Sunday Post with Berls | Happy Baby

Posted March 1, 2020 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 7 Comments


News at Home: Happy Baby

Y’all, I feel like Dante is possibly the happiest baby ever. I just finished the best day, playing and laughing with him. He’s started loving peek-a-boo and he loves being read to. He just likes to talk and laugh and play nonstop. He’s a great eater and sleeper. We had a great week and I no longer even worry about being woken in the middle of the night (it’s been MONTHS since he didn’t sleep all the way through the night). *knocks on wood so hard*

This week was super busy, as usual. I had a massage on Monday, which was really great. But to get it in, I leave work early… which meant working through lunch most the week. I could have taken lunch on Thursday and Friday, but I was busy. So Friday I left at 3:30, ending the week with about 1.5 hours overtime. And since I was out early, I had enough time to stop at the library and get my nails done. Yay!

Today (Saturday) we took my husband’s truck and SUV to Carmax to get them appraised. He’s decided that he wants to sell both of them and replace them with one truck that he really likes. Personally, I think he just likes car shopping, about as much as I hate it. But we were at Carmax for a sold 2 -3 hours. And Dante napped, played, ate, and played some more while we waited. We got a good offer for both vehicles and Kiko decided to sell the truck right then. And as soon as he finds a replacement truck we’ll take the SUV in to sell it. If he gets one by the end of the week, we can take the SUV back and we won’t have to get it appraised again, they’ll just honor the offer the gave us today. So I’m hoping he’ll make that happen, though it’s unlikely.

Tomorrow (so Sunday, today when you’re reading this) we plan to do a little shopping. Dante needs a couple outfits for activities at daycare this upcoming week – Dr. Seuss and St. Patrick’s themed. Other than that, I hope to spend the day cleaning, prepping food for the week doing laundry and just relaxing. Also hoping my brother and Zach will come over and hang for a little bit.

Blog News

All those missed lunches (all week!) meant I did hardly any blogging this week. I have to leave at 1pm on Friday next week – need to do an oil change and then I have a hair appointment – so I’m trying to decide if I’m going to work through lunch or just use some of my vacation/sick time. Probably work through lunches again, since I hate to use that time that I could really need. But that will mean I still won’t get in much blogging. Hopefully the week after that will be more normal and allow me some blogging time.

I’m hoping to have some time tomorrow (Sunday, you’re today) to at least visit, which I seem to have been able to do the past few Sundays.

Last Week on the Blog

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls is convinced she has the happiest baby! Learn about her week in the Sunday Post with Berls. Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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7 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Happy Baby

  1. Aw that’s cute! Dante sounds like a happy little guy for sure! And yay for the new truck, or whatever you end up picking out! Hope he finds just the right vehicle. And have an awesome week!

  2. That is such a blessing that Dante is a happy go lucky fella. Car shopping stresses me out so I’m with you on that one. Yay for a little extra free time on Friday after working so hard.

    Have a good week, Berls!

  3. Oh I’m with you on the car shopping! It just makes me ill in all the possible ways. I do like CarMax though. If I have to deal with car shopping that place isn’t too bad. My brother-in-law is like Kiko. He’s constantly buying new cars and trading them in and what not. What a happy baby and a good sleeper! My son was a good sleeper and honestly we didn’t have much sleep regression so hopefully you’ll be the same. He hates going to bed now but I think that’s because genetically he’s a night owl. Have a great week!

  4. My daughter was also very happy and a great sleeper. I think happy babies do sleep better. I hope it all goes well for you this week! I love seeing you get to do things like get a massage or go to the library or have your hair and nails done. I am so thrilled this new job has allowed you the flexibility to live! And of course, that you are enjoying your boy so much! Have a great last week of COYER! I have given up on being totally organized right now. You’ve been doing great with it though.

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