January 19th 2025
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
News at Home
Not a lot to report – I’m currently working on a very frustrating work project. It should have been very simple and taken me TOPS, 2 days. But because of a system change I’ve spent the past 7 work days clearing errors and running builds and it’s still not done. I just want to pull my hair out. This is working in tech sometimes lol.
The other big thing is our car – it’s deciding to die on us and we’re trying to decide if we’re going to save it or sell it. I think we need to fix it because the cost is still less than a new (to us, we buy used and pay cash for cars) but I think my husband is getting frustrated because every time he figures out a plan to fix one problem another emerges. The radiator was leaking (he fixed that), the power steering is leaking, the battery is crapping out, and now the check engine light came on and when he took it to check the codes it said the catalytic converter isn’t performing (he’s hoping he do a cleaner instead of replace) and the transmission fluid pressure is low. I think those last two are making him want to throw in the towel because if the simple fixes on both don’t work, the fixes could be really costly. I just hate car shopping. We have a deadline, as we have registration due this month (of course).
Really looking forward to being off tomorrow – especially because Dante will be at ABA and Kiko will be off Friday instead of tomorrow, meaning I get to be all by myself 🙂
Blog News
Well I’m here 3rd week in a row, just a little late with today’s post. So that’s something. I didn’t manage to reply to comments this week, but I did read them, so thank you for continuing to stop by! I’m loving COYER Community on Discord instead of FB, I feel like that full 100% separation from FB has been so good for my mental health. Especially tomorrow when things will get really ugly in this country 🙁
Felicia the Geeky Blogger and Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About co-host this fitness-oriented group and I’m glad to be part of it for another year.
My main health goal for 2025:
I will prioritize my physical well-being by establishing and maintaining consistent daily health routines the support my body’s needs.
This week: I had a great week for my water and self-care journal. I also discovered that seafood settles extremely well for me, so I’m considering a full pescatarian diet moving forward.
Next week: I’m buying fish for groceries this week and I had chat gpt create me a very simple air fryer meal plan for the fish. Meal planning got way simpler using AI, I can’t believe this is the first I thought to do it.
YAY glad you are here. You don’t have to write a lot, just a few sentences or only post every couple weeks. My brother wants me to get a new car but my old one only has 50,000 and is working well. He wanted me to take advantage of the EV credit. I’m also enjoying Discord, still getting used to some things. Excited for tomorrow for you!
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post