Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 3

Posted April 5, 2020 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 9 Comments


News at Home: COVID Quarantine Week 3

So I just had the hardest time figuring out exactly how long I’ve been in quarantine… anyone else losing their sense of time without those regular daily activities to ground them? So moving forward I’m going to use my Sunday Post to try and help me keep track of time. Kind of like a prisoner, I need a tally. LOL! They don’t call me a drama queen for nothing 😉

But in all seriousness, I just finished week 3 of quarantine and shit’s about to get even harder because Dante’s daycare is closed starting tomorrow. I had hoped they would make it at least one more week, bu here we are. I’m grateful to them for taking such good care of Dante as long as they could. What this means for my “new normal”:

  • I will work mornings, Monday – Friday, 5am until Dante wakes up (6:30/7:30)
  • I will join my daily staff meeting (likely with an awake Dante) at 9am.
  • I will work when he naps… roughly 1-2 hours a day.
  • I will work when Kiko gets home and showered, roughly 6pm – 9pm (with a break for story time because I’m not missing that part of our routine).
  • I will make up the rest of my 40 hours on the weekend
  • I will take care of Dante during the day and Kiko will take care of him from 6pm until 12am (dream feed).

I think we’re both about to go from tired to exhausted. BUT I’m going to focus on being thankful. At a time when many don’t know when they will have their last day of work (or already have had it), I have no reason to think I’ll lose my job… I mean I work for a hospital AND medical research university. Where else can you have job security during a pandemic? And my bosses replied to my email about my new work hours with statements like “family comes first”, “we will support and work with you during this challenging time” and “we have no doubt in your ability to make this work.” I’m very lucky. And while I know my daycare was doing all they could to keep Dante safe, who better than me and Kiko to protect him?And he’s getting so close to crawling… now I KNOW I will see it first. And I’m saving so much money (between daycare, gas, tolls, parking)! So LOTS to be thankful for (not to mention, so far we are all healthy).

In other excitement/stress – we will finish moving today. I can’t remember if I mentioned it, but we decided to move back to the third floor. My husband feels that it will be safer and I have to agree – first floor is too easy to break in and we’re already seeing an increase in crime in my area due to unemployment (not too mention there are daily long lines at gun stores.. TEXAS y’all). Secondly, it will give us a really nice balcony to spend time on, which we don’t have right now. We have a patio, but it’s not nice for spending time on. And with being trapped inside, that will be really nice to have.

But moving during a pandemic with a 6 month old… not easy. We’ve been doing tag team. I pack up all the boxes while Kiko takes care of Dante. Then he loads up the SUV, takes everything up to the new apartment, comes back and watches Dante while I unpack. I come back, load boxes… etc. Today some of the guys he works with are coming to move the big furniture (we’re paying them because they each have spouses that lost jobs – a way to help each other). So we’re making it work. Thankfully we’re moving basically across the parking lot and he works here so we’ve been able to do it gradual. He’ll move all our decor throughout the week next week and clean the old apartment up.

So yeah, life is staying interesting over here!! Stay Safe! (anyone else feel like Stay Safe is the new closing to all their emails/messages?)

Blog News

We’ll see what happens with the blog this week. I may be blogging a bit while watching Dante – I can’t work while he’s awake, I can’t focus enough. but blogging doesn’t require full focus. So I hope it works. Fingers crossed.

Today starts the second read-a-thon for COYER Quarantine Edition… It’s about the see. Go to Facebook for details 🙂

We announced our next Read a Series in a month challenge, starting in May. And it’s time to register for the summer semester of #2020HW. Lots going on!

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Report on week 3 of quarantine in the Sunday Post with Berls. Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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9 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 3

  1. I don’t envy the moving part. We moved from Tennessee to Florida last year. It wasn’t to bad but we have also dint have little ones. We have 2 teenagers still at home and 2 fur babies. We’ve been in quarantine for a week now and it isn’t too bad so far. My husband is been moved to day shift so we have had to switch our days from night shift schedule to day shift. Running on fumes right now, my body is used to sleeping during the day. Hopefully we get used to it soon. Stay safe and healthy!

  2. I think it’s about three weeks for me too but yeah I have lost track. I got a little ranty on my blog today. 🙂 We have not been very keto this week and supported some of our favorite eating places with take out. Especially our local cafe as it’s a husband and wife team so if they shut down neither will have an income. They are so thankful each time someone comes in and the man will even open the door for you so you don’t have to touch it and close it. 🙂

    Hope you can get a good schedule going with Dante and yeah, I would want to keep him at home just cause I wouldn’t know if anyone that comes to the daycare would be exposed!

    Stay safe and happy reading!
    Stormi ox

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: The Week In Review #294
  3. oh wow! Moving again. That’s a bummer but it sounds like a good choice for you. I’m sorry about daycare since he is not the at least 4 hours a day sleeper my girl was.

    You have so much to be grateful with both having jobs, more money with reduced fees for daycare, driving, parking, etc, you have a second parent, and you’re all healthy. Plus your jobs are being flexible with you.

    That said it won’t be easy. You’re used to going out. People are used to having alone time / private time and that will be harder to find. I have faith you can make it happen. You have been really smart about planning and figuring things out.

    Have a wonderful week! Be kind and take care of yourself!

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Hidden Salem by Kay Hooper
  4. I don’t envy you the moving even without bringing the pandemic or the 6 month old into it! It does sound like it will be a way better situation and how wonderful you’ve found a way to give back a bit by hiring people to help you move. Sounds like you’ve got the right frame of mind for having Dante home. I know it’ll be crazy difficult but hopefully you’ll be able to see some firsts you wouldn’t have otherwise. Have a great week!

  5. I am sorry your daycare is closing. I am praying my husband will be able to continue to work from home through all of this or we will be in a similar boat. I can’t even imagine what it would be like with a child who isn’t in school yet. I feel bad for my 9 year old having to fend for herself while my husband and I work, but at least she is capable of keeping herself mostly occupied. It sounds like you have a good plan set up though, although not ideal. Good luck with the move! I hope you have a good week. Stay well and safe.

  6. Time is definitely hard to track these days. Days and weeks seem go so slowly so it’s hard to gauge. Sounds like you work for some good people. That helps. And saving money on day care, travel costs, etc… there’s almost always a silver lining! 🙂 Oh my goodness, moving during all this… a lot to do but it sounds like it’ll be better and safer. Hope you have a good week!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted: The Sunday Post #202