My Review:
So this book was picked for me by Berls at Fantasy is more fun. She had told me how amazing it was and was pretty much holding a shotgun for me to read it, seriously hope she still loves me after my review.
Of course I still love you. Bummed you didn’t love it –
maybe I set it up too much?
I don’t know what I was expecting but from the synopsis I was looking forward to reading this book through both Julian and Elisa eyes. That is not what I got, this story was only the POV of Elisa and I just wasn’t a very big fan of her. I wanted to like her but her obsession with age was making me mental. Julian was 2 years (YES ONLY 2 YEARS) younger than her and she was so hung up on it that she mentions it more often than I would have liked, she also had a thing about repeating the same stuff OVER AND OVER again though out the book. Like his tattoos, his physical appearance the fact that he was unable to see in color or hear.
I think this didn’t bother me like it did you because I remember being equally hung up about a 2 year age difference at this age. So to me, it felt very age appropriate.
I honestly loved Julian’s brothers, Julian seemed like such a weak person he handled things like a toddler and would throw fits or just be mature about certain issues. I thought with all that has happened to him he would be a lot stronger to prove himself that his difference didn’t make him any different then anyone else.
Julian’s brothers are great 🙂 I have to disagree with you about Julian though 😉 I thought he was very strong and did things – like his art – that were daring for someone with his obstacles. I just thought he showed Elisa his vulnerability in a way he didn’t others.
The story was slow, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting there either, Elisa made one of the worst decisions EVER. I understand sort of why she thought she needed to go but there was NOTHING there for her, it totally made no sense. Not good money, no family and no friends, it was just odd.
Again, I got this because I made a similar mistake following career and what I thought was a passion – young and ambitious thinking its worth everything. :/
I was really hoping I would like this book but it just had so many issues that didn’t work for me. The age thing was my biggest problem and even after he turned 18 she was still harping on what would happen when she graduated and he was still in school, it was frustrating, if you love someone as much as they did each other you would make it work and not choose the stupidest life changing experience and then totally regret it because it made things harder. I understand that don’t make sense but I don’t want to give it away.
Like I said I wanted to like this book and be all emotional like everyone else was when reading this but the Wright Brothers and I just didn’t hit it off like I was hoping.
I believe that you totally should give it a shot, just because I wasn’t happy with it doesn’t mean you wont be so read and enjoy and let me know what you thing when you do. 🙂
Yes, read it! Sorry you didn’t love it like I did Michelle 🙂

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review
Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!
Ooh, I’m really sorry this read didn’t work for you, Michelle. Especially since Berls recommended it. I can see both yours and Berls’ POVs though. And while it didn’t work for you, I’m still going to give it a go. 🙂 I love reading y’all’s chat about it though. It made a “bad” review fun!
Sorry you didn’t like it. I don’t think an age gap like that would bother me, but then my mom is older than my dad and that was an unusual thing when they were dating. However growing up, I never thought it was unusual. I did end up liking School for Good and Evil, except for the male main character. I am hoping he grows up in the next one!
Oh no! I’m sorry you didn’t like this one Michelle (especially since I remember when me and Berls were going on about it a lot).
I’m still so bummed you didn’t love this, I thought for sure you would 🙁 Oh well, I will try to find another shotgun for you that you’ll love. Try again in July right? Oh and you need to pick mine for June (that was the plan right?)!
Yes I am doing June for you 🙂 I will send them this week *runs to goodreads*
It’s not really something I would read so kudos for trying! 🙂 I didn’t get finished with my TBR pile book…had to much going on this week. I like it so far so I am going to try and cram today to see if I can post later. 🙂
Thats ok you have all week to link up 🙂
The blurb indeed makes it sound like you would get both pov’s. I guess when you are teenagers that 2 year age difference is a bit bigger, my boyfriend is two years younger than me. When we started dating my mom kept reminding me of that fact, or people on school who learned that thought it was weird, while we didn’t care as we love each other. It certainly feels like that 2 years age difference got even less important after a few years. It just seems weird that the main character herself mentioned that, as with us it was more other people making an issue out of it. Although I can understand teenagers making an issue out of that age difference I also believe that if you love each other age isn’t an issue.
I am a little bit curious what big mistake she makes though. Great review and I am sorry you didn’t enjoy it more.
My husband is 4 years younger than me and it bothered my mom but not me. I didn’t care. I think that is why it bothered me so much in this book.
I would give it a shot if you want to read it, I think it was just me.