Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
On the Blog & Real Life:
Seriously where does the time go, this week went by so fast I didn’t even have time to think or even function properly. I am not even sure what I did after the garage sale from HELL last week Monday was like a blur, I slept most of the day at work because I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I couldn’t wait to get home to lay down even if for just 15 minutes. On Tuesday I felt a lot better and thought maybe I was coming down with something but it passed. This week we got a LOT of rain, Friday was a major Nor’Easter and we thought we were getting a hurricane on Sunday Night but thankfully it seems to have blown out to sea. I am not sure NJ could take another it like that at the shore but we still have a lot of flooding. Saturday was a lazy day and we had a wedding to go to, it was nice. Today is going to be a decorate the house kind of day and just get ready for October/Halloween. Monday is my 13th Anniversary so my husband and I plan to get a nice night out for dinner without the kids but we usually spend all dinner talking about the kids. 🙂
I am participating in the Blog Ahead but at the moment I am trying to finish a few posts for October that I thought I would have had done already but hopefully by next week I can start getting all of my Nov/Dec Posts started because I am almost done with October. I have lots of fun stuff coming up so I am think I should be finished with it all by Wednesday.
I might have to mess around with my header because I was going to make a couple of simple changes for halloween on the header I have but keeping everything the same, however, I was having a major font problem with the READING part of the header. The font is loaded but just won’t render correctly in photoshop, it happens, so I might go ahead and change it to a font that works better. I hate to change it but the READING font was the only one I really wasn’t EVER happy with, so this is a good reason to play around with it. In the mean time, I might change things up for the holidays but I haven’t decided how major I really want to go yet. I have headers made from last year so I might pop them in until I can fix the header to a font I like.
Last Week on the Blog:
- [28 Sep] ***COVER REVEAL*** Chaser by Staci Hart
- [29 Sep] Lots of Posts to do with a mix Blog Ahead ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [30 Sep] 2015 #BookishResolutions PROGRESS REPORT ~ September
- [30 Sep] #2015HW Reading Assignment REPORT CARD ~ September
- [1 Oct] Monthly Rewind ~ September
- [3 Oct] My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ October
- [4 Oct] Fast week, lots of rain and a new header soon? ~ WIR & TSP
This Week on the Blog:
- Review ~ The Misadventures of the Broilingbroke Manor
- Task It Tuesday ~ Blog Ahead Update and more tasks
- Review ~ The Shrunken Head
- Sing Your Heart Out Tour with Excerpt
- My TBR List Winner
I have a few other posts to squeeze in for October just don’t have them scheduled yet.
Read/Currently Reading/Next
Books I got this week:
Who was a good girl? This girl right here! I didn’t pick up anything this week and I am still hoping this will continue because I am so backed up with books at the moment.
Picture of the week:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
Happy anniversary! Sounds like you’ve got a lot going on. It’s great you’ve gotten a jump on your blog posts. That should allow you to feel freer during the upcoming holiday season. I wish we had rain out west. It’s dry, dry, dry, and everything looks dead. Stay dry, and have a fabulous week!
That cover for Once Upon A Zombie is cute! I was glad the hurricane veered away before it hit New England and all we got was heavy rain.
Happy Anniversary! Congrats!
YAY for no new books, I wish I could say that.
Have a good week!
Send some of that rain to California!! I am tired of this hot weather and can’t wait for it to cool down. Once Upon a Zombie looks really good and I love the cover! I love your new Funko’s! I have some at work and they always make me smile. Have a great week Michelle!
Time definitely does fly these days, Michelle, I wonder what’s up with that? At least, you can be happy – it will be Christmas sooner than you know 😉
Happy 13th anniversary tomorrow! I hope you’ll have a nice and quiet dinner, just the two of you, even if you do end up talking about the kids the whole time 😀
I need to get my act together and send you my demon post *sighs* I’ll try to get it done for Wednesday at the latest.
Your new books look great, I hope you’ll enjoy them.
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading! *hugs*
I KNOW!!!!!! I just decorated for Halloween and I can’t wait to decorate for Christmas! I LOVE christmas!!!
Thank you! We are looking forward to some time away even for a couple hours. We will be able to spend more time when we go to Chicago for BEA!
You have until the 12th to get it to me. I am very excited about those posts. I still have a lot to do for them. I can’t wait for them to go live!
I think I made up for you being a good girl…lol..you so need to rub off on me. 🙂 I am with you time is going by way to fast! I was blogging ahead pretty good but right when I need to be ahead I am failing!!!! 🙁
Have a great week!
