The one with the Friends Reunion
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
News at Home
Today was about resting and getting ready for the week. This morning I relaxed with Dante and watched Thunder Force on Netflix. It was the dumb funny that sometimes you just need, but are also really glad you didn’t pay for. Then I got groceries and did meal prep for the week. Not a lot to prep this week, as I have a bunch of frozen leftovers from the past few weeks to work through. Got to bed a little later than planned – Kiko was watching “Naked and Afraid” which I don’t usually care to watch and somehow I got sucked in.
Today was a much better day than the past few weeks. I woke up about 5 minutes before my alarm and my morning routine went really well. I had a killer workout – the instructor’s playlist was fantastic and the energy was really motivating. My knee is still bothering me – I think it’s all the damn rain.
Daycare drop off went great – Dante fussed a little, but in comparison to the tears and clinging of last week, I call it a win. Work wasn’t super slow – I had some work to do – but I also was done with all my work by about 4. And I technically couldn’t leave for another hour, so I read. I’ve decided to bring my Kindle to work for when it gets slow. I will do my work first, but if I’m out of work, I might as well do something I enjoy.
Daycare pick up was even better! Dante had a good day – he napped, ate some of his food, and they marked for his disposition: cheerful, attentive, energetic, quiet, and playful! yay!!! He even colored a star which is now proudly displayed on the fridge.
Y’all I even ate 100% on plan today and drank 1 gallon of water by 7pm. I feel so ready for this week – I hope it continues like this!
Today was pretty good. I started the day at the gym, being careful with my knee, but otherwise feeling good. I’ve started taking 1 day each week to work from my brother’s apartment – that way I stay in my routine but get to spend more time with him and his partner, Zach (we’re not required back 100%, but 3-4 days a week, which is more than I could make happen without daycare). I really enjoyed working with them and we all had a light day, so we chatted a lot in between our meetings.
We also talked a bit about my next career steps. Work is slow and I’ve been feeling that I really need to take advantage of that to work on my next career step. I think I’ve fully decided to work on Front End Development and today I began figuring out how I could do it without really spending any money. So my goal for this week is to create a “course” calendar for myself and I’ll start next week really learning.
Daycare drop off was still difficult, with some tears. But pickup was a success again! Dante had a good day – he ate well, slept well, played well – and he didn’t cry when he saw me. He was happily playing :). When we got home he played and ate and went to bed really well. I’m hoping most days will be like this and MAYBE we aren’t too far away from him being happy when I drop him off too!
Today was a good day. I feel like I’m finally really getting into a good rhythm. I walked out the door exactly on time and got to work on time, meaning I was able to leave on time and get Dante by 5:30. I hate to leave him there more than 9.5 hours. It’s such a long time.
Daycare drop off was a little bit of a regression, he cried and chased me when we left. BUT he had a good day and didn’t cry his “relief tears” when I picked him up. Yay! He didn’t nap, so he was a bit fussier tonight, but still ate well and went straight to sleep at bedtime.
Work was a bit heavy on work / meetings in until about 3. But that left me with pretty much nothing from 3 – 5. So I finished working out my plan to learn Front End Development. I have a calendar put together with a goal to be ready to apply for jobs by October. I’ve been all over on what should be my next step, so it feels really good to have made a decision. I don’t even feel guilty about doing it on work hours, since it’s learning skills I could potential use at the University or Hospital (even if unlikely).
The only bad part of today is that my back is REALLY hurting. I think it’s my desk chair, so I ordered a lumbar pillow. It will take a while to come since I ordered it through work, but I hope it will help.
I don’t want to jinx it, BUT I think we’ve found our rhythm! *knocks on wood* I got in my workout, was dressed and out the door with Dante at 7:55 this morning. Drop off was tears, but otherwise fine. Got to work by 8:30ish and had a very light day. Spent a good part of the day working on my front end development education plan – starting with JavaScript and I’m really enjoying it. I got out right at 5 and was able to pick Dante up right at 5:30 – and he had a good day again! No nap again, so he was a little fussy and went to bed about 30-15 minutes early. I’ll take it!
I’m doing a few things to wrap up for the day, but I’m trying to wrap up early so I can watch some of the Friends Reunion. Why did they release it on a Thursday? If it were Friday I could stay up and watch! I still might, since Friday’s I don’t go to the gym — the earliest class is too late — and I can sleep in a little bit. Not a lot, but some.
Another pretty good day. I did yoga this morning and it helped my lower back pain a lot. Then we got out the door just a few minutes later than I would like, but I still got to work by 8:30. Dante cried at drop off, but I think it’s going to take a while before he stops crying. The report at the end of the day was great – he was “cheerful, attentive, quiet, and playful” and “played well with toys and friends.” I call that a win. I got a lot of work done today on my lessons for JavaScript and I’m feeling really hopeful about that decision. I also stayed up a bit late today so I could finish the Friend’s Reunion. It was SO GOOD and now I want to rewatch the show.
