What’s been happened on the blog:
Well let me tell you about the lesson I learned Friday. Blogging and being sick DO NOT mix. I did something that caused my entire blog to show up in one column and I could not fix it. I was in a complete panic. So at the moment you look at my blog and think everything looks fine, maybe she switched some stuff around, Oh look an amazon ad she must be an amazon affiliate, that’s lovely. Well yes that might be true I did sign up for that but if you stopped by Friday night not only was everything in one column but I also set my blog back to default and lost my entire design. Now you think but you had backup right? Nope, I thought it was set up but NOPE. I have to redo my entire blog from scratch again and being sick I was not in the mood and extremely emotional. Happily I figured out what I did wrong but it was a little too late. If I just stepped away and let my host server fix it, it would have been fine but no I had to fuss with it because I need to fix everything myself and can’t leave well enough alone. So to make a long and emotional story short (to late) I fixed everything and was suggested a wonder backup system to use so this will never happen again because sickness makes your brain foggy and you do stupid things.
Last Week on the Blog
- WIR & The Sunday Post
- After the Curtain Falls Blitz
- Her Mad Hatter Review
- “Was it good for you” (New feature with Berls from Fantasy is More Fun)
- Author Spotlight Kyra Halland
- COYER Kick off Post
- My To-Be Read List
- Crash Back Down Blitz
This Week on the Blog (it’s a little slow this week)
- Review of Hero’s Guide to being an Outlaw
- Review of Before the Fall
- The Izzy Chronicles Blog Tour
Books read and received:
I read some awesome stuff this week.
I finished the Hero’s Guide to Being an Outlaw by Christopher Healy
It was FANTASTIC! Hoping to have my review for it up this week.
I also read a book for a Blog Tour in March Stim by Kevin Berry
This book was such a wonderful look at people with autism and has so much information in it to raise awareness
At the moment I am reading an
ARC Before the Fall by Linda Castillo
I put this in the front of my COYER read list since it comes out in a few days. I love this series so sad it will be over. I should be done with this one by the weekend (it counts as my first COYER read)
Then I am 100% in with my Original COYER read list I am starting with Camelot Burning by Kathryn Rose
I am so excited to read this since its Steampunk and Arthurian lore, magic vs. machine, Yay!
Two free downloads from amazon (I couldn’t pass up on another retelling of Alice)
and I received this beautiful baby from Spencer Hill Press this week.
What else is going on?
Besides being sick for the last couple days it’s going to friggin snow again today into Monday night and they are calling for about 4 – 8 inches (but they keep changing it). I also had a huge fight with my cable, phone and internet provider Comcast. They SUCK! I have been trying to get them to come and fix my TV for a week, every appointment I have made they haven’t showed up and when I call them they say no appointment was made. I have had Comcast for 14 years and I am just done so I did a bit of cursing and hung up after the girl accused me of lying about my appointments. I have Verizon coming on Tuesday to install their service since I have no other option and my neighbors downstairs have it and have no issues plus it’s a bit cheaper and I get a lot more stuff with it. Oh they also offered a $400 Gift Card totally a bonus, now I can get a new washing machine or more books either way its a plus 🙂
So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Let’s Chat…
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
P.S. Please ignore all spelling errors, it’s no secret I suck at spelling and spell check seriously hates me…Thank You 😉
I totally understand. I try to stay away from fiddling with my blog when I’m running on very little sleep. But you know when I feel like I have my best ideas for some changes? You got it! When I’m sleep deprived! LOL
lol it’s always the way. I’m just glad I was able to fix it!
OMG, I would have died … I’m struggling with the technical side of blogging a bit (proud of everything I DO manage), so having to re-do everything… and in a hurry. I can fully understand that panic you must have had! I’ve heard a lot about Stim but didn’t participate in the blog tour – It’s definitely a book which would interest me as well.
Have a great week and Happy Reading!
My Sunday post is here
Mmmm…. I’ve learnt not to touch my blog… leave it up tho the sister, shes the expert!
Enjoy your reads and have a great week!
Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
I don’t even know where to start!!! I think I just need to send you the hugest-ass bottle of wine or something!!!! First, what is the name of the awesome backup that was suggested to you; I’m mighty curious. I have one I use plus apparently HostGator backs up when they’re in the mood. I know if you’re with GoDaddy they back you every stinking day and that’s pretty awesome. But I am sooo entirely sorry about having to rebuild… I could be bright and cheery and say, “hey, it’s good experience, right?” But it still sucks!!
I have Comnuts for my internet only and they do pretty much suck. We’ve been with Directv for tv for 10 years and they treat us like we’re kings and queens. I can’t believe Comnuts blew 14 years with you!!!!! Yay for Verizon!!!!!
Oh, and nice books….
Seriously, Stim and Before the Fall look fantastic!!! I’m on the hunt now!!!
LOL Thank you! I am going to regret it later when I can’t take my medicine tonight but I had to have a glass of wine :). My Host server backs up but at 1 am and If I asked them to redo it I would have lost my 2 posts that I had set up that day so it wasn’t worth it. The guy recommended Backup Buddy. I have to look into it more since it’s a yearly fee to use it but it looks pretty easy.
I am suppose to be a valued customer with comcast but forget it. Don’t even get me started on the internet. It goes so slow dial-up was faster 🙂
Stim is fantastic it reminded me a bit of my son and how he thinks, it’s a great book for anyone that wants more info on Autism. Loving Before the Fall the entire series is fantastic, I think the first one Lash is free on amazon at least it was.
Oh my goodness–what a horrible week you had. I cringed as I read your post. I want to change the columns and a few other things on my blog, but I’ve always been afraid I’d really mess it up. I’m still trying to work up the courage.
Hope a much better week is coming your way and that you’re feeling better very soon.
Sorry to hear about the blog troubles, that’s the worst especially if you don’t feel good. Hope this week goes better. 🙂 Will look for your reviews of Hero’s Guide and Camelot Burning, both look good.
And yes Comcast can be a pain…
It’s been over a week and we can’t even watch TV without it freezing, I really can’t wait for verizon to come. I am so excited about Camelot Burning, I am worried steampunk in medieval times wont work but I have my fingers crossed. You never know!
Sometimes trying to fix it, is worse than sitting back and thinking about it for a while. I know the first time I installed wordpress I installed a plugin that caused problems and I had no idea how to fix it (as I didn’t have a back-up yet) and then ended up deleting it all and installing wordpress again.
I noticed your font seems different than before, so I guess that’s due to that too. And indeed doing things like that while being sick, isn’t a good idea. I made that mistake a few times too.
I hope everything is working again!
btw the Tweak Me theme has a build-in back up option for your settings too. If you go to appearance and then theme options, the lowest option is back-up options and there you can back up your current version of your theme. It only allows one back-up though.
That was how I made the situation worse by going to the tweak me back up not realizing I never originally backed it up. My host server gave me a suggestions to one I will be installing just incase I’m an idiot and try this again lol. It might look a bit different and good eye for noticing 🙂 the color is off also but it at least looks better then it did lol
Sorry about your blog emergency! I’m glad you’ve gotten everything back. I know you are too. Also, I hope you feel better soon. I’ve seen bloggers rave about the Hero’s Guide books but I haven’t read any of them. Hope you have a great week!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Thank you 🙂 You must read it. I loved the entire series, it’s hilarious and such a great take on fairytales. You will never look at the princes the sames 🙂
Thanks for stopping by
You have had a challenging week! I hope this week goes better. 🙂
Thank you, me too! I will not be messing with my design/widgets at all only post lol
Oh no!! That is horrible! I’m sick now so I’ll take your advice and not mess w/the blog (beyond possibly posting a review) I would freak out if that happened to me. I hope you feel better soon!! Great haul–I’ve not read any of these books. The girl on the Cornerstone book looks like Dany from GoT!
Yes don’t go beyond posts lol. Thank you. Yes she does look like Dany. I did a blitz for the book so it was awesome I found it free on amazon. Looking forward to reading it 🙂
OOh nice! These are new to me! Hope you enjoyed them all!
Here’s my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Oh boy. I’d be losing my mind as well if the same happens to me! I’m glad everything is fixed now, Michelle. But I do hope you’re feeling much better.
Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy all your books. 🙂
Thank you 🙂