hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
I had a better reading week but not as much. I am really enjoying Aurora Rising and figured I would just finish it before starting on Nevernight. I am kind of sad because I don’t think I will complete the Can you read a series challenge but I am going to try as hard as I can. You never know, I might binge the heck out of the Nevernight series 🙂
(Read, Currently Reading & Next)
What I grabbed:
Can you believe it! I am slacking! lol Honestly I am tapped on book budget and really want to wait for xmas because I have a list and I hope he (husband) gets the ones I want! 🙂
Challenges & Readathons:
COYER Sign Up is LIVE!!!!
You can do either regular winter COYER or read with a friend! Plus we honor the friends we lost this year!
Join Now! Challenge starts on December 1st!
On the Blog:
What you missed:
- [5 Nov] #HoHoHoRAT Reading List
- [6 Nov] Monthly Book Report ~ Month 10 of Year 2019 ~ Madness, complete MADNESS!
- [7 Nov] Winter #COYER with Friends! Time to sign up!
- [8 Nov] FitReaders Update ~ October 27 – November 2
- [8 Nov] #HOHOHORAT Mini Challenge! 8 Reading Reindeer!
- [9 Nov] #MyTBRL ~ November Winner ~ I can’t wait to read this book!
- [10 Nov] Sunday Post with Berls | Big Changes!
- [10 Nov] The Sunday Post ~ And this week, was better! ~ Week in READview!
What you might see this week:
- Task It Tuesday
- Waiting on Wednesday! I need this book!
Like I said I will have a few posts each week but will be focusing on more of the out with the old and in with the new posts and posts for next year! 🙂
Week in READview:
Real life & Blogging:
This week was a lot less busy but the kids were home since it was election week. They both had off on Thursday and Friday but overall it was a nice normal week. Still felt like I had so much to do but overall it was not running around most of it was in the house.
For my daughters birthday her gift was to get her hair highlighted. She has been asking for pink hair so I figured why not. It came out amazing! She loved it and I can’t even explain how pretty it is in person.
I am planning to do a lot of blogging today since I am behind, obviously. I want to try and get some stuff drafted and also set up the stuff for this week. I also have a ton of design work that I haven’t had a chance to get to, it’s been hard working all day and coming home to work again but I am slowly trying to control my OCD and I think that will help.
Thank you to all that commented on my blog this week, I really appreciate it. oxox
What I am watching:
On Friday I was sort of watching Greenhouse Academy with my daughter but after watching it in bits and pieces I think I might go back and watch it myself because it seemed rather interesting. Besides that I have been binge watching CHRISTMAS MOVIES!!!!
What I am playing:
I am currently love the story-line I have going for my sims mom and daughter. I already have a boyfriend for the daughter so she will be my legacy just need to figure out whether I want the mom to move out or the daughter when she gets older. Might have her to move into an apartment in the city but I love the house they are currently in.
During the summer it has lots of really hot days but also Thunderstorms, it is insane how intense they are. Sometimes I even jump from the thunder. The picture it shows an orange under my girl. That means she is tense because of the storm! 😀

Just for Fun:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I LOVE Julia’s hair! I want pink hair, but that might not be the smartest move starting a new job :/ Good luck with your #Readaseries you can do it, just binge the hell out of it now 😉
HUGS!! We’re talking on fb right now, so leaving any more in a comment feels weird lol
I need a bigger book budget too lol.
I can’t believe how detailed those SIMS games can get!!!
Your daughter’s hair looks lovely! I bet she loves it. Good luck with your series in a month; I hope you pull it off. And I am thinking about COYER. I’ve been reluctant to add any new challenges, but I didn’t do the summer one and I miss y’all. So I might do the regular version and just keep my goals low.
I hope you enjoy Nevernight! One day I’ll finally read that series. Your daughter’s hair looks GORGEOUS!
You picked a rather large on the page count series for your series in a month, but you can do it!! Heck, I picked four cozies and I don’t even know if I can do it…lol. YES WE CAN!
Glad you had a better week and loving what you are reading even if its still slow going. Your daughter’s hair does look great.
I need to get on the stick and get my COYER post up. 🙂
Have another great week, Michelle!
Love her hair!!! It came out beautiful!
Thank you!
Wow her hair is amazing! I wish you luck with your challenge. I just finished my second of 3 books this morning so I think I will make it. But I chose a series with only 4 books (I already read the first before) because I knew I had a lot of stuff happening this month.
I will sometime soon send you my thoughts on my Sunday post thing. I have a big idea but it will take me a bit to document it so it makes sense and I don’t think it is difficult.
It came out so nice, I really love her color. I would love to have mine done also. lol
The books are heavy text and lots of pages, I hope I can finish it but I don’t know.
I was planning to send you an email tomorrow about it. I also sent you images of dogs to pick from for the header.
Good luck with the binging, you can do it!
Your daughters hair does look beautiful
Wishing you a great reading week
Fingers crossed! 🙂
Thank you! We love how it came out.
Your daughter’s hair looks sooo pretty! And that meme is my everyday life!
Have a great week! 😀
Thank you! That meme is my everyday also. It’s like as soon as I have a book they need to tell me stories! 🙂
I love love love your daughter’s hair! 😍 I’ve been watching Netflix Christmas movies. Some of them are super cheesy and cliche but they are entertaining.
It came out perfect. It looks so pretty and really stands out.
I haven’t watched any on Netflix but I heard a few of them are really cute.