Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the hat

Posted January 10, 2021 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 12 Comments


The one with the hat

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

News at Home

The short version

What a stressful week! On top of the events at the capital – which actually didn’t really shock me – I found out that I have to go back to work 1 day a week starting in February. And I have no truly good options for childcare. So the stress really got to me this week. On the plus, Dante had his 15 month checkup and it went great. We also got him a faceshield hat and it enabled us to take him outside to run and play.

Sunday 1/3

Today was pretty good. Kiko is on call and was woken up with a call pretty early – which sucked for him – but meant he was up when Dante woke and giving me a lie in! When I did wake up, I had breakfast, got started on some chores and did a bit of blogging. Then we went to the lake for a nice walk; the weather was beautiful. Dante almost fell asleep on the walk, but woke up for lunch. Then I had our COYER Read Along chat for book 1 in the Psy-Changling series (hosted by Anne). Finished up some chores (including finishing up my closet project – all our closets are officially cleaned out and organized), dinner, and bedtime routine for Dante, followed by some TV with Kiko (we’re watching A Teacher on Hulu). All in all,  good, productive day and I’m feeling ready for tomorrow.

Monday 1/4

I got up on time today and got in my morning routine, which always feels like a win. YouTube wasn’t working (where I have my workout videos I’ve been doing lately) so I decided to see if Prime had something and stumbled on a 10 minute dance workout that I really like. I think I’ll do it again tomorrow. Dante woke up super early today – 6:45 – but he dozed in and out until about 7:30, so we ended up mostly on our normal schedule. Work was light – my only meeting was canceled – and I got another update on my hopeful promotion. Still not official, but getting closer *fingers crossed*

Dante napped well today – 2.5 hours and I had to wake him because it was getting late. He woke up super happy and playful. He was in a good mood pretty much all day honestly. I also had my call with my nutritionist/health coach – she always puts such great perspective on things and helps me set great goals. So I’m feeling reinvigorated as the week moves forward.

Tuesday 1/5

Today Dante woke up early again – 6:45. Then this morning he had his 15 month checkup. He’s pretty much perfect, yay. He continues to gain weight rapidlly – he’s now in the 95th percentile for weight (he was previously in the 93rd). Doctor said we’re doing all the right things, so we don’t necessarily need to worry, but we should watch his weight. I can’t help but worry because of my history (not to mention the family genes). She said activity is the main focus – which means trying to get him more outside time. Which is hard because we don’t have a backyard. I ordered him a face shield to try out, so we can try taking him to the park to run and play a bit better, instead of always being in the stroller. Then he got two shots – and he remembered what was coming, got upset before he got pricked! 🙁

This afternoon I think the shots messed with him a little – he didn’t eat much of his lunch or dinner. But he drank milk well. And he took a good nap – almost 3 hours! Oh and when I asked her about naps, she said that he still needs them since he’s not turning around and sleeping 13 hours the nights he doesn’t nap. He just is struggling a bit more because of all the brain development going on. So we’re going to keep trying and seeing how he does from day to day.

I worked late to make up for missing a couple hours for Dante’s appointment, so today was just a blur of work and Dante!

Wednesday 1/6

Well today quickly went to this stressful shitter! It started with the good news that Georgia was likely to turn the senate blue! Yay! And then work was going well enough, Dante woke up early again, but he was happy and all was good. He went down for a nap around 2 pm (slept 2.5 hours!). All was good – and then my boss called to talk about my starting to come into the office. She can’t delay much longer. I probably need to start coming in the end of the month, first week of February at the latest. Just 1 day a week, but when you have no one that is incredibly stressful. I don’t know what we’re going to do. I need Dante to be safe and I don’t know how to do that for him in this current pandemic world. But I also need to keep my job and income and health benefits.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Trump supports loss the damned minds (oh right, they did that a long time ago – they’re Trump supporters after all) and stormed the capital. I realize they’re the extremists not the every day supporters, but this is what Trump represents. He doesn’t represent the every day guy. He’s just fooled a bunch of everyday Joe types. These rioters are what Trump stands for and it sickens me that our country has come to this. Please let us survive til the 20th. It says something that Biden spoke before Trump, by the way. What a lack of leadership.

So I’m stressed… definitely did some stress eating and today just sucks.

Thursday 1/7

Today was a blur — mainly because I’m very emotionally stressed. I called Dante’s old daycare today to see if they had space for him 1 time a week. They don’t, his age group is full. I called 2 more daycares in the area and they were full or not taking anyone who wouldn’t be full time. So that backup is not a backup. And I didn’t even want to take him, but losing the backup sucks.

On the potentially positive, a friend of my brother’s (that I know well enough to trust) MAY be able to help. She’s working at Target right now while looking for a full time job. So basically, if her current prospect falls through (sad for her) she can watch him  (yay for us). Which is a pretty fucked up thing to hope for. She said that if the position – which is remote – allowed enough flexibility, she would still help out.

My brother and his boyfriend said that we could bring him to their place, it’s just that they’re both working for home so it would be tricky with meetings and shit. Not to mention they are not baby proofed. But it’s better than nothing. Anyway, I’m stressed, not reading, just going to bed.

Friday 1/8

What a busy day! I was nonstop at work and since I was into OT I was supposed to finish at 2:15 – but didn’t manage to clock out until 2:30. It was pretty nonstop all day. Dante napped wonderfully though – oh and I discovered another tooth, his 3rd molar, making an appearance! We’re almost to a full set of molars and the ability to really chomp some food lol! The face shield hat I ordered him arrived today and I think it’s going to work. We put it on for a bit so he could get acclimated and he kept it on for a solid 15 minutes, no fuss. He played really well with it and it covers him super well. Yay! I’m excited to take him out this weekend for some fun.

