fun posts and book reviews. I have seen my visits drop and I don’t blame anyone for bailing on me since I have been a shitty blogger this year and haven’t visited as many of you either. It’s time to stop talking about what I want to do and it’s time to start doing. If you haven’t seen Michelle’s Posts you can find the intro post HERE. It has so much information it’s almost overwhelming . The last posts, the resource post, is the most awesome post EVER! I have found so many things and plan to take time to read most of them and apply them to the blog. I am super excited and haven’t been this excited since I started blogging. This is a hobby but it’s also something more to me, I truly enjoy, it’s not work it’s fun. Setting up posts might be stressful or finding things to post about but the pay off is such an awesome feeling. I don’t know why I spent so much time denying what I truly love to do and the benefits are AMAZING. *points to all of you*
I am bringing a little note book with me this week so I can jot down all the fun stuff I want to do, things I have to do and maybe some new ideas. I am super excited about it and think this vacation away from everything will be just what my brain needs to get back in the swing of things.
Oh and if you are wondering why I am posting this I got a bunch of books this week and I thought maybe I should share them before I leave just in case I go on a requesting binge next week. 🙂
I will have no Sunday post next week…maybe 😉
Last Week on the Blog:
- [30 Jul] Sun-Kissed Summer by Marta Brown book blitz
- [31 Jul] Bookish Resolutions Progress Report July
- [31 Jul] #2015HW Reading Assignment Report Card ~ July
- [1 Aug] My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ August
- [2 Aug] One more before I go ~ WIR & TSP
This Week on the Blog:
It’s a very light week since I will be away, it will be hard for me to comment but I have like two posts. Hang tight I have a full week when I get back. 🙂
Read/Currently Reading/Next
Since I will be relaxing on vacation, I picked a bunch of quick read books. They are 200 pages or less.
It also gives me a chance to get ahead on some of my Christmas reads, yes Christmas on vacation but I just can’t wait!
Books I got this week:
Picture of the week

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I hope you’re enjoying your relaxing vacation, Michelle! You deserve some downtime. 🙂 I’m glad Michelle’s post has been so inspiring to you. I have it pulled up on my computer and plan to delve into her ideas and suggestions as well. I haven’t been as present in the blogosphere over the last several months myself. Mostly because I’ve been traveling so much. But also because I was beginning to feel like blogging is a job and I’ve been trying to figure out a way to put more fun back into it. 🙂 I’d love to talk about your brainstorming…when you’re back from vacay. Anyway, with school about to start back, I’ll be more present here. And I look forward to seeing the fruits of all your labor. 😉
lol cutest pic of your cowhands! I binge-requested last week and now I feel a little ill about all the reading/reviewing I’ll need to do during August *sigh* … kicks self. Enjoy your vacation and all the yummy reads you’re taking. Off to check out Michelle’s post, thanks for sharing.
Hi MIchelle and I so know what you mean about being more creative / productive when busy cos I discovered the same thing about myself last week.
Am off to check out the blog series by Michelle though.
And that pic of the kids is very cute… despite the missing smile!
What darling little cowpokes! I’m glad you’re feeling excited about your blog and that you’ve found some things that have you fired up and will hopefully help with organization as well. I will check it out – I need to figure out how to blog faster. Right now it takes up huge amounts of time, and I am not reading as much as I’d like.
Have a terrific vacation, and see you when you get back!
Christmas books already, eeep.
I enjoyed Michelle’s series also and found some good tips. Best of luck implementing all of your ideas!
Have a great vacation and happy reading. 🙂
Yes I’m a little Christmas obsessed 🙂
Thank you!
Have fun on your vacation and I hope you get a lot of reading done…bah humbug on your Christmas talk!!! Hope you enjoy all those ahem…Christmas reads. 😉
LOL Thank you!…but I love christmas! 😀
North Pole Reform School! It’s soooooo fun!!! It’s so weird…and OMG…Santa!!! LoL
LOL I can’t wait to read it now 🙂
I loved Michelle’s posts too. They came at a perfect time since I have been struggling with keeping up on blog stuff. She had a lot of great tips.
You have a lot of great books for your vacation. I hope you have a great time!
I loved all the tips and have already started doing some of them
Thank you 🙂
Michelle’s posts have been great. I am loving all the holiday reads you have listed. I hope you join the Ho-Ho-Ho read-a-thon in November. I will have sign ups in Sept. The mustache picture is adorkable!!
I know, I need more lol. I love the hohoho, I read a bunch last year during it planning on something for December so I will need it 🙂
I read a few of Book briefs her post and will have to go back and read the rest I missed, she really had some great tips! So much information, some things I already do, but there are also some handy tips I hope to incroporate.
You have a nice line-up of books for your vacation. I think I own Shucked as well, so I am looking forward to hear what you think of it!
Your kids look adorable in that picture with those cowboy hats on! Have a great week and enjoy your vacation!
Blogging mojo seems to come and go, but for those of us who love it it al;ways comes back, I think. Real life can intrude but the books are always there. 🙂 Enjoy your vaca, and see ya when you get back. Your book to read looks good, and yes Christmas are going to start appearing now. Wow!
They already have Halloween stuff in the stories, I am all about the holidays but sometimes I wish they would just hold off until the month before.
Blogging Mojo usually does come back but lately I have been so unorganized and can’t seem to think straight lol lets hope this vacation clears it and not make me crazier 🙂
OMG! So adorable! But I think she’s not smiling b/c she’s trying to be a TOUGH cowboy. The Frozen dress kind of throws that out the window but… 😀
Ah, vacation is THIS week!!! You have a fantastic time and may you have many inspiring bloggy ideas!!!! I’m so glad organizing has made you happy, HAPPY!!!
Maybe that was what she was doing and yes the Frozen dress just reminds us that she’s tough but a girlie girl. lol
I am hoping the week will clear my head and get me those blogging I ideas that I use to have. I might have a touch of OCD because being organized makes me VERY happy 🙂