What a fantastic day. Dante slept in a bit and then we were off for a playdate at my friend Melissa’s. We considered the pool but he was not interested. Her boys, on the other hand, were little fishes. He played really well though and took a great nap. Me and Melissa had a great time and I drank quite a lot really. It was EXACTLY the relaxing day I needed. When I got home, Franky and Helena were here, which was another nice, unexpected treat. Dante went to bed a bit late, so I’m hoping he’ll sleep in a bit. He’s having a bit of allergies I think – runny nose and lots of sneezing; I hope that’s all! We have Monday off, so I’m hoping he’ll be feeling 100% by Tuesday.
Blog News
I did some actual blog visiting this week! I’m so excited to be finding my rhythm.
Last week on Because Reading
- [25 May] Tell Me Something Tuesday: Summer 2021 TBR List
- [26 May] Tall, Dark & Dead by Tate Hallaway ★★★½
- [26 May] Dead Sexy by Tate Hallaway ★★★★
- [26 May] Romancing the Dead by Tate Hallaway ★★★★
- [26 May] Dead If I Do by Tate Hallaway ★★★★
- [26 May] Honeymoon of the Dead by Tate Hallaway ★★★★½
- [27 May] Trouble on Tap by Avery Flynn ★★★★
- [28 May] Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh ★★★★
- [29 May] The Archived by Victoria Schwab ★★★★½
- [29 May] Non-Review – Senlin Ascends (The Books of Babel #1) by Josiah Bancroft
- [30 May] Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the Friends Reunion
- [30 May] The Sunday Post ~ Change is hard…but things are going ok ~ Week in READview! 2021
Challenge update
This week I finished:
I’m participating in 4 reading challenges this year. Here’s how I’m doing:
Backlist Reader hosted by Lark @ Bookwyrms Hoard: 23 books
Library Love hosted by Books of My Heart & Angel’s Guilty Pleasures: 4 books
New Release hosted by (un)Conventional Bookworms: 1 book
COYER (Spring) hosted by Because Reading: 26 books
FitReaders (hosted by Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About & Felicia The Geeky Blogger)
My big goal for 2021 is to get down to my goal weight. It means losing 70 pounds this year.
This week my focus has been:
- Logging every food I eat (I have an app that my nutritionist monitors where I can just take pictures)
- Drinking enough water (goal is 1 Gallon, but I’m happy if I get in 64 oz
I’m really happy with how I did this week. I did super well Monday – Friday and even Saturday at my friend’s for our playdate I didn’t do too bad (if you ignore the drinking lol).
Weight gain/loss: +1.0 lbs for the year (which is an improvement sadly)
Added to My Shelf
I’m trying to be more responsible about keeping track of the books I acquire, so I’m going to start sharing them again. If I share them here, surely I’ll remember to add them to Goodreads, right?
That’s smart to take your kindle to work, so you can read if you’re done early. No sense just sitting there with nothing to do. Glad to hear your morning routine went smoother this week. Hopefully Dante’s drop off go better soon, seems he’s doing fine once he is there so that sounds good. That’s ncie you had a relaxing Saturday!
I’m glad you’re finding a routine that’s working for you. I do yoga every day. It’s been awesome for my random muscle aches. I’m a lot stronger and more flexible than I used to be. I hope you have a great week.
That was the perfect description of Thunder Force. I’m happy to read about your good week. Glad Dante is feeling good and doing well at daycare. Glad you are moving toward your goals. Hope this upcoming week is even better!
Sounds like Dante is settling in at daycare! Good for you for thinking about your career development, and working on your fitness. I need to be more consistent about exercising. I’m too prone to let things get in the way of doing it. I hereby vow to get on the treadmill tomorrow!
Good to see you (and a glimpse of Dante) at book club today! Let’s chat on FB about reading the second Castles Ever After book as a buddy read. Sounded like a couple of other people would join us if we did.
I love Naked and Afraid, Scot and I watch it all the time. 🙂 It’s one of our favorites.
I love your motivation, I can’t seem to find mine at all. I need a Philip and Zach in my life. You are so luck to have them be able to give you such awesome feedback. I just need to get out of my own head.
I hope you have a great week, my friend! Happy Reading! xx
I’m so happy Dante is doing better with daycare!! And I love that you are creating your own learning schedule for increasing your skills. What a great idea! And, you are dedicated enough to make it all happen. Have a great weekend!
Overall it sounds like a great week. I love how you continue to work to improve yourself. I always enjoy learning new things but I don’t always plan it out that clearly. I just want to do something and I need some skill so I figure it out on the fly. Other than when I went to school or vendor training. I’m continue to do my PT exercises religiously and sitting too long is a problem for me even in a good chair.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
How did you like Romancing the Duke? It’s a favorite of mine 😀
Glad your week was a bit better! Hope it’s something that can continue for you and your family.
Nice new reads too! All new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