Week in READ-View ~ Sept 9

Posted September 9, 2013 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 4 Comments

So I wasn’t able to post last Sunday, So this week is pretty much a two week, 
Week in Read-view rap up.

Let’s begin….

WOWcan you believe that the summer is pretty much over? I feel like it went so fast and I’m kinda happy!

BECAUSE I LOVE the fall and winter 🙂

Early nights, crisp air, autumn leaves, apples, pumpkin EVERYTHING, hoodies, sweaters, scarves, hot chocolate, comfort foods, this is my favorite time of year!!!

And I have a lot of reading to do. I also have a lot of TV watching since all my shows are coming back and a few new ones. I am really looking forward to Once Upon a Time, Castle, NCIS, NCIS LA, CSI, and Dancing with the Stars. Supernatural and Vampire Diaries I still have a few to watch before the new ones start. (I’m a little behind).

I have a few NEW shows I want to watch also; Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Dracula, The Originals, Sleepy Hollow…. I hope I have enough time to sleep with all these shows LOL I tend to bail out of some and catch up on them in the off seasons on Netflix or On-demand if I don’t think I can watch them. I love sitting and watch TV but I prefer to read really.

I have so many great books to get to this Fall and Winter season. My Netgalley books are plenty and I just got a few from Spencer Hill recently and I still have quite a bit from BEA.

I am so excited about all the books I got last week. I was so excited that on Monday Morning from Netgalley I had gotten approved for a bunch of books I REALLY wanted to read…. I was shocked. Netgalley is a wonderful and dangerous place to go:

Netgalley Grabs:

  1. The Troopby Nick Cutter
  2. Dead Girls Don’t Lie by Jennifer Wolf
  3. Relativityby Cristin Bishara
  4. Sky Jumpers by Peggy Eddleman
  5. Rose by Holly Webb
  6. Skulk by Rosie Best
  7. Freak of Nature by Julia Crane 
I also requested a few books from Spencer Hill. LOVE THEM!!!

They have some awesome books coming out soon. I only requested 3

Physical Books:

  1. The Dollhouse Asylum by Mary Gray (finished 4stars)
  2. Extractedby Sherry D. Ficklin
  3. Whisper Fall by Elizabeth Langston

I also had quite a few B&N gift cards that I forgot about 
so I went ahead and downloaded a few books 🙂

Nook Books:

  1. The Strangers by Jacqueline West (finished reading 5/5 stars review to come)
  2. The Final Descent by Rick Yancey (pre-order)
  3. Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger
  4. Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay
  5. Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay

So the next couple of months I will be very busy 🙂 SO many great books so little time!!!

Oh by the way this happened!!

Yes that’s my name!!! AHHHHHH!!! I was so excited, Nikki Godwin is a sweetheart, and I really hope she does well. Her book American Girl on Saturn that I did a blog tour with Review for on Wednesday, September 3rd is a FANTASTIC book so much fun. 🙂

This week on Thursday, September 5th was the start up of a challenge I am co-hosting with Berls from Fantasy is More Fun. Sign up lasts until October 31st. The clean out your e-reader challenge is pretty much what it sounds like. All those FREE and Nearly FREE books that you got from Amazon Daily Deals and Netgalley are just sitting in your e-reader begging to be read. So now is the time to sign up and get those books read and reviewed. Once you read the book just review it and put the link to the post on the review linky that will be available on November 1st and also the rafflecopter for a chance to win a $10 gift card. The e-books must be read/reviewed between Nov 1st and Nov 31st. Click HERE to sign up and read the official rule 🙂

I decided to go back to college. After 17 years of being a Graphic Designer, I finally realized I think I should go back to learn some web design. The world now a days scare me and at anytime anyone can lose his or her jobs. I am nervous that if I lost mine I wouldn’t be able to find a job without some knowledge design for the web. SO better late then never I am going back 🙂 I am so excited about it. I had my first class, which is a one-day class on Saturday called creating a Web Page.  It pretty much teaches you basic stuff but I am so eager to learn everything I don’t feel like I learned enough. I am really looking forward to my next class in two weeks HTML & CSS. Once I learn I want to help out my fellow bloggers and offer my services in designing your pages at a reasonable price.

It felt so weird being on the campus I graduated from so long ago but I have to say I remembered where everything was and was quite proud of myself for being able to navigate so easily. I did learn a little bit of HTML but I’m still not comfortable enough to actual use it on anything.

I was able to read a few books over the Labor Day weekend up until this week.

I read The ARC of Darker Days (The Darker Agency#1) by Jus Accardo

I read an ARC of After the Fall (Broken Angel #2) by L.G. Castillo

I read The Strangers (The Books of Elsewhere #4) by Jacqueline West

I just finished The Dollhouse Asylum by Mary Gray

I am now reading a book for a blog tour

Fractured(Mirrorland #1) by Majanka Verstraete

Then I will be reading for a blog tour also

Endless by Amanda Gray
 (you need to check out the trailer for this book on Monday, OMG)

It has been a great book two weeks 
Hoping the next two are just as good as the others
It seems I’m on a roll 😉


It’s a busy week this week since my hours will change at work, Both my kids are in school now so instead of me being off Thursday and Friday I am extending my days with the same hours a week. It will be weird to be working a 4 day week but I would rather be home when they get home then be home all by myself however I will be by myself on Fridays and I’m totally looking forward to that. Will be attempting to get a large chunk of my blogging done that day so have more time to read throughout the week. I have to try it out first I am hoping it works out then at least I can be a little more organized and get you these Week in READ-views, To Be Read Posts and other posts on time. Looking to cause myself less stress (yes I know, good luck with that) 🙂

Well I hope you all have a FANTASTIC WEEK!

Until next time

Have a great week


Happy reading

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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4 responses to “Week in READ-View ~ Sept 9

  1. How cool about the American Girl on Saturn!! And I knew you said you were taking classes, but I didn't realize you meant now. How cool to be back at your old campus! Talk to you soon 🙂

    • I was so weird to walk the halls again but I was shocked at how much I remember it. Loved the classes can't wait to go back on the 21st.

      The Author is sending me a signed copy to which I plan to fame or hang around my neck LOL I almost fell off my chair when I saw my name. I was completely honored 🙂

  2. The Dollhouse Asylum and Endless's covers are really pretty! It sounds like you've been really busy and it's so awesome that you are mentioned in an Acknowledgements page!

    • The Dollhouse Asylum was a really strange book. I can't wait to write my review I don't even know how to explain what I read LOL

      You have to check out the trailer for Endless tomorrow. I can't wait to read it.

      I was so shocked about the acknowledgements! It was such a honor 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