Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
On the Blog & Real Life:
Well if you don’t see me around commenting today it’s because I am in GARAGE SALE HELL!!! Yes, I did what I HATE with a passion, I would rather be trampled by a thousand elephants than run a garage sale. I usually just pack it up and ship it off to the VVA (Veterans) but the girl downstairs asked if I wanted to do it and I heard myself say Yes before I had a chance to stop me. So at this moment I am probably sitting in my driveway very grumpy waiting for the mass to come and try to make me sell stuff for .50¢. Dear Garage Sale People, THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS! If I am going to sit outside for 8 hours I am not going to sell you a nice set of dishes for $1. Sorry not going to happen. See how grumpy I get when I do a garage sale? Lets talk about something else….
This week I spend a lot of time organizing my calendar and popping into my google calendar the posts that I need to get done for October. I am writing this on Friday (Garage Sale Hell is Sat and Sun, Kill me) so I have gotten a good amount done but GOOD GRAVY I have a lot going on in October, however, I am really excited about it. I was able to get a few of my COYER Peeps to help me out so the last 2 weeks of October I have fun Guest Post planned. I can’t wait for you all to see it. If you want to participate and you are in COYER check out my post in the group. I have a few more days open. I also have a bunch of scary App Reviews and hoping to put together a few Top Tens. I know this sounds like a lot to do less than a week but I am in a good bloggy mood and really looking forward to getting my butt back into posting all the good stuff that has been missing and sporadic since the beginning of the year.
I was in a bit of a reading slump this week, not really a slump I guess more of a… I read a book that was ok so when I went to the next book I realized I wasn’t in the mood to read it. So I moved on to another book and think this one is ok too. I do have two books I REALLY want to read so I am hoping that helps. I will say with the garage sale from hell it will give me time to read, maybe I can make it a little read-a-thon for myself 🙂
Last Week on the Blog:
- [21 Sep] APP #Reviews ~ My PlayHome
- [23 Sep] It’s Task It Tuesday on Wednesday!
- [25 Sep] Blog Ahead Goal Post #BlogAhead2015
- [26 Sep] Not a real Review for My TBR Book
- [27 Sep] Someone save me I’m in HELL! ~ WIR & TSP
This Week on the Blog:
- Task It Tuesday ~ Lots of Posts to do
- Bookish Resolutions Progress Report
- 2105HW Report
- Monthly Rewind
- My TBR List…Let’s Vote
Read/Currently Reading/Next
Books I got this week:
I am so behind I have avoided everything. Going to try very hard to keep this up until the end of the year but I am not promising it will happen. 🙂
Picture of the week:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I hope Garage Sale Hell wasn’t too hellish, Michelle. I did get a laugh out of it! *ha* I’m pretty grumpy about them too. When I lived in the suburbs, I had a friend who would take all our crap and to the garage sale for me. That was nice. 🙂 We don’t have garage sales in the mountains. Anywho, I hope your week is going well so far!
We don’t have garage sales here but at the equivalent (car boot sales) you can guarantee that if you’ve marked something up at 50p someone will want it for 25p. People are so greedy and cheap! I hate them, but I do like to browse when I have some pennies. Hope it went well!
We had one garage sale and I said I would never have another one again! It is so much work and having to deal with everyone asking for a bargain is irritating. I hope your weekend wasn’t too bad.
You have my full sympathy on garage sale hell. We did one a number of years ago and it definitely made me hate everything and everyone. I tried selling stuff on ebay after that and it wasn’t much better. Now I just donate and all is better.
Hopefully once the garage sale is done . I’ve hit spells of meh books and it is hard to break out of the pattern. Hope this week is great!
My feet hurts so bad from standing all day and I do hate everyone right now lol
I found a really cool Facebook Swap/Garage Sale group for in the area and I sold 2 things from it so I might just do that from now on. It worked out great.
The sale was good, hoping to break the slump tonight when I settle in bed to read a little.
Oh I feel for you…I hate putting on garage sales…they are so boring and people think everything should be .50….lol. Wish I could say I stayed away from everything but I didn’t…lol.
