It’s time for a brand new challenge for the New Year: 2017 Bookish Resolutions Challenge hosted by Laura @ trips down imagination road and Me, Michelle @Because Reading.
You can sign up HERE anytime between December 1st to March 1st, the challenge starts January 1st and ends December 31st. The 2017 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Years Resolutions for books, book blogging and writing.

I was stinking last year! I think I just picked more goals than I was really able to do. I have set my goals a little differently this year and I think I am going to do awesome with it. One of my main goals that I plan to focus on for next year is to stay ahead on everything. My real life doesn’t give me a lot of time and I usually have set days to blog so I want to get to a point where I can blog on the Fridays (my day off) and part of the weekend when I have time, leaving the week open to read and do all the crazy real life stuff.
Reading Goals
- Read 25 Books I already own prior to 2017
- Read 15 books off my book shelf
- Start 1 New Series with more than 4 books, finish all books published by end of year.
- Read at least 5 Next book in series
Blog Goals
- BLOG AHEAD! – Make blog at least 2 weeks ahead at all times
- Respond to ALL Comments & Comment back.
- Visit at least 5 new blogs a week (ex. from the Sunday Post)
Personal Goals
- Menu Plan ~ Plan menu 2 weeks ahead for dinner and grocery shopping (time and money saver)
- Quit Smoking~ I quit on November 21, 2016 – I need to stay quit this entire year. (NO CHEATING)

I am so excited for my goals. What goals do you plan to do in 2017?
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
I like how you’ve made your goals so specific, Michelle. I’m going to do that as well in 2017. This year, I had a few specific goals and even if I didn’t do so well with them, they were more quantifiable than my more vague ones like “stick to a schedule”. Here’s to accomplishing our goals next year!!! (congrats on quitting smoking – I know it’s hard but you can stick with it!!)
I realized this year I need to be very specific for me to be able to accomplish anything. If it’s too open, I sort of make excuses and I am tired of doing that.
Thank you, I am hoping this time it sticks for longer than 2 years but I had reasons for starting again but now even with a little stress I wont go back…I’ll drink wine 😉
I love how you listed out your goals! The past month has been insane and I haven’t spent the time thinking ahead that I try to do this time of year. Thanks for the reminder to get to it. Yay for quitting smoking and I know you’ll stick to it. The menu planning is such a cost saver. I started being really strict about it when we had a bit of a budget crisis a few years ago and it saved a lot of money without even feeling like it! Good luck for a calmer and productive 2017!
The menu planning is a cost saver, I plan to really stick to it next year. I did it for a couple of months a couple months ago and I was so happy about saving money and not wasting food. Plus I use pinterest to find new recipes. I can’t wait to officially start doing it again. Might actually build a feature around it if I can dedicate myself to doing it each week
Those are great goals! 🙂 I am going to make goals around how I am hoping next year will go. 🙂
Make sure one of your goals is to keep up with your new planner! 😉
I don’t have many goals for next year except read more books! I’ll be continuing to set monthly goals and choosing books in advance while trying to finish one whole series each month to get me moving. I’m planning out lots of new posts and features on the blog and plan to keep on visiting blogs and looking for new people to follow. Sounds easy, right! *laughs*
It does sound easy. I think that is why I enjoy this challenge because it keeps me motivated and accountable keeping up with creating habits and making me a better blogger….I hope lol