I had my weekly chat with some friends and it helped to put me in a better mood. I’m still reeling from the stress and uncertainty, but I’m working on pulling myself out of it. We ordered in from a new place tonight and it was yummy! And I have leftovers, so I’m looking forward to it again tomorrow!

Saturday 1/9

Today was a good day. It started with Dante sleeping until 7:30 (that’s a full hour and a half later than I wake up during the week, so qualifies a a lie in). I did a modified miracle morning, we had breakfast and I finished my audio book, Kiko got up and I had some me time. I used it to write. I haven’t written in a few years because life has just been busy. But my brother got me a beautiful journal for Christmas and said something to the effect of, “you can use it however you want, but I hope you’ll use it to write.” So I decided to make a Saturday morning date with myself to write every week. It’s not a lot of time, but it’s something. And once I got started it just flowed. It was like coming home. Or finding a lost arm. I’m a writer. It’s a huge part of who I am. I wish I believed I could make a living at it.

Anyway, after writing for about an hour, we decided to go to the park. It was chilly, but the sun was out, making it a nice day. And Dante was armed with his face shield hat. So when there were people there, he was still able to run around. And he loved it. He was full of giggles and had a blast. And then the few people that were there left and we pulled out our Lyysol and he got on the swing. Oh my goodness, the squeals of delight melted my heart.

After the park we came home for lunch, I went and picked up groceries, and while I was out got my notification to schedule my appointment for my second dose of my Pfizer vaccine! I’ll be getting it tomorrow (Sunday at 1:40 pm). I’m so excited. After putting groceries up I relaxed a bit with some Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I’m on season 5 – Glory! Riley just left and my favorite sad episode is coming soon “The Body”), dinner, and now blogging before bedtime.

Blog News

Last week on Because Reading

Challenge update

I’m participating in 4 reading challenges this year. Here’s how I’m doing:

This week I finished reading In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren, One of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus, and Shuttergirl by CD Reiss.

Backlist Reader hosted by Lark @ Bookwyrms Hoard: 2 this week / 2 this year

Library Love hosted by Books of My Heart & Angel’s Guilty Pleasures: none yet

New Release hosted by (un)Conventional Bookworms: none yet

COYER (Fall) hosted by Because Reading: 1 this week / 1 this year

COYER Readathon: Starting today the read-a-thon is to read a book from a friend’s TBR. I’m working on two that will count so far, buddy reading both. And I have one more in the queue.

FitReaders (hosted by Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About & Felicia The Geeky Blogger)

I’m keeping a scorecard to track my fitness goals. It’s something my nutritionist suggested to help me move past my perfectionism. My current goal is to get to 60 points a week – something I can do without doing perfect every day. I’ll share my scorecard with you below.

My big goal for 2021 is to get down to my goal weight. It means losing 70 pounds this year. It’s a lot, but I’ve done more in the past and if I just focus I know I can at least get close. My day-to-day goals will fluctuate and appear in the scorecard below. I will comment on my goals (where relevant) in the my weekly update above.

This week was BAD. I’m up about 7 pounds for the year. I’m dusting it off and working on doing better though.  This is what stress can do, if you let it. On the plus, I’ve managed to make my 60 points goal. So I didn’t fully throw in the towel. And I still have today left!




Added to My Shelf

I’m trying to be more responsible about keeping track of the books I acquire, so I’m going to start sharing them again. If I share them here, surely I’ll remember to add them to Goodreads, right?

How was your week? What are you Reading?

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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12 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the hat

  1. I love the shield hat idea! Glad Dante can get out and about with it more. Fingers crossed you get a resolution on the childcare that works for you. I totally understand your stress there. 🙁

    Yay for the second dose of the vaccine!

  2. I’m so sorry you were stressed!! I am sure you will find a babysitter for a day-maybe ask some coworkers if they know of anyone? Maybe a college student who can come to your house that one day?
    I love Dante’s hat! How cute! And I’m glad he got out to play. It was good for you both!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: January 10
  3. Well lots of change and uncertainty is hard. I love that you are getting your second vaccine and that Dante got to play. They are still on health care workers here. There are 4 groups overall and I’m at the bottom #4. I’m not quite old enough or have conditions which let me get in any early rounds. If you get the promotion will you have a different boss and will you still need to come in once a week? Good luck on your fitness goals. It was a tough week here with limiting my movement so much. But I wasn’t all that interested in eating. Here’s to a better week!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Series on Saturday: I LOVE London
  4. I don’t know from experience, but childcare is ridiculous, especially right now. It’s something my BFF has been struggling with, since she wants to go back to school, but needs her work hours to cover the childcare. It’s a horrible cycle. I hope you find something!

    I’m hoping to lose the 30-35 pounds I gained over the last two-ish years this year, but it’s so hard to stay on track! I am down 5 pounds, but that was all water since I started my weigh-ins at the start of my period. 😛

    Angie recently posted: Sunday Post #33: Getting ahead!
  5. That’s nice you got that hat for Dante so you can easier take him outside for playing. And that’s great he got easily used to the hat. I hope you’re able to find a child care solution for February now that you have to be at work 1 day per week. That’s great news about your upcoming possible promotion hopefully getting closer. I hope next week is a good one!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #421
  6. That’s upsetting. I hope you’re able to work out some childcare for Dante when you have to work. But glad to hear you’re all doing well.

    Nice new reads too! Lots of new to me ones. The Horoscope one looks cute! I always like reading my horoscope but sometimes find what they say about my Zodiac in general to not really fit with myself. Somethings are spot on, others…I’m like “are you sure??” Lol!

    Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