5 on Friday ~ Thankful Edition! Blogging Thanks!

Posted November 10, 2017 by Michelle in Five on Friday / 9 Comments

It’s the Thankful Edition of Five on Friday. This week I am talking Blogging. I have been MIA in the blogging world lately and it stinks. I miss everything about it and I wish I could just jump back in but I am still trying to balance everything so it might take me a few more weeks to get the full balance but I couldn’t let November pass with out a few Thankful posts.

1. I am Thankful for My Blog

It’s been a rough year but I am Thankful for my blog and all it has done for me in the last 4 years. It brought me out of my shell and made me a little more confident in myself. I was able to meet some great people and read a lot of awesome books. It also helped me start a business and get myself organized. Regardless of the last few months of unbalance, my blog is something I would miss if I had to leave it. I am thankful everyday for my blog.

2. I am Thankful for my Blogging Friends

I meet some amazing people. I have so many people in blogging I am thankful for an I know I will forget some. I am thankful for Stormi, Lexxie, Brandee, Angie, Greg, Kim, Kristin, Lola, Carol, Lark, Katherine, Felicia, Lillian, Laura….and so many more. Thank you for always being so awesome, chatting books and visiting when I am a crappy blogging friend! I appreciate you all more than you know!

3. I am Thankful for the books I read

Blogging has opened my world to some amazing books and finding my blog for new genres and new authors. The worlds that I have explored and the stories I got to be a part have made things so much better when I am having a bad day or need a break from Real life. I never realized how much I loved books until I found this community. I love finding, discovering and searching new books. I read stuff I never thought I would read and actually enjoy (monster erotica) I am so Thankful for all the adventures books have allowed me to go on.

4. I am Thankful for The Blogosphere (did I spell that right?)

I never thought a community could be so welcoming and awesome. From the moment I started blogging to this point, I still love the community of bloggers. We are always discovering something new and sharing. I love chatting with other bookish people and when I always felt like I was the only person to enjoy books this much I found a world of people that do too.

5. I am Thankful for My Co-Blogger

We started COYER together and when she was about to bail out I couldn’t let her leave. Berls has become one of my best friends ever! We might be a bunch of states apart but I will always be thankful that she is my friend. We have only meet once and plan to I hope hang again in the summer 2018! I am so glad she joined me on my blog and it has been a lot of fun having her here. We both have pretty busy lives so this was something that worked awesome for both of us. I am so Thankful that she not only is now my co-blogger but also my super awesome friend! πŸ˜‰

Blogging is a big part of my life and I hope to be doing this for many more years even if a few of those years things might be a little lighter than normal. I always want a place that I can settle into and hang with friends that share the same interests.

Thanks for stopping by, I am very Thankful that you did.

Have a great day and Happy Reading!

Michelle ox

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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9 responses to “5 on Friday ~ Thankful Edition! Blogging Thanks!

  1. Aww thanks for the mention! I am always thankful to have you as blogging buddy/ friend and as my designer :).

    All of the things you listed here are great things to be thankful for and I am glad it worked out for you to have Berls as your co-blogger :).

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #256
  2. Aw we;re thankful for your blog too, and you Michelle. You’re a fab friend and always fun. And thanks for the shout out!! Likewise, my friend, likewise. πŸ™‚

    I couldn’t agree more about the blogging community – totally awesome and if I had never started blogging, and met these people, my life would be poorer for it. After my recent health scare I couldn’t believe how amazing everyone was!!!

    Greg recently posted: Riverdale When A Stranger Calls
  3. Blogging has really helped me this year, with all the stress of my health issues putting my life on hold again. It reminded me why I loved reading and reviewing and just socializing with like minded people again πŸ™‚ And it makes a wonderful outlet!

    Sarah recently posted: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
  4. *smooches* I’m thankful for you, too, Michelle! And I am so happy we have been able to meet in real life, it was so much fun.

    I know what you mean about sometimes being too busy to visit and hang out on your favorite blogs, I’ve been a bad blogger friend since school started up, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love the blogger community just as much as I used to.

    Hae a fantastic Friday, my friend! xoxo

    • We need to make plans to meet more in real life! We really should plan a trip together all of us. Meet up someplace for a couple of days and just hang out, chat and drink.

      I think life gets in the way for all of us and in blogging we have our up and down years. This year is our down year, now with Berls I am feeling like next year will be a good year for because reading! oxoxo

      • I would love to meet up more often! You do know I’m going to Denver in July next year for Book Bonanza, right? It would be great if you could come, too πŸ˜‰
        I want to see about BEA next year, too, if they still accept bloggers at all, as it seems I might be able to get a little time off that week, because teaching will be over, and I don’t have to be there every day during the exam session.

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