Stim by Kevin Berry is about a boy named Robert who just wants to be able to do the things others do. He would really love to find a girlfriend and do what boyfriends and girlfriends do. Robert has Aspergers and has a difficult time doing things that comes easier to everyone else.
I found this book to be a fantastic take on people with Autism and was loaded with so much information about different aspects of Autism. My son is autistic (ASD, PPD-NOS), he’s 9 and it’s hard to understand what goes on in his head and sometimes you forget that they feel overwhelmed by every day things. This really makes you see the world so different and get a better understanding at how hard it is for people with special needs.
The characters are believable you want to believe that Robert and Chloe are real people living in the world sharing this story. They give so much information on understanding what it’s like to have Aspergers, from simple tasks and routines that need to be followed and just a slight difference can throw off an entire day. Reading about Robert at a party and seeing him get over whelmed is something I have done with my son and how quickly you have to leave or take a break to get them to calm down.
“People with autism can’t visualize what something is like or how it would feel, that has not happened to me yet All I can do is remember all the things that have happened, and find the ones that are most like whatever is happening now”.
You are reading in Roberts POV and seeing how he handles the day and how his goal for the year is to find a girlfriend who is Non-Spectrum. He pretty much wants to experience sex. As much as this book has a lot of information and gives you a look inside Aspergers it’s not a serious take on it, I loved humor and is really a fun read.
I gave Stim by Kevin Berry 4/5 stars. Kevin Berry did an amazing job writing this book. This is a great read for anyone who is Non-Spectrum and anyone on the Spectrum. This gives those who don’t understand people with Special needs a great insight on what it’s like to have Autism. I will also (when he gets older) suggest this book to my son. I have been seeing the world a little different for 9 years now and he is a pure joy my little guy, If you know one person with Autism, you know one person with Autism so as much as I don’t know what the future hold for my son this was a refreshing read to help me understand my son just a bit more. I highly recommend this is a really great informative read with a wonderfully delightful humorous story and with really great characters.
Great review! I love how honest and realistic this story seems to be and eye opening as well! I also imagine those who are closely touched with Autism like you with your son would even relate to it even more! So happy you liked it!
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read it 🙂