I did it! Finally!!! ~WIR & TSP

Posted June 7, 2015 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 30 Comments

WIR vectorstock_43821-1-1Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Real Life & Blog News:

Before I get to what I did, let me give you a Ryan update. Ryan is still in the hospital, this has been the longest 3 weeks of my entire life but the doctor told us he is pushing for him to come home on Tuesday. If you remember, about 7 weeks ago we weened him off of a med that we assumed wasn’t working but as we look over the time line we realize that it might of actually been working and since we already know how his body will react to it the doctor has put him back on it. The meds cause Ryan to gain a lot of weight but if it works and I can’t handle him gaining more weight than we will switch him to another one that doesn’t make a person gain weight but that can be done out patient. The only reason I went with the old med he was originally on is because I know it worked and it will make him come home quicker. Selfish, I know, but I want my baby home now. So hopefully next Sunday will be a great update with MY RYAN IS HOME!

Now to what I did, I registered Limabean Designs and I AM A BUSINESS OWNER!!!

LimabeanDesigns I am so excited and a complete nervous wreck. I just want to make sure I do everything right and I am just do scared I will fail. But if I don’t at least try, I will never know, RIGHT?. So Limabean Designs is OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I still have minor stuff to work out and it will be trial and error but I am all set to help with all your designing needs πŸ™‚ So please don’t hesitate to ask me if anyone is looking for a new fresh design on their headers or if you are starting a new challenge or meme, let me know I can help you create something you will be proud to display.

You are also probably tired of hearing me say this but Thank you to everyone that has stopped by to visit my blog, I am truly sorry for not stopping by to visit you. So far Sundays are all I can pretty much do at the moment but I plan to start again very soon because honestly it isn’t fair to have you come by and me not stop by to visit you. If my little guy comes home this week and things turn out like I think they will, I will be back to visiting in no time. So Thank you!

I did play a little Minecraft PE this week since they had a new update that added a bunch of new stuff. My daughter and I played for quite some time on Friday. It was fun. I have been wanting to do an app review for this game but it never had enough stuff to really give a good review, however after this last update I will start taking pictures and get that ready for hopefully next month. I am excited to review and share this one with you.

COYER ScavHuntLogo-SignUpReady to join the HUNT? You still have plenty of time to sign up.
Just head on over HERE to see all the details and get your starter post up.
JOIN US!!! πŸ™‚

Last Week on the Blog:

This weekend started a NEW My TBR List voting, so if you can please stop by and vote on my next read and maybe stop by a few other bloggers that you all might know and help them vote as well πŸ™‚

This Week on the Blog:

This is a light week, since I am trying to catch up with all the things I have still in drafts πŸ™‚

Review ~ The Misadventures of the Magicians Dog
Task It Tuesday ~ Organizing and Getting some posts done
How does my garden grow? ~ This was suppose to be this week but it rained and I couldn’t get good pictures
The Adventures of BEA ~ Book Haul
Secret Seven Blitz (I think) lol

I am planning on working on a few posts that I have been wanting to write and I bought a cute notebooks to start jotting them down because most of the time, I sit at the computer and totally forget everything I thought of in my head. πŸ™‚


Read/Currently Reading/Next

Read (Is was great)
Read (Is was great)
Current Read
Current Read

Books I got this week:

$1.99 Amazon
$1.99 Amazon
.99 Amazon
.99 Amazon

Pictures of the Week

Julia wasn't feeling well this week but she had some fluffy friends to keep her company while she slept.
Julia wasn’t feeling well this week but she had some fluffy friends to keep her company while she slept.


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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30 responses to “I did it! Finally!!! ~WIR & TSP

  1. I have been so far out of the loop this summer, I didn’t even know Ran was in the hospital! D: But I am super glad to hear he is home again, yipeee!!! I hate hospital stays :/ And Congrats on Limabean Designs being registered and open for business! Let me know if you need and/or want some ad space on OCB to advertise πŸ˜€ I won’t charge ya!

    • Thank you Sarah! I will let you know, that is a great idea, I didn’t even think of that πŸ™‚ Ryan is home, picked him today, it’s so good to have him home!!!

  2. I hope Ryan comes home this week. I can’t imagine how it feels to be apart from him for that long but it sounds like he was getting good care. I hope everything goes well this week!

    Congratulations on Limabean Designs!! This is really exciting and I’ve loved what you have done on your blog. I’m thinking about getting new meme images so I’ll let you know when I’m ready.

    Have a great week!

    Kathy recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #57
    • Thank You! πŸ™‚ Ryan will be home soon

      I am so excited but I have so much yet to do, I am also a little nervous because I want to make sure I do it all correctly πŸ™‚

  3. First of all, congratulations on setting up Limabean Designs, Michelle! That’s a big first step. And I really, really hope Ryan will be able to come home this week. It must be so hard to know he’s in the hospital, even if it is to give him all the help he needs. I also hope your daughter is feeling much better, and that the pet cuddles helped.
    I see you got yourself another step-brother romance πŸ˜‰ I hope you’ll enjoy it.
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.

