Berls @ Fantasy is more fun and I are recapping 2015
and looking ahead to 2016 the next 12 days.
Feel free to join us!
I’ll be sharing highlights month-by-month and giving you a peak at what’s ahead in 2016.
out with the OLD: 2015
With everything going on this year, I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I can’t express enough how all your kind words helped me get through a really hard time in my life. I value my blogging friends and happy that I have all of you in my life. I haven’t meet you some of you in person but I hope to change that at BEA in Chicago this year. I am super excited about it.
This year also made me a rather shitty friend when it came to visiting and commenting on my favorite blogs. I really tried to keep up but real life was just taking over and I just had no time. I am very sorry about that, I really am, some days I would read a ton of blogs but have no time to comment and other times I can comment and share but it was never a constant thing and it broke my heart to not visit. So lets see what I can do about that in 2016
in with the NEW: 2016
Everything in real life has settled down a bit but we still have issues every now and again with Ryan however this will be the normal for us until he grows a little more mature and realizes that his behavior isn’t what it should be. With that being said, I am making a promise to not be a shitty friend in 2016 and visit, comment and share more. I even made it one of my Bookish Resolutions to make a more realistic schedule for visiting. If I can visit facebook everyday and comment and share shit, why can’t I visit some of my favorite blog friends.
Since I usually read peoples blogs but sometimes I just don’t have anything to say so I like to share and when I visit I like to hit a bunch of posts before moving on to the next blog. So please don’t think of me as a stalker if I hit a few posts that are older, I just like to visit and stay a while. 🙂
Books I read this month:

Books I reviewed this month:
My Favorite Book this month:

Recapping 2015 and looking ahead to 2016 the next 12 days - August #oldnew Share on X
Thanks for stopping by to Check out my recap of and what’s to come in 2016
Have a great day and Happy Reading
I love to just read blogs and not comment also. It is sometimes hard to think of something to say. I love Cress. I read that right away when it came out. I’m glad you got to it this year.
My next read is winter but I am scared because of the mixed reviews and I wasn’t that big of a fan of Cress.
I visit a lot of blogs, but a lot of times I have nothing to say. So, I’m there in the post count, but not the comments. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the post. It’s just the way I am in real life, too. lol
That is true, I am also a blog stalker, I like to read a bunch of posts and then leave comments on a few but most of the time I try to share.
Nice post, and I wish you a better year in everything and A very Happy New Year!!
Thank you Joann!
I hate when I visit a blog but don’t really have anything to say about their post. I need to visit more blogs, I seem to check out same ones so need to spread the love. ?
Me too, I have a bunch of favorites I frequent but I love to spread the love every now and again.
I completely understand about going to a blog and reading, but not having anything to say. I have that issue sometimes. Especially if I’m reading a review that really isn’t a genre that I like. Usually I just share the post. I just don’t know what to say besides, “glad you liked it”.
I like to make conversation so if I go to a bunch of blogs and say great post or awesome review. It sort of bums me out so instead I just share them so a least if I don’t have anything to say maybe someone else will 🙂