This week went so fast I never had time to look I am sure I will break down before you know it 🙂
So am I, I totally have to finish October otherwise I will be so stuck for November/December and I hate rushing posts.
Once Upon a Zombie looks so cute! I am also doing the Blog Ahead challenge and have been working my tailfeathers off yesterday and today to get posts completed. I think I’m at the sensory overload point and need a break. Happy anniversary! I hope you enjoy your night!
I am hoping the cover does it justice and the book is good.
If I can finish my October posts that would be awesome then I can move on but I have to see how tonight goes.
Thank you! We are looking forward to the night out! 🙂
Awesome week you had! I really love those Harry Potter pop toys!
They are so cute, I haven’t collected anything in a long time but these are so fun.
Once Upon a Zombie looks cool. I am working on end of October posts and my Blog Ahead. A little back and forth..LOL Good luck!!
I can’t wait to read it, I am in love with the cover.
I should be done this week with October so then I can focus on all things Blog Ahead 🙂
Garage sales suck and when I was a kid I hated being made to “price” stuff by my mom, I hated putting those little plastic price things on. How boring LOL! Then people want to negotiate- hello people it’s already dirt cheap, and you want to haggle? LOL.
Anyway moving on. Glad the big storm missed you guys… and I hate being tired at work, when you’re falling asleep that’s the worst.
I’ve got Oct. mostly done except for a few reviews, and am starting on Nov. Which is good for me! Have a great week Michelle.
I had a couple things for $1 and they probably could have been more but some one wanted it for .50 and I was like NOPE. Sorry. LOL
It was so bad, I did get stuff done but not before nodding off a few times. Thankfully no one noticed.
I really need to get to Nov and Dec since those are all writing posts and that takes me a while to do 🙂
Good job on the not getting new books this week! I’ve slowed down but I could definitely use a couple of weeks of no books. I hate having garage sales and have sworn to never have one ever again which I’m betting you’ve done as well! They definitely don’t bring out the best in people! Good luck with playing with the banner. Hope you get it exactly as you like it! Have a great week!
The garage sale was boring and annoying and if I can help it won’t have one again! 🙂
Banning myself is best but I don’t think I am doing it on purpose just haven’t had time to really look. I have a feeling when I do I will be in BIG trouble LOL
I just now need to find a new font, that is the hardest part!
I’m so damn sick of the rain! We might not see any sun until Tues. Grrrr! I wish I had monies to hire you for some graphics. I’m getting the itch to change some things up. Some day, some day…:) My October calendar is almost complete and I’ve been kinda working on Nov. I got nothin’ for Dec yet. I’ll be working on those in Nov. If I’m really smokin’ I’ll start on them by the end of this month. *fingers crossed* 😀 Have a great week Michelle!
The rain finally let up here and the sun is actually out but it’s very windy. The hurricane is suppose to pass us tonight so I think it will get more windy as the day goes on.
I am almost done with all my October but I realized I have 5 posts I wanted to do and have no room to fit them. I like one post a day but I might have to make an exception this time because I really want to get them in.
I have stuff planned for Nov and Dec just need to get moving because the December posts will take me a while to do.
Sounds like that garage sale tired you out, I do hope you had a great garage sale! That’s good news the hurricane didn’t blew past where you live, they sound scary! I am glad we don’t get hurricanes in the Netherlands. We had some nice autumn weather here this week, but no rain luckily.
Have fun decorating your house for halloween! I have seen a few houses online who do that, but here in the netherlands halloween isn’t as popular yet, I have a feeling in a few more years it might be though. I am already glad we can buy pumpkins in our local supermarkt now. I am going to make a risotto with pumpkin this week.
I am still working on my october posts as well, I got two more october reviews written and only one post for November. I still have a nice buffer already for the next months, but I am still hoping to write a few more posts this month. Oh that sounds weird the Reading font doesn’t work, but changing it up a bit can be fun too. You did better with acquiring new books than I did this week, I got lots of new books, oops. I hope you have a great week!
The last hurricane we had really did a number on the shore area of Jersey so I am glad this passed by. My parents had no power for 2 weeks. Everything was a mess so I am very happy this passed by with no landfall.
We decorate the inside of the house since we live on the second floor but I want to get fun light up stuff to put in the windows that is always fun to see from the street.
I hope you are posting the Risotto with Pumpkin recipe because I have been looking for one that is good.
I am almost done with October and I set up the Template for A Monster and a Book so I just need everyones text to pop in. November and December I need to get to soon because they are big writing posts and they take me longer. Hoping to finish most of October today.