Sunday Post with Berls | So Tired!

Posted December 10, 2017 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 15 Comments


News at Home: So Tired!

So I woke up yesterday morning at 6:30 a.m. still fully dressed from Friday night. Even still had on my scarf. Never made it under the covers. I’m pretty sure my husband took off my glasses and put my book away (with a bookmark, bless him!). According to Fitbit, I fell asleep by 8 p.m.! Geez! But to be honest, I’ve felt very tired since last Saturday. I remember driving from the baby shower to the Christmas party and thinking, “If I get their early enough, I’m so taking a nap in my car.” And Friday night I got to the gym a little early, and totally did take a five minute nap! Why am I so freaking tired?!

I mean, yes. Life has been busy. I never made it to CarMax on Saturday to change our financing, so I HAD to go on Monday or else we would have lost out on the chance to save roughly $5000 in interest payments. Yeah, not missing that. Took my husband about 4 hours to comprehend that we were saving that much in the long run though, so I had to have a very exhausting, never ending argument with him (that’s how it felt at least). He finally figured it our and admitted I was right though. Duh, of course I was! πŸ˜‰

Tuesday We had a staff meeting that ran until 5:15 pm. Yeah… dismissal is over at 3:45 and I was in a staff meeting until 5:15! I had to go to insurance AGAIN because the change in financing meant I had to make a change on our insurance card. And they charged us $20 to make the change! Grrr! Why not, I’m like hemorrhaging money lately, so why not get in on it, right?

Wednesday I finally made it back to the gym after a week! Yay! It’s my late night at work though – the day I try to get copies made and planning done for the next week. I didn’t get all that done – because there was TOO much to do, but I got some done. Then the gym and home around 8:30. Which means I was gone from home for 13 hours.

Thursday started off like any other day and then WHAM! My new student threw the balance of my class of so badly I literally had the worst afternoon I’ve EVER had. I mean, like since teaching (except those first few weeks where I thought I’d cry every day). The good news is, I have some experience and knew how to deal with it. I gave up teaching for a bit – don’t fight with kids for control. 22 Kids will win every time. I also didn’t want to become a screaming monster, so I sent them to put their heads down. Oh and for impact, I told them to do that while HOLDING our classroom elf, Elfie Candy. Yep, I took away the elf’s magic. The collective gasp is funny looking back, but at the time I was just so upset. I had warned them and I’m not a teacher that makes empty threats. I keep my promises – otherwise they won’t believe anything so you’ll do. While their heads were down I went on Dojo and took points away from the 11 kids that were misbehaving (that’s exactly half the class! Half!) and wrote a note with it for their parents about their disrespectful behavior. Then I pulled each of their folders and wrote a note in it. Then I was calm enough to let my other 10 students (1 was absent) come to the carpet. I told them I was sorry they had to put their heads down, because they were not misbehaving, but I had to take care of those notes. I assured them they did not lose points and rewarded them with some GoNoodle (it’s a dance activity we do) while the others were given work to do. When the others were done with their work, we had recess and as soon as we got outside I told the class, “you know who you are if you need to sit out. Come sit.” A credit to my kids, they have learned not to try and be dishonest with me – it makes things worse. All but 1 – the new kiddo who was our problem – came and sat. I pulled the new one aside and we all got to watch the other kids play. I did reward their honesty by letting those were not the worst offenders play a little. I know there are some who are very against taking recess away from kids, but here’s the thing – when I take it away it’s because they already took their play time when they were supposed to be working. They usually still end up lay time than the kids doing what they were supposed to. So that was Thursday – I went to the gym after and KILLED It in kickboxing. What a great day to have that scheduled! LOL!

Friday was so much better. For the most part, I have great parents and the response to my notes was fantastic. They know I’m strict, but they also know I give the kids plenty of chances, make learning fun, and love the kids. So not a single parent questioned me about Thursday – instead I got apologies in folders, clearly written by the kids but required by the parents. I got apology emails detailing the way the kids were not enjoying their weekend. I received verbal apologies from almost every single child that misbehaved first thing. And yeah, they worked hard to not get in trouble again. They also were so sad to realize that Candy Elfie had disappeared. It’s like the couldn’t believe the magic had really taken her away. I hear that Santa has her in the North Pole Hospital recovering from their behavior and is going to send them a note about how much she wants to return for the good boys and girls but that he’s afraid to send her back where she might get hurt again. He’s going to be watching to see if he can trust the class with her again. πŸ™‚

Yesterday I went to the gym and to work – I was there for 4 hours πŸ™ I had so much to do, but I think next week will be good. It’s a crazy busy day today as I have to buy gifts for our school Secret Santa – we do a small gift Monday – Thursday, with a $15 gift on Friday with the reveal. I also have to buy gifts for Principal and AP, as we’re doing goodie bags for them (and their great, I really appreciate them). I want to make a treat to give my team, office staff, I-Team, custodians, etc – so I have to get stuff for that today and make it. AND we’re doing a chili cook off on Tuesday so I have to buy the stuff I’m contributing to my teams chili. AGain… that whole hemorrhaging money thing. How will I ever survive the holiday season?!

