Tell Me Something Tuesday was hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings, but she has (temporarily?) stopped blogging. So a group of us that had been doing posts (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Karen from For What It’s Worth, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About and me) decided to get together, come up with some more topics and keep the meme going.Michelle made us a logo and we’re off and running. For more details, check out this post where I reintroduced the meme.
I can be sporadic, but when I do join in I will always share next week’s topic at the end of the post. So, today is about…
Libraries… do you use yours?
The short answer: Yes.
The longer answer: Pre-blogging I used my library so much more. I owned a handful of books, but mostly I just went to the library if I wanted to read a book. I think there are two main reasons I use the library less:
- I’m inpatient. When I decide I want to read a book, I tend to want to read it right now. And sometimes that works out with OverDrive. But very often, the book has a waiting list or isn’t available on OverDrive (so I’d have to GO and get the physical copy). And when that happens, I often end up either not reading it, buying it, or finding it on Scribd (paid service similar to KU).
- I own SO MANY books that I haven’t read. And I’m not just talking about my print books – I just moved and I’m feeling the weight (literally!) of how many I own. I also have hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks that I’ve never read (and I can’t seem to keep that collection from growing, even though I am WAY more judicious about buying books these days). So why go to the library when you basically own one?
That being said, I love the library and love to support it. I participate in a charity every year for one of our local libraries to support the ELL program they have. And that’s the thing about libraries, they aren’t just repositories of books for free (which is AMAZING in and of itself) but they also host so many programs for the community – especially the less economically fortunate. As a child, teen, and young adult those programs were instrumental to me and my family. So libraries will always hold a special place in my heart. Plus the first book of my very own that I ever owned, my librarians purchased for me 🙂
I use my library all the time, but definitely different from the way I did 5 years ago. First, I read more books on my tablet and so I get them online using hoopla, cloudlibrary or Libby. I also listen to a lot of audiobooks which I also get from the library, but do not have to go into the building to do that, I download them online. I do occasionally get physical books, but again, I order them and just run in to pick them up. I will probably go back in more often once the pandemic is over, but not yet.
Sounds like you use your library pretty much the same way I do. I used to really go in and walk around, check out the new arrivals, etc. Now I’m in and out. I’m thinking once things get better with COVID, I’ll really enjoy taking Dante.
I use mine library a lot, I just wish my actual library was larger and had more to offer so I have to be patient with Overdrive…lol. 🙂
I am lucky on that front, my library system is HUGE. But that’s a big city for you. And I STILL have long Overdrive waits.
Hopefully when/if the pandemic subsides, you can enjoy the library with Dante. There will be so much to show him!
I really look forward to that. I think he will love story time and just exploring the books. It’s okay, I think he’ll enjoy it more in a year or so anyway. But I am looking forward to being able to take him places like that!
I used to back when I had a car. My agoraphobia keeps me from going out now.
I’m sorry, that must be really hard. I hope your library has a good Overdrive/Hoopla/Libby service at least!
The first book I read was from the library, not that I can remember the title but I’m certain if libraries hasn’t existed, I wouldn’t even be a reader even with schools.
I now only use the library for ebooks because going out is a bit difficult decision these days. But I hear you on Overdrive – sometimes the wait list is ridiculous. I’ve noticed the most popular books have more copies while less known authors have like one or two copies of their books. I guess it’s a popularity contest even though we can suggest a book for purchase but that doesn’t always work.
Have a lovely day.
I agree – the library definitely made me a reader. School had reading and books, but the library presented choice and endless opportunities to read.
I’m a very heavy user of my libraries for many reasons.
I know you use yours better than I do! But I think you also just read a lot more than I do in general!
My library usage is very similar- a few in person borrows and lots of Overdrive borrows, but still have a huge Kindle TBR pile that keeps me busy.
My owned books is enough to make a small country library I think LOL! So yeah, I don’t need my library nearly as much as I used to.
I volunteer at a library so I can’t help but borrow books since I walk around there and see this or that book that looks good. 😄
Oh, if I worked/volunteered at a library I am certain I would go home with stacks! And my TBR would be in even more trouble!