Sunday Post with Berls | The one with Dante’s 2nd birthday

Posted September 19, 2021 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 9 Comments


The one with Dante’s 2nd Birthday

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

News at Home


Dante let me sleep in a bit today – didn’t get up until close to 8:30, which was nice. After breakfast, we played a bit outside on the balcony and I did a little bit of shopping for planters. I basically lost my entire garden with the freeze and then my attempts to rebuild at the last place did not go well. In part, because I have Dante and Buffy getting into my plants. So I’ve decided to do railing planters. I ordered a bunch from Amazon this morning and they actually arrived this evening already. I haven’t 100% decided what I want to do – I’ve been reading up on good fall/winter plants. I had initially thought I would wait until spring to plant, but I just really miss having plants. They’re so beautiful and also provide some shade and privacy on our balcony. So my plan is to go to finish up my plans tomorrow and get to the store either tomorrow or Tuesday to plant. I did grocery pickup, came home and did a couple loads of laundry.

This afternoon Dante and I went for a brief walk outside – he just loves to be outdoors. While we were out there Phil (my brother) and Zach (his partner) arrived, which was kind of my plan. They brought Jack in the Box egg rolls and gourmet donuts with them. Weird combo but also delicious. This was their first time at the new place, which they loved. Dante had tons of fun playing with his guncles. After they left, Kiko and Dante went for a little walk and I relaxed a bit with some TV. Then we did dinner, evening chores, and bedtime. I’m about to hit the shower and head to bed myself.


I got a lot accomplished today. After my miracle morning and getting Dante to daycare, I came home and did some school work and started some laundry. I had a couple work meetings and finished my fall plant research. I made  a list of the plants I was most comfortable with and headed out to Home Depot. I ended up finding a Citronella plant, some Coral Bells, some Mums, and then for herbs some Rosemary, Sage, Basil and Mint. I came home, had another work meeting, and then got everything planted. I had underestimated my soil needs, so I had to run back out and buy 2 more bags.

Then I had my nutritionist – which went really well. Ever since I decided to ditch the scale I’ve been doing much better with making healthy eating choices. I’m SUPER curious to see what the scale will say, but I’m resisting because I know I won’t be happy (because not enough time has passed for me to reach my goal and anything above that will be disappointing). She helped me strategize a bit about this weekend and making better use of my morning and evening routines.

I picked Dante up from Daycare – he napped for 30 minutes! – we had a nice dinner and played out on the balcony for a bit. Then it was cleaning up, a little more inside play, and more cleaning up and then bedtime. I’ve done dishes and cleaned the kitchen, just doing a little bit on the blog and then headed to shower and bed!


Today I overslept a little, but still managed to get in my full miracle morning. Dante had therapy this morning – for the first time we did it at the apartment instead of daycare – and it went really well. He’s making great progress, considering we’ve only been doing this for about 5 or 6 weeks. After I took Dante to daycare I had a couple meetings and then I started in on my school work. I finished the assignments I had due this week and then decided I really wanted to play The Sims. Which I couldn’t get to work on my new computer. I tried a million things and finally after I removed Sophos security, it started working. Of course, by then, it was about time to clock out and go pickup Dante. I ended up finishing creating a person and getting her moved in this evening after Dante went to bed. We’ll see when I have time to play a few minutes again. Today was pretty uneventful, besides that. I added all my new plants to a plant care app so I can hopefully do better keeping them alive and thriving than the last plants I had. I also did a load of laundry. And we had dinner and some playtime. That’s about it! And I’m headed to shower and go to sleep in a few!


I’m so tired today. I’m finding that days I have to go to the office, I’m super tired. I think it’s because I’m bored. I have so little work to do and so the day just drags on.  Unlike days I work at home, it’s very hard to keep myself busy with other tasks. Today I worked on a project for my teacher friend and it feels good to be at least using my ample time to help her. But I’ve decided that I’m going to look into finding a part-time developer internship. Something that I’m not giving an actual work commitment too, but that could also compliment my classes and help me move that much quicker into a job. Because I’m not going to last in this position too long – I’m too bored and feel anxious about not having work to do. Like, I should be doing something and I’m going to get in trouble for not working… but I have NOTHING to do. Plus, I feel that I’ve worked to hard to be in a position that isn’t going to help me grow at all.


Yep. Days I go to the office are BORING. And I feel guilty, like I’m going to get in trouble for not doing anything… but I have NOTHING to do. Except for this one busy work task that I guess I have to work on a little. It’s just so clearly busy work. I’ll knock it out quickly once I focus on it. I did do some looking into internships and decided NEVERMIND, I’m not ready for that quite yet. But looking at the listings for jobs gave me a good idea of what skills I want to focus on as I continue learning. So with that done, I ended up feeling a real itch to do some writing, but I didn’t feel motivated by any ideas. So I decided to scroll through some of Michelle’s premade covers to see if I got any inspiration. And I did!! If I see it through – and that’s a BIG if – this will be the cover of my book (so no one buy this just yet lol). I think the title is going to be Chaos Reaper. The title and image inspired me and it gradually changed from Devil’s Ripper, to Devil’s Reaper, to Chaos Reaper. With all this extra time I’ve been having, if I can just focus, maybe the book could really happen?



Today I started off with my miracle morning, got Dante off to daycare, and then did a bit of work. By about 11:30 I was 100% done with everything I needed to do for work and focused in on preparing for Dante’s party. I did a Sam’s Club order for drinks, chips, veggies, and fruit. I also had a wine order to pickup – I had to have it redirected to a FedEx pickup location because I had forgotten to update the address when we moved. I also order the pizzas and chicken nuggets for the party tomorrow, so I don’t have to think about anything tomorrow. When Kiko got off work, he helped me unload the drinks from the car and then I helped him get 4 tables and some chairs out of storage. Then I got Dante and we had a nice evening with dinner and some playing. I cannot believe my baby’s going to be 2 tomorrow!!

Edit: So we got some sad news later tonight. My friend, who has two small boys that are Dante’s best friends, isn’t going to be able to come to the party tomorrow. Her oldest son is in 2nd grade and he has a fever tonight. She called feeling awful and I could hear her son sad in the background, saying he wanted to go to the party. But with COVID we just have to be so careful. She doesn’t think it’s COVID but what else can we do, right? We’re going to do a special play date next weekend instead.


Dante slept until about 8:30 this morning, which was PERFECT! And he woke up so happy! My two year old! Y’all I just can’t believe it and I am definitely a little emotional about him growing up so fast. We had the best birthday! We sang happy birthday to Dante this morning and his friends who can’t come to the party (the one who called last night) sent him a happy birthday video that he watched over and over this morning. We did breakfast and then he played while I got dressed and pulled everything else together for the party. Kiko ran out to get ice for the drinks and by time he was back, my two friends who were helping out had arrived with the cake. Which turned out amazing. I will share some pictures below. They helped me setup and decorate. Even though we only invited a very small group of people and all vaccinated (except the kids obviously) we still wanted to err on the side of caution, so we did an outdoor party by the apartment pool  (perk of working here: the pool is closed but we can use it). We setup some tables in the shade and had a really great party. Dante didn’t fully understand of course, but he definitely had the BEST day. And our spoiled boy now has even more things he doesn’t need lol! If you want to see some pictures, head over to this Instagram post (the cake was amazing!).

Blog News

Last week on Because Reading

Challenge update

This week I finished:

I’m participating in 4 reading challenges this year. Here’s how I’m doing:

Backlist Reader hosted by Lark @ Bookwyrms Hoard: 32 books this year

Library Love hosted by Books of My Heart & Angel’s Guilty Pleasures: 7 books this year

New Release hosted by (un)Conventional Bookworms: 8 books this year

COYER (Summer) hosted by Because Reading: 24 books since July 1

2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Berls has
read 15 books toward
her goal of
50 books.

Added to My Shelf

I’m trying to be more responsible about keeping track of the books I acquire, so I’m going to start sharing them again. If I share them here, surely I’ll remember to add them to Goodreads, right?

Tantor Audio for Review

How was your week? What are you Reading?

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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9 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | The one with Dante’s 2nd birthday

  1. Jen

    Happy birthday to Dante. I loved seeing the photos on Instagram. I’m glad he had such a great day. It’s so weird because my guy will be 18 in a couple of weeks. Even though he’s 9″ taller than me, he’s still my baby boy. Good luck with writing… I look forward to reading more someday!

  2. I can hardly believe he is 2. Happy birthday Dante! Watch out with mint, it will overrun everything else. Also I would plant lettuce or salad greens in the fall. But I have a mum and coral bells in my gardens. The rosemary might be perennial, mine is. But the basil will die immediately when there is a frost. See you later!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Read-along & Giveaway: Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh
  3. I haven’t had Jack in the Box egg rolls in YEARS! I use to be super addicted! Also, I’m glad your nutritionist appointment went well! I am struggling hardcore over here trying to get my eating habits back on track.

    I hope you can get the new book written! How exciting! 😀

    Angie recently posted: Sunday Post #69: Back to plain!