It’s update time 🙂
Don’t forget you can find me most of the day on Twitter and Instagram
and will be updating my status on Goodreads as well while I read.
This will be my last update since after 12 I don’t update on the blog anymore.
You can see my end post at some point tomorrow! 🙂
Reading Update:
These are the books I read so far:
This is the book I am currently reading:
What else have I been doing?
We had a few things happen that caused me to stop reading for a little longer than normal. So my second book took me a lot longer than I had hopped. This is the first year I am getting tired really early. Not sure why but I don’t usually get tired around 1am but I am really tired now. I plan to get into the next book and if I finish it great if not I am ok with reading two books this time around.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my progress!
Hoping to last the entire 24 hours!
Two books and starting a third is still awesome especially when you have a family hanging around. lol