Hair Cut, Anniversary and a fight~ WIR & TSP

Posted October 9, 2016 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 30 Comments

WIR&TSPWeek in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

On the Blog, Books & Real Life:

Well lets start with Monday, Ryan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and said “The top of my hair was bothering me so I cut it” …..WHAT!!!! I couldn’t really see it but when I walking into the bathroom there was a ton of hair in the garbage. He has very fluffy hair so I took the razor and told him, “Sorry buddy but I need to buzz your head now” So Monday night I shaved his head, we have a little electric shaver so it took a while and he had to take another shower to get all the hair off of him…That was fun!

Wednesday, my husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary and went out to dinner. We stuffed ourselves with yummy food and a pitcher of sangria. After dinner we walked around Target, because that’s what we do every year for some reason and then headed home to get the kids to bed. We had a nice night out and did a lot of laughing and chatting about the past 14 years.

On Friday, walking my daughter home from school a few 5th graders were starting to fight. I was going to break it up anyway until a High school kid grabbed the 5th grader and slammed him against a car. I went insane, I screamed at the kid to let him go. The High School kid was acting like he didn’t do anything and his friend had a metal pipe in his hand. I yelled at the both kids and told them I was going to call the cops for putting their hands on a 10 year old. They got lippy and walked away. I went back to my daughters school and informed the principal about what had happened and hopefully they will do something on Tuesday when the kids go back to school….so…that was fun!

This week I got almost all of my October posts finished and can finally get into Blog Ahead, I am so excited to get started since I have so many cool ideas and lots of stuff I want to do. Now if I can just find something to read that I wont DNF, that would be great!

Last Week on the Blog:

What you might see this week:

  • Baba Yaga with Mandy at Reading Diaries, Monster and Book Guest Post
  • Task It Tuesday
  • Hoolie Hooligan’s Review Tour
  • Werewolf with Lola at Lola’s Reviews, Monster and Book Guest Post
  • Grim Reaper with Lexxie at (un)Conventional Book Views, Monster and Book Guest Post

Books read & currently reading:

New on the Bookshelf/Kindle:


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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30 responses to “Hair Cut, Anniversary and a fight~ WIR & TSP

  1. Oh my! 5th graders fighting, and then having high schoolers try to get in on the action? I would have gotten mad, too… I hope it’s all sorted out, now.
    I am curious about all your cool ideas, Michelle πŸ™‚ I have a few myself, and I hope I’ll be able to write some of them up in my blog ahead, too. It’s so nice to finally have posts scheduled in advance once more.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week and happy reading.

  2. Wow, you have had quite the week! That’s crazy about the fight and the high school kids though. It’s just good that you were there and that you stepped in the way you did. Sorry about your son’s hair, though it is kinda funny lol. Kids will be kids, I guess? At least your date sounds like it was nice! Happy late anniversary, and have a great week πŸ™‚

  3. My granddaughter also cut her hair this week. She has extremely curly hair and supposedly one curl was bothering her, but she didn’t know which one and a huge chunk is gone. Happy belated Anniversary.

  4. Happy Anniversary! My kids never cut their hair but I did when I was little. It was a big mistake lol. Luckily you were able to fix Ryan’s hair. That is crazy about the kids fighting and good thing you were there to stop it. I hope they were disciplined. A Stolen Kiss sounds good and I hope you enjoy it. I’ll plan to join your monthly TBR meme next year (I can’t now since I am overwhelmed with too many challenges again lol). I hope you have a great week!

    Kathy recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #106
  5. Happy anniversary! So glad you got to celebrate in some kind of way. That’s so cute that your tradition is walking around Target. I am already behind with Blog Ahead. I don’t know if it’s going to work out for me this year.

    • Thank you, Not sure how it became a tradition but for some reason we always wind up there. lol
      Even if you get one post done you still accomplished something. πŸ™‚ I have no posts done either since I plan to spend the month drafting everything and wont really know how many I got done until the end when I schedule what is finished.

  6. Sounds like you had a busy and eventful week. Cutting hair always seems easier than it actually is. But hey at least you had an excuse to cut his hair now.

