Sunday Post with Berls | Big Changes!

Posted November 10, 2019 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 12 Comments


News at Home: Big Changes!

What a week! Sunday I dug through my closet trying to find an interview outfit. I had pants that fit, but no tops that went with it that fit. And then I had a good top, but no pants that went with it. And I needed a blazer for both. This is what happens when you have 1- lost a ton of weight and then 2- just had a baby. Nothing in your closet fits. So I went to Ross and with the goal of completing one of the outfits. I left with a pair of black slacks, two blazers, and a top. Then I went and got my nails done, because they were so grown out they didn’t look good for my interview. Then I was up pretty late, prepping for the interview. It’s been years since I had an interview and even longer since it was one outside of teaching, so I was a bit anxious.

So Monday morning, thank goodness my husband was off. He took over taking care of Dante at 9:45 so I could get ready and leave with plenty of time for my 11:15 interview. And then, after parking, I got lost! The job is at a university and even with a map, it’a a maze. Thankfully I was really early and was able to get help and still arrive on time. And y’all, I KILLED the interview. Within minutes I felt so comfortable and just every question they had for me, I felt super confident. It was a panel interview with four people, so not an easy interview by any means. The best part was that these were definitely people I would like working with and for. The next day I sent an email to each of them, thanking them for their time and making sure they knew I was still in for the job. That same day, my friend who referred me for the job called me and told me that they weren’t interviewing anyone else and they had agreed they had to offer me the job before someone else grabbed me! happy dance The university recruiter called and told me basically the same thing, that I was the top candidate for the position and what salary did I want? I gave them a number, she told me she would get back to me. Well, I gave them a number that I didn’t think I could get, but that was close to what I could get so that when they negotiated down, I’d be happy. Well, guess what? They didn’t negotiate! They gave me what I asked for!!

So I start December 2nd. I’m thrilled and excited… but here’s the difficult part. This means maternity leave is ending a month earlier than I had planned. After I accepted the job, I almost instantly started feeling sad about leaving Dante. I want to go to work, I just don’t want to leave him 🙁 We are going to look at our top choice for Daycare tomorrow. I hope I leave feeling confident. But it’s going to be so hard. I just have to remind myself that this is ultimately better for him. I’ll be making more money, have better health benefits, better upward mobility, experience that can help towards my goal of opening a school, and better hours. All those things mean a better life for him and more time with him ultimately.

The other hard part is resigning my current position. I feel so bad about leaving my class and my team. Again, it’s the right thing for my family and, to be the mom I want to be for Dante, I wouldn’t be able to continue being the teacher I’ve been. So it’s really better for my kids too. But it’s going to be hard. I contacted my union for guidance about how to quit, since I’m breaking my contract. Generally, leaving because of a family change (like having a baby!) is accepted, but they could possibly penalize me and report breach of contract to the state licensing board. So it could make it hard for me to return to teaching. I decided it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Other than that, my week was pretty normal. Dante is growing so fast! He didn’t eat as much this week, but he was super sleepy. I thought maybe he was going through a growth spurt and bam! He woke up one day and I swear he had grown into a giant over night! I know everyone tells you it goes so fast, but until you see it you don’t get it. He’s morphing before our eyes. He’s smiling and playing so much. And today he even reached up and grabbed the purple monkey on his play mat! Oh on Wednesday we went to a tummy time get-together at our pediatrician’s office. It was so helpful; they showed us ways to make tummy time work better and worked with each kid individually. Dante has a tiny bit of Torticollis, so we need to do some exercises and just encourage him to turn to his left (since he likes to turn to the right only). I was thankful we went and got that help for free! And I just so happened to sit down next to a mom whose baby was born 2 hours after Dante at the same hospital! Pretty cool, right?

Blog News

COYER sign ups are live! I just love our theme of Friendship this time – I hope you can join us.
COYER Winter2019SignUp
The Ho-Ho-Ho Read-a-thon started Friday and I’m done with my first book… but I’d already started it before the read-a-thon began, so I’m not counting it. I’m listening to my second book (both these books also count for my Can You Read a Series? challenge!) and also started reading a Ho-ho-ho book. So well on my way to the 3 book goal I set.

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me

Not sure! I got behind on drafting posts… so we’ll see what I get done this week.

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls had a very eventful, life changing week. Read about it in the Sunday Post with Berls! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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12 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Big Changes!

  1. Oh my goodness, Berls! Congratulations on your new job! I’m so very happy for you. You are going to be amazing no matter what you do. And Dante will be fine in daycare, I promise. All my kids went to daycare too, and they actually still have some friends they met there 🙂 And it’s also a great way to meet parents who have children the same age as your child.
    *Big hugs!!*

    Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms recently posted: Review: Rebel King – Kennedy Ryan
  2. Wow!!! Congratulations!!!! Having been on those awful panel interviews a million times and never getting hired, I know what an accomplishment that is! And to get the salary you asked for is even more amazing. Well done! I hope you love your new job.

    I also hope you have equal success finding the perfect daycare for Dante!

    Have a great week!

  3. I am so excited and happy for you! I’m glad you got a new job you can love and look forward to hearing more about it. I had trouble going back to work and the first day at daycare. I stayed the whole day. Thankfully, it was a great place and they were patient with me. What I liked for my daughter was the opportunity to interact with other children since she had no siblings. But be prepared for the colds, ear infections, etc. Although, out of 12 kids in her toddler class she was the only one NOT to get chickenpox because I had her vaccinated, plus I had it when I was young and since I was breastfeeding she got some antibodies from me. Enjoy your family time these next few weeks! I hope we will still see you around a bit here.

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