This feature is for short reviews, reviews of books in a series where it might feel repetitive, or (as Michelle suggested) books I was too lazy to write a “real” review for. Today’s books I read as part of the Can You Read a Series Challenge? in April 2018 (the challenge is coming again next month!). I wrote reviews on Goodreads, but since I was SUCKING at blogging back then, I never published them on the blog. So here they are! The series was formally called Super Alpha and has been renamed as Anarchy.

Narrator: Sebastian York, Anna Riordan
Series: Anarchy #1, SuperAlpha,
Published by Oh My Audiobooks on August 22, 2017
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Length: 8 hours 45 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Purchased

Everyone needs a hero.
That’s what Detective Molly Masters tells me. “What we need,” she says, “what the whole world needs,” she pleads, “is a champion.”
The only thing I want to talk about with Molly Masters is how I’d like to make her scream my name when I push her up against a wall, slide my hand up her thigh, and live out my wildest fantasies.
“Someone who will fight against injustice,” she says.
I’ll fight against anything you want, honey. Just come a little closer.
“Someone who will stand tall in the face of adversity,” she says.
I’ll do it standing, sitting, or lying down. See how easy I am?
“Someone who believes in the value of a good deed,” she says.
I believe in the value of me, sweetheart. Because I’m Lincoln Wade. Jaded genius, obscenely wealthy, capable of violence, and looking for revenge.
Molly Masters might have delusions of grandeur. She might see me as some superman capable of cleaning up the scum, filth, and corruption in Cathedral City.
But I’m not the hero she’s looking for.
I’m the dark alley where all her good intentions hide.
So be careful what you wish for, Molly Masters.
Because you’re about to get it.
Hmmm. I’m coming to a realization. While I really like JA Huss’s writing style and characters, I really prefer her romantic suspense. This is the second series of hers that I’ve started that takes the action and sci-fi angle more predominantly and I don’t love it. It’s not bad, it’s just not my favorite.
I think the thing is that, just like with her romance, Huss GOES THERE. And while I’m comfortable with it – HELL I LOVE IT – in her romances, I don’t think I’m developed enough of a Sci-Fi reader for it. It’s not my #1 genre, so I like it to stay in safe zones. And I don’t think anyone has ever described Huss as safe lol!
That being said, there’s something fairly brilliant about where this is headed, if you can handle it. I do plan to read more. I own all 3 books on audio and the narration is quite good. I need to get better connected to the characters at this point – due to their “otherness” I don’t find them particularly believable in their roles, relationships, etc. But I’m hoping they’ll grow on me, since I can see that this story line has a lot of potential and I do love Huss’s writing style in general. Plus I’m reading this series as part of Can You Read a Series in a Month Challenge? and I don’t want to fail it 😉

Narrator: Ava Erickson, Tad Branson
Series: Anarchy #2, SuperAlpha #2
Published by Podium Publishing on September 19, 2017
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Length: 8 hours16 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Purchased

Everyone wants justice.That’s what Assistant DA, Lulu Lightly, tells me. “Cathedral City needs you to set things right,” she says. “To rid this place of corruption once and for all.”I’d like to rid Lulu Lightly of her clothes. And maybe her moral superiority. But mostly her clothes.“I want you to fight the good fight with me,” she says.Hell, yeah. I’m always up for a fight.“We should stand up and be the voice of the people,” she says.Sure, I hear voices. Sometimes I even listen to them.“Figure out what’s good for the City and put it first,” she says.Oh, honey… what’s good for the City is bad for the people. Trust me, I know. I’m Case Reider—insane Alpha, nefarious inventor, and I understand this town better than anyone.Cathedral City needs me all right. Just not the way you think.I’m not the justice you’re looking for, Lulu Lightly.I’m still the same villain you left behind.Only now… there’s something very, very
with me.
I’m so glad I didn’t let my less than excited response to Anarchy Found keep me from continuing this series – Anarchy Missing was so much better! I think that the key was the characters. I like Lulu and Case SO MUCH better than Lincoln and Molly. Lincoln and Molly are ok, but their Sci-Fi aspects were a bit much for me. It kind of overwhelmed me, I guess.
But Lulu and Case are fairly normal. Lulu IS normal. She’s an Assistant DA and she’s just getting swept up into this mad world because of Case and a case (lol!) she’s assigned. Case definitely has some weird shit going on, but nothing to the extent of Lincoln and he still came across as a mainly normal guy and their relationship felt more real and authentic because of it, I think.
The plot worked a bit more for me too. I could follow it better, perhaps in part because of the characters and also because I’m more familiar with the world already. Things aren’t as shocking or confusing. I’m excited to see the full completion of their plan to take over the city and defeat prodigy, so I can’t wait to read the next book.
Side note — this book had more mention of Anarchy/Anarchists than Anarchy Found, and yet still, the mentions were quite minor. I’m not sure I get the connection and the titles of the books… I’m either missing something or I’ll get it at the end.
Oh and I’m really missing the End of Book Shit from Julie… IDK if it’s just missing from the audio or from these books completely? The narration is great though and I’m really glad I did these books in audio.

Narrator: Teddy Hamilton, Kate Russel
Series: Anarchy #3, SuperAlpha #3
Published by Oh My Audiobooks on December 05, 2017
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Length: 8 hours 3 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Purchased

Everyone wants revenge.That’s what I tell my new would-be partner in crime, Sadie Scott.“You’re crazy,” she says. “Certifiably insane.”Just a little. But isn’t everyone a little crazy?“And I’m gonna get the hell away from you as fast as I can.”She’s so cute when she’s defiant. “As soon as I get my memory back and figure out who I am.”Yeah. That little problem is definitely working in my favor. “So stay away from me, Thomas Brooks. Or I will…”She’ll what? We’re perfect for each other and she knows it. But if she needs a little more convincing… Well, there’s a friend of mine she needs to meet. He’s very convincing.Yes, Sadie Scott, you’re mine now. We were made to be together.Body, mind, and soul. We were made to be together.Just the three of us.Together. Forever.
Yep, it was just the first one in this series that didn’t do it for me. I loved Anarchy Chained. And it had some weird shit still, so there goes my theory. Lots of mind-sharing, multiple personality type stuff. But it was done in a really unique way and I really enjoyed it. It probably helps that I’ve been most intrigued by Thomas since the start, so having a book devoted to him was pretty great. And I was right to be most intrigued by him, he’s the most interesting for sure!
Sade is equally cool and fascinating. I love her power! How freakin’ cool – she’s an illusionist, which means she can trick people into thinking they’re seeing someone entirely different.
As with all of Julie’s books, there’s the steamy stuff that you can count on. There’s one point where it kind of crossed a line that I’m not sure I was comfortable with. Sade ended up liking it, so I’m more okay, but at the time it really bugged me. Made me start to question how I felt about Thomas.
The twists in the plot were really great and I love where she took the story. The ending is definitely not your typical happily ever after — I mean, in terms of romance it is a HEA. But in terms of the city in general, eh. Not sure the Alpha’s “solution” is really going to be one. But it has potential. It’s interesting, I’ll give Julie that 🙂
Overall, I really enjoyed the series. I do think I still prefer her straight romances, but in comparison to Junco, I do prefer this foray into Sci-Fi. Oh and the narration was great from beginning to end.
I haven’t read these books yet but I do love some great MC lovin’ haha I gotta check this series out.
Great reviews, Berls! This series really sounds good. 😀