I will say this isn’t something I normally would have picked up. This type of story isn’t my cup of tea. When I received this in the mail I was a little worried. Middle Grade with a feel of NCIS or 24 not sure it was going to be for me. Now ask me why I told you all that? I LOVED this book. It had action, adventure, awesome characters and an ENDING that gets me so excited to read the next one. I really thought this book/series wasn’t going to be for me but I am SOOOO glad it proved me wrong.
The story follows Connor Reeves, a pretty smart kid with excellent Martial Arts skills. On his way home from a competition he sees a younger kid getting picked on by 4 bullies. He has a good heart and steps in to help. Things get a little crazy and when the cops show up they take Connor in for questioning. Soon enough he realizes it was a set up and this secret agency wants him to come and train to be a Guardian. A Guardian is a top secret type of bodyguard for high profile kids. Who would suspect a kid to be a body guard. (well played). When the POTUS’s Daughter is targeted it’s up to Connor to help protect the 1st daughter but she is causing more trouble and things might be getting out of control.
The story is told in two Main POV, Connor and Hazim, it also switches to other POVs also but never confusing. The action in this book is well done and easy described with lots of detail. I can pretty much picture it in my head as I read. This book also has a lot of details and explanations to get you better associated with the Guardian Program. I loved it, I loved all the details and learning about what they are doing. I thought the briefings were interesting and whether you are an adult or teen I think all this will have you fascinated and also wondering if all this should be in a book. It seems so top secret! 🙂
It has a handful of characters, I am hoping in the next book we get to see more of Connors team members because I really enjoyed them. I really liked the idea of Connor having a backup team for when he need info with each member having a different skill that would help him. Alicia the presidents daughter, drove me crazy but I get it I totally understand why she feels how she did and why she runs off so often. I am eager to see what happens in the next book, I really can’t wait to read it.
Overall, this book was full of action, adventure, mystery and intense moments. The first few pages had me on the edge of my seat. I am looking forward to devouring this series and finding out what happens next. I highly recommend to middle grade, Teen, YA and adult. (which covers everyone) you will not be disappointed!
Next three books in the series are also available on May 9th!
Click images will take you to Goodreads so you can add to your TBR List! 😉
Check out Michelle's 4 Star Review of the amazing Bodyguard Series by Chris Bradford Share on XThanks for stopping by to check out my review.
Have a great day and Happy Reading!

I so want this series, they sent them to the wrong person…lol. 😉 Sounds great and I am glad you liked it. Some times it’s great to read something we don’t normally read and end up loving it.
This looks so fun! I may have to go on and get them for my 7 year old though of course I’ll have to read them first! I love this kind of middle grade adventure story and this is unique! Just reading the premise I was worried it’d get too silly but it sounds like it stayed in the fun territory.
I can’t even explain how detailed it is with all the secret stuff, I really felt like I shouldn’t be reading all that stuff lol.
BTW I just finished the second and OMG it was awesome!