#Review ~ City of Legends (City of Legends Series #1) by Cheyanne Young

Posted March 3, 2016 by Michelle in Review / 2 Comments

My Review:

This was a re-read for me, the next book in the series was updated and she added a few new things to this book since it is now being published by Alloy Entertainment. I was planning to skim this book just so I can start reading the next one and be able to follow along just in-case I missed anything new she added, however, I found myself once again reading word for word and realizing how much I still loved this book. You can read my original review below. I really loved all the world build and I adore Maci even more. I love the idea that she could be a villain since most stories are always about Superheroes but this is a great coming of age. I still loved the idea that she could be a villain but with such a big heart. I really love this book and can not wait to read the next one.

Posted December 30, 2013
Powered by Cheyanne Young was something I had been wanting to read for quite some time. It was one of those books that you know you are going to love even before you read it. A serious must read and you know you must have it. I saw this book on a friends blog when the cover was revealed and something about the synopsis really had me going. I never read a book about a breed of superheros but this one was even better. She might be a superhero but she might be a villain.
Powered is a fantastic story about Maci Might a 16 year old girl who lives in King City a place for where super hero are born and live. It’s Maci’s 16th birthday the day she has been waiting for the day she is about to become a hero just like her dad and brother. She has a bit of a short fuse and she might actually act out more then she should but she is determined to pass the Hero’s test and become a true hero. Unfortunately her temper gets the best of her and she messes up pretty bad on the test. Her dad who just so happens to be the President of King City talks with the council to get them to reevaluate her test and they will decide in 7 days. 7 days is a very long time for a 16-year-old super hero. Maci was born a twin but an attacked killed her mom and her twin sister. Twins born to heroes have a 50% chance that one might be evil. Most people believe she is the evil one but she is determined to prove she is the true hero. If only she can keep her temper under control. When things start to get weird in King City and the place goes on lock down it is up to Maci to help save King City and be the true hero she has always wanted to be.
I loved Maci she is such a strong character and she really grows a lot during this book. I loved the entire idea that you knew she was most likely the evil one but she had such an amazing heart you really cheered her on when things would go bad for her. I can totally relate to Maci, I have always been described in my family as the evil one (insert crazy villain laugh here)but I really am a nice evil person, really I am 😉 I adored Evan the nerdy science kid. The love story between the two was VERY cute and I really wanted thing to work for them. I wont lie at times I didn’t trust him because he seemed to good to be true but they are such a cute couple. I can’t wait to find out more about these two characters.
I gave Powered by Cheyanne Young 5/5 stars.  I loved the story, characters and the writing style. I will be honest and say it did slow a bit in the middle but it didn’t stop me from seriously loving this book and happily adding it to one of my favorites. Super excited this is a series and I can’t wait to see what happens next the twists and turns keep me reading way past my bed time and the snip it for the next book…OMG I just can’t wait. Totally a must read, completely original and one that will keep you wanting more.


Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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