News at Home: COVID Quarantine Week 7
It’s been a roller-coaster of a week for me. I had my meeting with HR on Monday to go over my layoff. I found out that they are assigning us a university recruiter to help us find internal jobs, so that’s a plus. They also are giving us this service called NextJob to help with resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and salary negotiation. So I was feeling pretty up. They also said that our resumes would be immediately sent to hiring managers instead of getting stuck in the system, yay! Roller-coaster going up.
Tuesday at our team meeting I found out that other HR meetings were not so positive. They found out that my boss, the only person who still has a job and the one who we basically killed ourselves getting this grant submitted for by April 15th… he’s known he would have to lay us off for months. MONTHS. All the while talking about promoting me. It’s possible that he hired me, knowing that we wouldn’t have jobs after the grant submission. Apparently he was trying to find a way to save our jobs and that’s why he didn’t tell us. I call BS. He could have told us, but he was afraid we’d leave and not get his grant submitted. So roller-coaster going down.
Then I had my meeting with my recruiter (still Tuesday). In a lot of ways, it was good. She’s going to be keeping me up-to-date on every position I’ve applied for – whether or not there is a hiring freeze, when my resume has been forwarded, etc. So yay, roller-coaster going up a little… oh, but no our resumes will not be automatically forwarded. Roller-coaster going back down.
Wednesday I heard from NextJob and found out I get 8 weeks of support from a coach, plus lifetime access to their website and materials. Roller-coaster going back up. Also on Wednesday I heard back that 1 of the positions 1 of the positions I applied for was on a hiring freeze and they were not considering me for 2 more. Roller-coaster going back down.
Thursday I found out that my resume was being forwarded for an Admin Associate position (my current title). I pulled in some connections, who reached out on my behalf. Roller-coaster going up. Found out they had already made an offer and it was accepted today, roller-coaster going back down. Contact said she was working with someone to see if they could create a position for me, because they did need me. Roller-coaster going back up. Still haven’t heard back, so I’ll reach out to them on Monday.
Friday my coach from NextJob gave me resume feedback and I discovered I have more work to do if I’m going to be competitive (not entirely unexpected). Roller-coaster even. I heard that my resume was being considered for a position that I had an in with the hiring manager, roller-coaster going up. Found out they weren’t forwarding it to hiring manager (WTF? WHY NOT?), roller-coaster going back down. Resume being forwarded for 2 positions! Roller-coaster going back up.
Friday I finally told Kiko about being laid off… this was roller-coaster up and down and up again all in one. He took it pretty well actually and, besides concerns about health insurance for Dante, he thinks we’re okay.
Saturday I had a meeting with NextJob coach and she had lots of great advice for my resume. I spent 7 hours working on it and she gave me some great edits and feedback already. Roller-coaster going back up. I plan to send resume and cover letter to the two positions that the recruiters already forwarded my application, in hopes that my new, revised resume will get me an interview.
So I plan to spend time today finishing tweaking my resume for the two positions it’s being considered for. And then editing for other positions I’ve applied to. Monday I will start applying to external positions.
— And all that is just work! Life was okay. Kiko’s been in a mood and it probably has a bit to do with me being super stressed out. Dante is doing really well. 2 more teeth are coming in and he’s started using a sippy cup! I think we’ve got a good sleep/eat pattern down, and he’s at an age where he’s actually starting to be more fun than work. Sort of… Saturday he work up at 5:20 am and that wasn’t fun. Oh and I fell down the stairs Friday (skipped 4 steps) and I actually got lucky in that I only sort of twisted my ankle and banged up my back. My phone flew out of my hands and down 3 stories… and it doesn’t have a scratch on it. It could have been much worse.
Texas is very stupidly opening up already. And in the past week, my emails from the hospital (where I work) have shown a steady increase in COVID-19 cases… and this is BEFORE things opened up. Just as the suggestion of it and I guess people starting to not worry as much. Trying to save the economy is just going to get us right back in quarantine.
That’s it for me. Stay safe!
Blog News
I’ve been sort of visiting off and on throughout the week – when Dante’s awake and I’m not messing with job stuff. COYER has another readathon starting today, which I want to participate in. And the Can You Read a Series in a Month challenge kicked off on Friday – I started my series yesterday. So as always, lots going on here! Oh and we’ll be selecting our COYER May Virtual Book Club books today – so make sure you’ve done the polls if you’re participating!
Definitely a roller coaster but hopefully there will be more ups then downs this week. I hate you were laid off – and that your boss knew it was happening – but am glad that they are giving you some support. Hope this week is going better for you.
What a rollercoaster! I’m dizzy and exhausted reading about all the ups and downs. That’s super stressful so make sure you take some time to look after yourself too. Glad you are getting good help with the job hunting. Fingers crossed you land a job soon, and can jump off the rollercoaster.
Man, I hope that roller coaster goes up! You are do for a break! I do think some places are opening up to soon but people need money and a little government money isn’t helping everyone. Hope this crap goes away soon! Crossing my fingers and praying you get a great job! *hugs*
Stay safe and happy reading!
Stormi ox
Oh I’m so sorry you are getting laid off. But, honestly, at least you have had a few upturns in the roller coaster! Thats really great to be getting at least some occasional good news. Ohio is starting to open up as well. Lots of people here had been protesting and they went nuts when the governor said masks were mandated. The governor backed down….Sigh.
I’m sure you will find something! Its great that you have support in the job hunt. That is priceless!
What a wild ride you’ve been on. I am sorry for all you are dealing with on the job front, Berls. My fingers are crossed that you find something awesome soon. Give that baby lots of love. Have a great week.
I’m really glad you are getting some help and that there are internal positions possible. I hope it goes well but it’s good you have a bit of time yet. It will be easier once you know where you will settle. I’ve been worrying and hoping all week for you.
I’m loving all the COYER and ReadASeries stuff. You are doing a great job!
Take care, be kind and sensible!
Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post
Oh my gosh, what a week or highs and lows. That’s really disappointing about your boss knowing about the lay-off’s for so long and kind of stringing y’all along. Last week I was thinking he was so great for “looking out for you.” Yeah, right. I’m glad you’re getting all the resume assistance and it sounds like your coach is really on the ball. My fingers are crossed that you get some good news this week!