    Aww sounds like you had a great night out with your husband with good food and a walk around Target.

    Wow that’s scary about the fight, but that’s good you managed to break it up and informed the principal.

    I still have 3 reviews or so to write for October, but I have to read the books first. After that I can focus 100% on November and later. That’s great you got your October posts all done already. Good luck with Blog Ahead. And I hope you’ll have a good read soon that isn’t a DNF!

    And yay I see book and a monster is starting this week! I am looking forward to see everyone’s posts. And that’s awesome you won a book! Have a great week and I hope you get t read something good!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #199
    • I am not sure what he was actually trying to do but he needs to just leave it alone and let me know next time. lol
      We don’t go out often but when we do we always have a good time.
      I am hoping the principal will do something otherwise I need to go to someone higher up.

      I have a few posts left for October but nothing that needs to be done right now, so I am excited to get started on November and December.

      It all starts this week. I loved everyones posts , I can’t wait to share them!

  7. I’m so glad you stepped in on the fight – it could have ended so badly. I probably still would have called the cops, because that pipe suggests intent! But if you notified the school, you did plenty. This is why I’m not sure I’ll ever teach anything but Kinder.

    Happy Anniversary!!! Hugs to Scott as well. I think it’s funny that y’all always stroll target after dinner. Is it to de-buzz? I wonder if Kiko and I will/should celebrate our usual April anniversary now or the new August 1…and do we celebrate 1 year or 12? Hmmm.

    Oh Ryan! I’m LMAO! so buzz cut it is. I think every kid does something like this at least once. I tried washing my hair by myself… But used soft scrub instead of soap. Oops.

    Have a great week! Miss you πŸ™‚

    • I was going to but I thought going back to the school would be better since they know the kids involved and I didn’t. I took my friends son with me to give names but I am hopeful the school will do something otherwise I will go to the superintendent.

      Thank you! We don’t know why we end of in Target. It is across the parking lot from the restaurant we go to and it’s good to walk around after eating so much and maybe de-buzz πŸ™‚ You should totally celebrate both!

      OMG SOFT SCRUB!!! That must of burned your head! Ouch. Ryan is an adventure! Always something new with him. He keeps me on my toes.

  8. So not cool about the high school kids. Why would they want to get involved in a fight with 10 year olds anyway? Sounds like serious bullies and the worst kind. I hope the school does something. That sounds entertaining about Ryan’s hair. The good things with boys is that you can buzz their hair. My oldest decided the only way she could get a brush out of her hair was to cut it and figuring out how to make it look not crazy took some creativity! Good luck with your reading and finding a book to stick. Have a great week!

    Katherine recently posted: This Week in Reading - October 9
    • The older kid was walking their brother home and the brother was a friend of the kid in the fight. I thought it was horrible that the older one pushed him like that. I am hoping the school will take action or I plan to call the superintendent and tell them also what happened.
      Ryan is a handful but I adore him. He looks good with his buzz and it will always grow back so he wasn’t worried. I already threatened my daughter to NEVER so that or I will buzz her hair. πŸ™‚

  9. Wow, what a week! Good on you for breaking up the fight, but the kid with a pipe… that could have been dangerous. High schoolers shouldn’t be messing with 5th graders though, so maybe it’s good you were there.

    Happy anniversary!! Glad you guys had a good night!

    Your monster posts look fun. Baba Yaga and werewolves? Yay!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #163
    • I kept my eye on the pipe kid, he might have been more scared of me than I was of him since he kept walking away and flapping his lips. I honestly hope the school handles it because that just wasn’t right.

      Thank you! We had a great time the food was so good.

      I am looking forward to my Monster posts, I have some great ones this year and I am looking forward to them posting. They all gave such great suggestions and posts.

    • I was so mad and the kid was so disrespectful. Like that is how you speak to an adult? Kids these days are going to have a very hard time finding work if they don’t know how to respect people.

      The DNF madness needs to stop, I am slipping into a slump, I don’t need right now. I am hoping the current read and the read-a-thon snap me back out of it.