Berls Reviews: Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody

Posted August 17, 2020 by Berls in Review / 4 Comments

As the first book that wasn’t a reread that I’ve managed to read (audio excluded) without DNFing this summer, I’m giving this high marks. But it’s not just that – Suzy is a truly compelling character and I enjoy the way she is unapologetically harsh and kicks ass.

I also love that the meaning of the title is actually not at all what your expecting (read to find out). I really wish I’d read this book prior to Suzy Spitfire and the Snake Eyes of Venus, since knowing everyone would have made that book even better. But even out of order they work. I really hope that I am paying attention when a third book comes out because I want to read it, for sure.

I guess this is technically a Sci-Fi book, in that it takes place in the future and there’s lots of space travel. But that’s about the only thing about it that felt Sci-Fi. So Sci-Fi light? It’s actually just more of an action adventure series. The Sci-Fi elements never distracted, but they were pretty cool (the weapons and medicine, for example).

Lots of humor, action, memorable characters and even a bit of heartwarming moments – I really enjoyed this book.

4 stars Pretty GreatBerls is reviewing her FIRST non-DNF read for the summer! Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody 4/5 stars! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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4 responses to “Berls Reviews: Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody

  1. Suzy was a surprising character for me and I am right there with you hoping for book three. πŸ™‚ Glad it pushed your through your DNF funk.