So I never really wrote a review for any of these but I wanted to share them and tell you a little about what I liked.
This series started off so strong and FUNNY! The guys are sex and hot! Steamy scenes and just a great story. I loved the chemistry between all the characters and the MC was so freaking fun. I have no idea what happened in book 3. It sort of just, fell apart. Still funny but the jokes were getting old, guys are still hot but ummm, what happened to the steamy scenes? I actually stopped reading it. I might go back when the last book comes out but for now I am putting it asided. Over all I would give the series a 3.5 or 4 star. If when I get back into it (if ever) and it redeems itself in book 4 I might be able to change the rating.
I seriously love this series but I binge read it so fast and never kept up with my notes so I never got around to really reviewing them. I LOVE this series, I am currently waiting for the last book to finish out the series so It’s possible I might re-read the end of the third book again when the last book comes out to give myself a refresh. I highly recommend this series and give the first 3 books a solid 4 stars. Trickery (the first book) was my first 5 star read this year. Amazing series and OMG Hot guys and FUNNY! like I snorted, a lot.
This is one of my favorites. It has some hot guys and a very likable MC. The steamy scenes are fantastic but not really in detail. It also is a slow burn but so worth it for the story. I know this series continues after the last one in a spin off that I would love to read at some point but this series is a must read for RH fans or people just getting into RH. I rated the entire series as 4 stars. It’s so so good! 🙂
Just a few series for RH that I read over the last few months.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!
Michelle ox
Me: what is RH?
Me: *to the interwebs*
Me: Oh, ‘Reverse Harem’… ok then!
I read fanfiction, so it’s not like many things can shock me anymore 😉 lol.
Lol, I was actually surprised by how much I enjoy reading it. I think because it’s reverse that I like it better.
I’m happy you shared these series with us, Michelle. I’m going to check out each of them because you have me curious. Hot guys and steaminess…slow burn romances, too. Yum. 😉 I have a few books that I never did full reviews for. I just might do something like this as well. 🙂
Happy weekend! And good luck with Dewey! {{{big hugs}}}
Slow burn is a killer but the guys are so awesome and I love the MC for Curse of the Gods.
You must, must try one! Start with Trickery!
Though not my thing I am glad you have found something you can enjoy. 🙂
It’s a fun genre! 🙂