OMG the people were so annoying. They really don’t understand you are selling it to make money not give it away.
Garage sale is not something we have at all in Scotland, what people do here is pack up everything in the back of their cars and drive to a field full of other cars and sell their stuff from the boot (trunk).
Hope you survive it!!
That sounds like more fun than what we did 🙂 we actually do that for Halloween. We decorate our trunks and the kids trick or treat to each persons car. It’s run by the schools and it’s a lot of fun for the kids.
I don’t do garage sales. I donate stuff instead. lol Here’s hoping you got a Garage Sale Read-A-Thon going on *and* made some extra cash for books. *thumbs up*
I usually donate stuff but since the girl was having one I figured why not. I made a little money but the rest will be given away this week. It’s all boxed and bagged and ready to go.
I didn’t read anything, I am still in a non reading mood I am hoping tonight when everyone else is sleeping I will be able to read a little before bed.
Oh, wow, I\’ve been considering a garage sale, but I, too, hate running them! I have to have someone help…the last time I did it, I had my son and DIL….and was so frustrated at how little I got.My granddaughter says I should put my stuff on e-bay, and that she\’ll help me. She doesn\’t want to do the garage sale either!Good luck, and enjoy your week.
And I am frustrated that your blog won’t take my URLs! My post is on Rainy Days and Mondays.
They are just awful but I found a Swap/Garage Sale group on Fb that helped me sell a few things to people in the area.
You don’t need your URL in the post when you put your website address in the little box it automatically will give me the next post on your blog. I think one of my anti spam features blog URLs because I get lots of spam.
I have not done a garage or yard sale in years but oy, they are a ton of work. Good luck and drink lots of coffee! After the sale is over, switch to wine. 😀
Reading slumps, blergh. Maybe pick a random title? Try a genre or author that you haven’t read in a while? Or take a mini-break from reading? Whatever you do, try not to stress about it.
Have a good week!
I haven’t either, I forgot how exhausting it is but the people are still as annoying.
I did take a little break this weekend. I will start reading it for real tonight. It’s so weird I usually can’t stop reading and I just seem to be feeling like a need a break from it 🙂
I am strange and I actually love running garage sales – I don’t know why, since there is no actual logical explanation for this. 🙂
Next garage sale that I decided to do you can run it for me 🙂
LOL I feel for ya. I wouldn’t want to sit out there either- hope it went well?
October looks fun with all the stuff going on in the blogosphere. I look forward to seeing what you have for Oct…
Hope the garage sale doesn’t suck too bad. Happy reading! 🙂
It went ok, exhausting but ok! Remind me not to do it again!
I am excited about October 🙂 I need to get my butt moving and get it all down, thank goodness most is already drafted.
Garage sales don’t happen here often as far as I know, I’ve never done one or went to one. Here if you want to sell your old stuff you can so on the Queen/ King’s birthday. I hope you’ll survive the garage sale and actually sell some things for a nice price.
I got a nice chunk of my october posts done already and got my normal Lola’s Rambligns posts scheduled till the end of the year, I only have a few extra’s I want to write for the end of the year that need to be done. And I really need to start writing some more Lola’s Kitchen posts soon. I really like the idea of the guest posts on your blog in october and am looking forward to everyone’s post!
I hope you get out of your reading slump soon! I had two 2 star books in a row that really bothered me, but just finished a 4 star read so that made me happy again. It can help to read a book you really want to. Hope you have a great week and good luck with the gragae sale!
It’s like Garage Sale season now. I HATE them and usually donate all my stuff but I figured why not see if anyone will buy stuff and then whatever is left we donated. I didn’t do to bad but I am exhausted.
I have a lot to still do for October so I am hoping the next 3 days will be nice and productive or I will have to do a few in October which isn’t to bad since most of them are already drafted for October
It’s a bad slump didn’t get to read a lot today but the book I am reading looks really good. I am actually ahead in reading so a couple days of no reading isn’t to bad.