I am honored to have on my blog today
Brenda Hiatt
and her book Starfall
About the Author
Brenda Hiatt is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of twenty novels (so far), including traditional Regency romance, time travel romance, historical romance, and humorous mystery. She is as excited about her new young adult science fiction STARSTRUCK series as she’s ever been about any of her books. In addition to writing, Brenda is passionate about embracing life to the fullest, to include scuba diving, Taekwondo, hiking, traveling, and reading, of course! For the past dozen years, Brenda has collected data on writers’ earnings, which she shares at her website
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I’ve had a great time sharing things about myself and my Starstruck series here over the past few weeks! Today is my last post, highlighting STARFALL, the fourth and final book in the series, so I thought I’d talk a bit about how the whole series came to be…
Back when I was in third grade (or thereabouts), a girl in my class used to tell us all that she was really a Martian princess. She was ADAMANT about it, and even though we made fun of her (as kids will) and tried all kinds of things to convince or trick her into admitting she was making it up, she stuck to her story—probably for at least a month, though of course I remember it as much longer now. I forgot all about her and her story until a few years ago, when something brought it to mind. At that point, my writer-brain suddenly whispered, “What if she was telling the truth? What if she really WAS a Martian princess?” And thus, the idea for STARSTRUCK was born.
By the time I finished the book (which took me over a year, since it was my first foray into writing for the young adult market after more than a dozen historical romances, and because I was so very determined to get it “right”), I realized I had a series on my hands, not just one book. I really, truly expected it to be a trilogy, but by the time I was halfway into the writing of STARBOUND, the third book, it became obvious that M and Rigel’s story couldn’t possibly be wrapped up without turning it into a mammoth tome! And so…STARFALL happened. As a result, STARBOUND does end on a bit of a cliffhanger, though I was careful to resolve the MAIN story question by the end. I hope those who’ve taken the time to read the first three books will find STARFALL to be a satisfying conclusion to the series. (I can say that early reports from my beta-readers and my editor have been overwhelmingly positive!)
STARFALL is currently up for pre-order at a special price of $2.99 (which will go up to $5.99 after it releases February 24th). Oh, and STARSTRUCK, the first book of the series, is currently FREE!
About the Book
by Brenda Hiatt
The electrifying conclusion to the Starstruck series!
M, no longer a nerdy nobody, has finally been acclaimed Sovereign Emileia, ruler of the Martian colony Nuath. But at what cost? Without her soulmate Rigel, life seems pointless but she’s expected to shake off her heartbreak and assume her responsibilities. Reluctantly, M does what she must until an unexpected discovery restores a glimmer of hope for the future. Now she is determined to do whatever she can to salvage her longed-for happy ending—if it’s not already too late.
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Series website:
I’ve written the whole Starstruck series to a writing playlist that’s mostly Muse songs, but also a smattering of others (to include Katy Perry’s “E.T.”) Muse’s “The Resistance” album has been especially inspirational and appropriate for this series. In fact, I can name a specific Muse “theme song” from this album for each of the four books in the series!
For STARSTRUCK (book 1): “Uprising”
For STARCROSSED (book 2): “Resistance”
For STARBOUND (book 3): “Exogenesis Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)”
and for STARFALL (book 4): “Exogenesis Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)”
Once you’ve read the whole series, listen to these songs and see if you don’t agree!

Thank you for stopping by my blog today to check out this amazing author and her book!
Hope you all have a great day and Happy Reading
If you are interested in being a part of the Author’s Spotlight ~ Please check out all the details HERE
This sounds like an interesting series! It’s nice to read about the history of how this book came together.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stoping by, Myra! I love this series to pieces (and won’t rule out a possible spin-off series in the future, just because I’m going to miss those characters & their world so much!) It’s been great sharing it with everyone here!