#FitReaders ~ December 7 to 13 Update

Posted December 18, 2020 by Berls in FitReaders / 4 Comments


Fit Readers is a group/challenge run by Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog and Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About, designed to support and encourage each other on our health and fitness goals. In years past I’ve participated but just done quick updates on my Sunday Post. This year, I want my goals to be a top priority, so I’m going to share my updates in a separate, more detailed weekly post. The day it appears will probably fluctuate, though, so just keep your eyes out for it 🙂

December Goals

I have hit a really rough emotional state this week. I’m emotionally exhausted and just feeling so incredibly stressed. I want to cry and shovel ice cream. That being said — I’m adjusting my goals this week to focus on taking care of my emotional health.

  1. Get down to my pre-pregnancy weight (ongoing goal – not just for the month) and stay below start weight for the month. I’m only weighing on days where I wake up feeling motivated. On a scale of 1-10, a 7 or higher. Seeing the scale go up just spirals me a bit more lately. This week I weighed in on:
    • Friday – I was actually down 0.5 pound
  2.  Dance break Monday – Friday when Dante wakes up. Pick on thing to do every day that is special and fun.  I’m keeping it simple but fun and light. It’s something to look forward to and put a smile on my face.
    • Monday – finished decorating Christmas Tree
    • Tuesday – I sang everything I said for 1 hour. It was so ridiculous it made me and Dante laugh.
    • Wednesday – the plan was to read a post every time I finished a task… but power went out so that didn’t happen.
    • Thursday – We hung the Christmas wreath on our door 🙂
    • Friday – I wanted to hang the lights but it didn’t happen.
    • Saturday – play-date
    • Sunday – book club
  3. 1 healthy treat per day, wine 3 times a week max. At the end of each day, think of 1 thing that went with Dante today, 1 thing that went well with work, and 1 personal thing that went well. 
    • Monday – Dante ate all his meals without fuss, I solved the HPC Newsletter/SharePoint issue, I talked to my nutritionist (and came up with these new goals)
    • Tuesday – Dante didn’t start screaming until after lunch, finished draft of policy website, got on parent group to chat
    • Wednesday – Dante had a great day (I think/hope I figured out a new schedule for him), I finished HPC Minutes, I took a shower (yes, that’s a win)
    • Thursday – Dante had a great day and schedule seems to be working, I stayed steady at work all day, Began a new audiobook
    • Friday – Sunday… I neglected to do this.
  4. Get in 2.5 hours a week of virtual exercise classes.Reconnect with What To Expect Sept2019 Babies group Connecting with other parents who are going through what I’m going through with a baby the same age may help.
    • Monday – got on and actually saw one mom asking how working mom’s are coping. Felt good to not be alone in my feelings.
    • Tuesday – got on and replied to some posts
    • Wednesday – busy day, didn’t get on
    • Thursday – not in the mood…
    • Friday – Sunday – didn’t feel like it.
  5. Drink between 64 oz and 1 Gallon of water a day. This is the one nutrition goal I’m keeping because I need to get back on track with my water intake
    • Monday… maybe 14 oz :/
    • Tuesday – 32 oz… an improvement…
    • Wednesday – did I drink any water today?
    • Thursday – no, I did  not drink water :0
    • Friday – Sunday – I drank some water I’m sure

Not my finest week, but I’m feeling up to a bit more tomorrow, so these goals will be further edited next week as I work on bringing myself back to focusing on more than just emotional survival.

What are your health & fitness goals for December? How are you taking care of yourself during COVID-19?  Happy Health and Fitness!

Berls is sharing her health and fitness goals for December 2020 #FitReaders Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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4 responses to “#FitReaders ~ December 7 to 13 Update

  1. It’s been a tough time. I’m doing better with walking every day it doesn’t rain with Lulu. I’ve come up with 6 loops in the neighborhood but one area doesn’t have any sidewalks so I don’t go that way. They range from 1.5 to 2.2 miles which are a nice length. But my food is crap. I love Reese’s trees. Well I am cooking some decent meals this week but not specifically low calorie.

    Hang in there! The important thing is Dante and that you are working things out to be best for him.