2016 Bookish Resolutions Progress Report lets you check in every month to tell us know how you are doing with your Bookish Resolutions and keeps you moving closer to your goal. We look forward to cheering you on to success!
So how is it going?
Lets call the month of January a getting to know the new year month. With my blog down and a few other things going on in my personal life, I didn’t get as much as I wanted to get done, done. So next month is like the start of a new year lol. I plan to get my but moving and complete some of my resolutions.
Reading Goals
- Read 10 Books I already own prior to 2016 ~ 3
- Read 5 Physical Books from my shelf ~ 0
- Read 3 next book in a series ~ None Yet
- Read 10 Netgalley and/or Edelweiss books I already have prior to 2016 ~ 1
- Get/Keep My Netgalley to 80% ~ 67%
Blog Goals
- Keep track of all Challenge ~
- Been using Goodreads for this and my Kindle (So far I am good)
- Update Challenge Page once a month
- I have a plug in and I am keeping up
- Keep Book Spreadsheet updated
- Not yet
- Visit 5 Blogs a week (this does not include the Sunday Post)
- Still working on this but I did visit a few
- Write Reviews no more than 3 days after completing book
- I have no review to write at the moment! All up to date
Personal Goals
- Crochet ~ I already know how, I just SUCK. So I would like to do it more to get better.
- Finish 2 Crochet Blankets (one easy, one hard)
- Haven’t started this yet but plan to next month
- Finish 2 Crochet Blankets (one easy, one hard)
- Do one crafty project with the kids each month. I will also be able to show off each craft we make, this will include a ceramics place I have been dying to take them too.
- Crazy month will be working on project with the kids next month.
Link Up
How are you doing with your goals?
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
I’d say, even without all the stuff you had going on in January, you still did well, Michelle! Keep up the good work…February is gonna be smooth sailing. *crosses fingers* 😉
I was actually surprised when I went to preview the post but unfortunately Feb is lacking in posts because of not being able to do any work. So this week/weekend I will be working my butt off to get some stuff done lol
Oh crap! I forgot to make my post! But I agree we should take January as a practice month. LOL Now I must run off and do up my post.
That’s ok the link is open for a week so you got some time 🙂
Just linked and I’ve got it on my calendar now. 🙂
Yay! I will check it out when I get home to see your progress!
Sometimes life intrudes, one of my blogs was hit by same problem as yours as hosted by same provider. Thank goodness my book blog on Blogger was okay!
It was awful! I really just couldn’t figure out what to do with myself. God forbid it happens again I think I will just start writing posts in MSWord to they are ready for when the blog goes up but I was in a panic.
Looks like you have made some progress on your goals! Good job!!
Thank you, Terri! I’m hoping to make this a productive year.
I wont be doing monthyl recaps for this challenge, as I thought it was too often for me, so I will onyl do guarterly recaps. I hope that’s okay? Even though january was a bit of a weird month, you still managed to do well on your reading goals and make soem progress. I am only making progress on one goal so far and that’s postign Lola’s Advice (I have the scheduled till June so far, yay!), let’s hope I make more progress on my other goals as well next month. And my netgalley percentage is going in the wrong direction, down instead of up. Good luck with your goals!
That’s fine, I think we should have done the update every other month but maybe next year we will do that because I realize more of the stuff takes a bit of time to get used to.
We definitely made this challenge hard for ourselves!
I KNOW! WTF? lol