Blog News

COYER starts next weekend! Super excited but still feel I have lots to do before kick off. Have you signed up yet?

Don’t forget to sign up for our AuthorLuv Challenge and #2018HW. They are very different challenges and I love them both. I do hope you’ll join us.

This week was not stellar for visiting… sorry πŸ™ I’m trying!

#FitReaders Update

This week was bad. I went to the gym 4 days like I was supposed to, but I don’t EVEN KNOW how I did with my other goals because I have not been tracking or planning like I usually do. I didn’t plan out my meals and I didn’t track most of them. I’ve also discovered that I can eat some sweets without getting sick (always knew I would be able to) but that fear was really helping and with the holiday season here, not a great time to make that discovery… although trying a holiday sweet is how I made the discovery. So my main goal for this week is tracking – because if I’m going to let myself have a sweet, I need to make sure I’m also holding myself accountable for it. Overall, I know I haven’t done horribly because 1 – I would have gotten sick and 2 – I haven’t gained weight, I’ve maintained. But, I do know it’s a problem so I want to fix it before I let myself get into a trouble spot.

Days since surgery: 124
Total weight lost since surgery: 84 pounds
December weight loss: 1.2 pounds (not great…)

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me

Sunday Post with Berls

Sugar Free #audioreview

#2018HW Spring Semester Reading Lists

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

I just finished…

I finished Beyond the Veil and it’s definitely a series I’d like to continue! I read a cute holiday novella Ho, Ho, Hocus which I never would have found, except Michelle designed the cover. Another author for my list πŸ™‚ I listened to Mr. Match by J.A. Huss and knocked another book off my #authorluv for this year!

Reading Now…

I’m listening to Accidentally Dead by Dakota Cassidy. I’ve had this for audio review for a long time. I reading a collection of holiday stories called A Christmas to Remember. I’m still on the first story, but it’s really good!

Up Next…

I will be working on my COYER reading list – probably more Accidentals and Snowed In.

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls is just so tired. Find out why in the Sunday Post with Berls! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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15 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | So Tired!

    • Yeah, it seriously is and I am πŸ™‚ the elf made it back today actually and I’m HOPING she will make it the 2 days we have left. It feels like pulling teeth this week :/ we’re so close though!

  1. If you can lose any weight in December that’s pretty close to miracle level especially when you have as much going on as you do! I love that you took the time to explain what was going on to the kids who weren’t in trouble and reassured them that they weren’t losing points. As the parent of a child most likely to get an ulcer I really appreciate that! Hope you get to catch up on some sleep this week and that you’re able to enjoy your Christmas break! Have a great week!

  2. You had a crazy week, you would probably be that teacher I was scared of as a kid…lol. πŸ™‚ You are so right about follow through though cause if you didn’t they wouldn’t take you serious. I had a cousin who would always say when I count to three, but then never did anything and her kid would make faces and count to three behind her back cause he knew nothing would happen…lol.

    Hope this week isn’t as stressful!

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: Review of A Cajun Christmas Murder
  3. That’s how I felt too on Friday! I did change out of clothes, but I fell asleep on the couch, glasses still on, before 8. I was in a hoodie, under my baby blanket (that is actually a full-size blanket, I stole it from my parents when I was a baby), a fleece blanket, and a comforter. The Man let me sleep on the couch until 11:35 and did both the dogs’ baths and finally made me go to bed after he says I almost fell off the couch. I had late nights at school all week long. It is exhausting and draining.

    That is the perfect approach to discipline. I think removing your elf was a great move to make them work together and earn it back. As the kids get older, they are very good at holding each other accountable. I had my observation on Friday. I said “Fall silent” once and I had at least 3-6 kids reiterate it at the same time and everyone was quiet. It was great!

    I know what you mean about hemorrhaging money. I rearranged all my financials at the end of November and my CU let me skip my car and loan payment for December and I was able to pay $1700 on my two big credit cards and get the one down to a couple hundred in attempts of paying them all off. Then all the Christmas buying went on them. And I have to buy new tires in January/February – so another $800. I’m never going to get back out of debt at this rate.

    Charlie recently posted: Book Blogger Hop ~ 12.8.17
    • That’s true, I just am worried they will get out of control and keep me from reaching my goals. Time to figure out what balance looks like post-surgery I guess. πŸ™‚ hope you’re having a great week!

    • Thanks Nicole, it’s the time of year that just makes things rough :/ So far it’s behaviorally better! Hope you’re having a great week!

    • Thanks, I think I did… They’ve been doing much better. I’m hoping to give them the elf back tomorrow πŸ™‚ just a few more days! Have a great week!

    • Lol crazy week right? When does it ever stop and slow down?! Thanks, you too. Yes, let’s talk again soon πŸ™‚ {Hugs}