#FitReaders ~ January 1 – 4 Update

Posted January 10, 2020 by Berls in FitReaders / 6 Comments


Fit Readers is a group/challenge run by Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog and Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About, designed to support and encourage each other on our health and fitness goals. In years past I’ve participated but just done quick updates on my Sunday Post. This year, I want my goals to be a top priority, so I’m going to share my updates in a separate, more detailed weekly post. The day it appears will probably fluctuate, though, so just keep your eyes out for it 🙂

January 1-4 Update

I decided to start fresh with January, instead of trying to recap the final (brutally bad health-wise) days of 2019. So here’s how I did kicking off 2020 with my health goals.

Emotional Health Goal

Goal: Do Miracle Morning Routine every day, even if I have to do an abbreviated form.
Did it! Feels great to maintain too.

Fitness Goal


  • Monday 20 minute HIIT Turbo Fire
  • Tuesday 25 minute HIIT Turbo Fire
  • Thursday 30 minute LIFT intro workout
  • Friday 30 minute HIIT Turbo Fire
  • Eating Goal

    Goal: Get ready for and begin Whole 30 by January 15th.

    This goal is going through an edit… I met with my nutritionist on Thursday (1/2) and we decided that Whole 30 isn’t the smartest move for me right now. It’s a lot to take on at this point in my life, with Dante and new job and everything. So instead I have one main goal for this month – no more soda!

    How’d I do? I shared a soda with Kiko on Saturday. That’s it!

    What are your fitness goals for 2020? For January? Happy Health and Fitness!

    Berls is sharing her health and fitness goal progress for January 2020 #FitReaders Share on X

    About Berls

    Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

    I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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    6 responses to “#FitReaders ~ January 1 – 4 Update

      • Thank you!

        The soda is FREAKING HARD to break. It’s caffeine and it’s sugar and it’s bubbles and well just plain ole yummy. And it’s habit forming. But I think I’m getting there!

      • Thanks Nicci! Yay! I’m glad you’ll be joining – be sure to get on the facebook group, that’s where we do most of our talking!

      • Thanks greg!

        When I quit soda 8 years ago it made such a huge difference in how I felt and the weight started coming off. It’s amazing how 1 super addictive drink can make such a huge difference.