Tell Me Something Tuesday: Thoughts of Quitting?

Posted March 30, 2021 by Berls in Tell Me Something Tuesday / 9 Comments

Tell Me Something Tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday was hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings, but she has (temporarily?) stopped blogging. So a group of us that had been doing posts (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Karen from For What It’s Worth, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About  and me) decided to get together, come up with some more topics and keep the meme going.Michelle made us a logo and we’re off and running. For more details, check out this post where I reintroduced the meme.

I can be sporadic, but when I do join in I will always share next week’s topic at the end of the post. So, today is about…

Have you ever thought of quitting blogging? What made you reconsider the idea?

I came very close to it in July 2017 actually. I was just so overwhelmed by life and couldn’t keep up with my own blog, which was Fantasy is More Fun (and is still there just sitting a bit broken actually). Michelle was pretty much running the COYER Challenge on her own and I had posted maybe 6 times all year. I was ready to quit and Michelle offered to see how it would work to blog together. We both were a little hesitant about it, because we both were used to doing things our own way. But we thought we’d give it a try and I posted this final message on my blog.

It turned out to be the perfect solution – I didn’t have to stress about the design any longer, which is Michelle’s thing. And we can each post a handful of times a week (or less sometimes) and still have a fairly active blog. And since we run COYER together, giving it one home made things a bit simpler.

And I wasn’t really ready to leave – I love the connections to the book world, not to mention all of you! – so I remain grateful to her for taking me in.

What about you? Have you ever thought of quitting blogging?

Next week’s topic: If you could live anywhere in the real world, where would you move?

It's #TMST & Berls wants to know: Have you ever considered quitting blogging? Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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9 responses to “Tell Me Something Tuesday: Thoughts of Quitting?

  1. I think the best part was that we basically where sort of thinking the same thing when I asked if you wanted to join me since I was starting to struggle too. I think we work perfectly. It’s so amazing that we are BFF, Co Bloggers and we don’t even live in the same state and pretty much have seen each other in person once. (which we will need to change at some point) We just work and I think that is amazing! oxoxo

  2. I love that you and Michelle are together but I’m sure that was a tough decision initially. I feel like COYER has been a revival for many of us over the last year with so many new and exciting ideas. I don’t tend to “burn out” even though I’m into my 8th year. I think because I was on other people’s blogs first and then when I started my own I built a team. Plus I read different genres so I don’t get stuck so much.

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