The Sunday Post ~ It’s been about a minute ~ Week in READview! 2023

Posted September 17, 2023 by Michelle in Review, The Sunday Post, Uncategorized / 5 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Week in READview:

On & Off the Blog:

I don’t even know where to begin with what has been happening…..Lets bullet point…..

  • Work has been CRAZY, I work long hours, overtime and on the weekends. It’s just me now in the office since we can’t find anyone else that can do what I can do. The stress of it all is making me mess up more than normal. A lot of my errors aren’t even that big, they just feel big because I am my own worst critic.
  • Cheer is going pretty good, we are now in travel cheer and will be traveling to our first location at the end of November (Kentucky). My daughter is loving it and it’s a lot harder than she thought but I am so proud of who far they have come.
  • I’m moving, we finally decided to sell my house, my mom just can’t handle two houses so I am now going to be the proud owner of my own home and I am completely freaking out. Lots of drama with buying a house but we are hoping the closing will be in October or it might be November 15th. The house is cute and has potential, I do like it a lot but think I will like it better once I make it my own.
  • My house had my dads shop in the back of it and my house was also where by grandfather and dad grew up. So cleaning out everything has been very emotional. Making me miss my dad and sad that this chapter is ending. I have been at and in this house my entire life and to know on October 2nd someone else will own it is heartbreaking for me. I know I am going to be a mess when we finally move out. It’s just going to be so hard to say goodbye.

Blogging and reading has taken a back seat. All of this has been going since April. Now that I sit in the car for two hours twice a day waiting for my daughter, I might be able to get back to blogging again. Which is a total plus! Since I miss it so much. Might even get back into reading more now since I have two hours to kill.

The blog is getting a make over….well a little one, I new header has been created and new logos will be made soon. Plus we plan to change the name slightly… It will now be just “Because Reading” but “is better than real life” will be on the logo but we just plan to focus on the Because Reading part. I should have that up by next week.

Because of all the crazy, I have been so behind on my design work and that stresses me out big time but I am slowly starting to find the time even just a few hours a week to get stuff done, so I am in the process of catching up. If I owe you something I promise I will be working on it and will get it to you soon. I am hoping to get a more solid schedule with my design work once we move in since I will now have an office and a better place to work instead of the kitchen table. (super un-comfy)

Just a reminder….

Need a new feature, meme or challenge you want to start but don’t feel like making a logo?
Well…Let me do it for you! For $7 I will make you the logo you need.

I’m also available to help you UPDATE YOUR BLOG DESIGN!
 I can give you a complete redesign and fresh look!
Email me today for a quote…!


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading





About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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5 responses to “The Sunday Post ~ It’s been about a minute ~ Week in READview! 2023

  1. I was so happy to hear from you again! Sounds like your life has been very busy and stressful lately. I hope things calm down for you soon. And I hope your work will get less crazy as that sounds super tiring to work so much. Moving houses also sounds very time consuming and stressful, but I hope your new house will be great for you and your family. I hope you can find some time to read and blog more. And I am curious to see your new logo!

  2. Michelle! I’m so glad to see you and to see that all is going well. Moving is very hard and especially when there is that much emotional connection. I can’t imagine how difficult that will be but hopefully getting to make a fresh start in your very own place will be more than worth it! So proud of Julia! It’s tough to really work hard and push through. Shows a lot of determination and good work ethic. I hope you are having a great week!

  3. Thanks so much for checking in and letting us know how things are going. I’m excited for you. I love house shopping but hate moving but then love organizing and settling into the house once the moving part is complete. It’s a lot though. I have tons of boxes from my parents because my mom sold her house only 3 months after I bought the house where we live. I’ve bought 4 houses and learned a lot. Take care of yourself. We will be here.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. Wow! That is a lot! Congrats on buying a new house though! That’s got to be exciting! I’m house hunting myself but it’s so stressful with mortgage rates right now and the fact that I can’t afford anything that’s in safe neighborhoods or doesn’t need a ton of work! The other day my search popped out a cute little house on the outside but inside was a wreck! It’s definitely been a disheartening experience. I’m hoping things get better in this area next year.

    Wishing you the best of the luck with the house and the job chaos!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