  4. I so hope Ryan comes home soon, I know you are missing him a lot. Congrats on getting Limabeans up and running. πŸ™‚ I know you will do well! πŸ™‚

    Enjoy your reads! πŸ™‚


    Stormi recently posted: The Week In Review #40
  5. I’m so excited for you with your business. I have several orders to put in – from book covers to designing an author website – I need to buy that domain!! So proud of you for going for it!

    I really hope Ryan gets to come home Tuesday – sounds like he should be able to and that would be such a relief. Give him and Julia big hugs for me, I know this has been hard on both of them. And of course, big hug for you. Hell, give Scott a hug too LOL!

    Berls recently posted: My “Official” #RT15 Fun
  6. I’ll rev up the {{{posivibes}}} that Ryan will be home soon and thriving. Congrats on the business! I wish I had some extra cash. I would totally hire you because damn, I’m in serious need of everything you can provide. Most importantly, I need a Monster Porn Monday meme. LOL

    My kids love Minecraft. My hubby says it gives him a headache. lol He’s going to be on vacation the week of the 21st, so we’re planning some Diablo III days. Woot!

    I hope you have a fantastic week!

    A Voracious Reader recently posted: The Sunday Post ~ 96th Edition
  7. Aw, I hope Ryan gets to come home this week! I don’t think you’re being selfish at all. Like you said, you can always try something else later. But weight gain isn’t the end of the world, especially if the meds help him which is more important, I think.

    Hooray for Limabean Designs!!! πŸ˜€

    Angie F. recently posted: Sunday Post #185
    • Thank you, Angie! I think I can help with the weight and he loves to go for walks with me. I am hoping to do some nature walks and hiking in the summer so that will help him too. Just need to get some healthy snacks in the house now.

      Lol, Thank you! I am very excited about it.

      Michelle recently posted: My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ June
  8. I will keep my fingers crossed for Ryan. I don’t think it’s selfish to go with the old medicine. You know it works and it makes sense to get him regulated before trying something else. Plus I imagine he wants to come home as much as you wan t him there. Congrats on the business!! I will definitely be checking it out soon as I have a few ideas I’ve been kicking around in my head. Poor Julia – hope she’s feeling better. Have a great week!

    Katherine recently posted: This Week in Reading: June 7
    • Thank you! I just want him home now. 3 weeks is long enough and when I saw him yesterday he was MY RYAN again. It’s so hard not having him here since me and him are, like he says, two peas in a pod πŸ™‚

      Julia is feeling much better Thank you and Thank you on the congrats I am looking forward to getting really started πŸ™‚
      Please let me know I would be so happy to help πŸ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ June
  9. Bea

    Oh, that picture of your daughter is adorable. I hope she’s feeling better. My cats snuggle with me when I’m ill, which makes me feel loved.

    I have my fingers crossed for Ryan. As much as the weight gain sucks, if the meds are helping, then go for it. As side effects go, it could be worse. I hope he’ll be home later this week.*hugs*

    Bea recently posted: Sunday Book Share #144
  10. Glad to hear that your son is coming home soon, that must be so hard. And congrats on Limabean Designs!! I’m sure it will go well, and wishing you lots of business.

    Looking forward to your BEA haul- and you got TEN! I liked that one, wasn’t perfect but it was a thrill ride.

    Cute pic! Animals like to make their humans feel better. πŸ™‚

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #94
    • Thank you! I am looking forward to doing a lot more design, I do love it.

      I got TEN because of YOU! I saw it on sale and remember your review so I had to grab it plus, as you know, I love get even so I had to grab it πŸ™‚

      Animals do make humans feel a lot better πŸ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ June
  11. I am so sorry to hear Ryan is still at the hospital! *hugs* it must be so hard to not have him home. I am hoping he will be able to come home next week.

    I am so happy Limabean designs is official now! I hope you get some new customers soon! Your designs are awesome!

    I love Minecraft, although I have the computer version, not sure how different that is. I am looking forward to your app review of it!

    And that picture of Julia with your dog and cat on the couch is adorable. So sweet of them to keep company when she wasn’t feeling well. I hope you have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #129
    • Thank you πŸ™‚ it’s not easy not having him home so I am really excited that it might be Tuesday!

      Thank you! I do too lol. I am so excited and nervous!

      We have Minecraft on the computer, xbox and ipads. The iPad is a lot different from the computer and xbox but the last update gave us a lot more to play with. It’s a lot of fun and we can finally change our skins.

      She is feeling much better a little Fluffy Friend TLC helped a lot πŸ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ June