How does my garden grow? part 1

Posted May 7, 2015 by Michelle in How my garden grows? / 13 Comments

Garden Grow

It’s that time of year to get your gardens ready for planting and I thought why not share with you my garden. I will try to put up tips, veggie info and maybe a recipe or two which the yummy goodness you get from a home grown garden. I realize that watching a garden grow is as painful as watching pain dry but as the flowers start to come up and the veggies start to grow it will get a lot more interesting…at least I hope it will πŸ™‚ I plan to do a few updates a month so you can see the progress. So welcome to the first post of, How does my garden grow? πŸ™‚

The History

Lets do this very quickly, My GREAT grandparents use to live in my house and my grandfather and father were raised here. They always had a HUGE garden in the yard with lots of veggies, the soil was like radioactive since they used fish heads and all sorts of compost stuff in the dirt. My Great grandfather was from Italy so he grew a great garden and after that my grandfather uses to do it too. When I moved here I did the same thing, but good gravy it was a huge area, I was having a hard time keep up with all the veggies so I made the area a little smaller and put the other side of the garden as a place for the kids to play. It looks great and the garden is just the right size to plant juicy tomatoes and crunchy cumbers.

The Garden

So right now it looks a little sad, my husband spent the day turning the dirt and we will get some more soil to put in it on Saturday. I am so excited to get started with it.


Planting Plan

So I have had luck with Zucchini and Eggplant but the plants grow way to big and tend to over take the garden. Since my daughter has never tasted home grown tomatoes I plan to buy a bunch of different kinds for her to try since both of us LOVE tomatoes πŸ™‚ One year I did climbing beans that climbed the side of the wall and almost ripped down the gutter on my father’s shop. There were so many beans and I had made Bean Salads, Steamed Beans, Raw Beans, Roasted Beans and froze some for the winter. It was amazing. So let me tell you what I have planned πŸ™‚

  • Tomatoes: Lots of them, Big ones, little ones, yellow ones, all different types (I will give you the names when I get them this weekend) πŸ™‚
  • Peppers: I love fresh peppers, so I want to do all types.
  • Cucumbers: This is a maybe since they tend to over take the garden with the vines.
  • Climbing Beans: If I can find them πŸ™‚
  • Basil: A must for this Italian girl πŸ™‚
  • Parsley: Another must have
  • Mint: This will be potted since it tends to become weeds after the season is over
  • Green Onions: These are great because you can keep growing them after you pull them. Might pot these.

This list might change depending what I can find. For us in NJ it’s not to late in the season but I might have a harder time finding all the veggies I would like and I also might be forgetting some.


I can’t Thank you enough for stopping by
and I do hope you will be back again to see How my garden grows πŸ™‚

Have a great day!


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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13 responses to “How does my garden grow? part 1

  1. Good luck with your garden. Some critters got in mine and stole some off my plants..I mean they just are not there! πŸ™ Then some have been eating leave so we had to fix a fence. Hopefully no more critters munching after

    • I don’t have critters but I have a friggin cat that thinks my garden is a giant litter box, need to keep that jerk out of my garden (stray cat not mine).

    • I have been watching your garden in Instagram and they are amazing!!! You need to attract bees they will help pollinate your flowers to get more veggies πŸ™‚

  2. Hooray! I cannot wait to see how your garden develops! I had to move my little veggie containers this morning because of the wind, and noticed that my yellow onions and finally peeking out of the soil! So exciting! πŸ˜€

    I really want zucchini, but like you said they get huge and take over! My BFF has a giant plant in her yard and those were the best zucchinis I’ve had in my life, and I eat a lot of zucchini! Maybe one day.

    • Zucchini can over take a garden and they are hard to maintain unless they have room to grow. I grew a HUGE plant once and it never grew veggies i was so made lol

  3. Hanging pots are good for growing spices that might save some room and pots that hang off the balcony work also.

    I was debating whether I would do this or not since, watching a garden grow takes a long time Lol. but it will be a good chance to take some nice pictures as they grow and I hope I can find some great tips and hints to add to the post πŸ™‚

    Thanks for stopping by Lola!

  4. This sounds like a fun new feature! I can’t wait to see the pictures of your plants growing. I like gardening, but we only have a balcony in our current house, so not much room to grow a lot of plants. We got some seeds for veggies and spices due to an action the supermarkt I go to did a few months ago, so I am hoping to try out a few of those this year. My boyfriend parents grew their own peppers for a while, I think they are fairly easy to grow. I also like tomatoes, but only when they are warm/baked or in a dish, I don’t like them raw. I am looking forward to your new post and seeing those plants grow :D!

  5. We have similar veggie lists though my luck with cucumbers has been terrible. My absolute favorite is tomatoes. There’s nothing like a home grown tomato. I pot my mint as well though my dad always uses it as a border plant. He says if it gets out of hand you just mow over it and it smells really good. Good luck this year! And that’s so fantastic that you’re gardening in the same spot as your great grandparents. I can see how the original size was a bit intimidating though!

    • OMG it was huge and it could easily hold 5-6 rows of veggies long ways and 10 to 12 rows front to back, weeding it was brutal lol. My grandparents were home all day so they had time. I would love to do it when I get a house, have a big garden again. Now it might be easier with the kids help πŸ™‚
      I have bad luck with Zucchini, a huge plant grew but no veggies on it. They also tend to take up the entire garden. Thanks for Stopping by Katherine!